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Ashe C2 Episode 52 - Team Copenhaus Aftermath

Previously On Liters of Tomorrow...
With Vernabogge dispatched the team met with Mausim's sister Cat and her resistance team to prepare for what was next. The news of the warlords absence would travel quickly but that still left several hours before the city would most likely erupt into chaos. A perfect time to continue the plan to free their father in the Aaronola Gulag.
You all went over your options and decided on a quiet infiltration of the prison from the roof. Utilizing several of the townsfolk to organize a protest outside of the prison, you used the distraction to climb onto the roof. Three guards and one of the griffon mounts were posted there as sentries. Catching them Staring out over the growing crowd Nuth approached and attempted to assert his authority as an investigator of Stoneport to get their attention. Underestimating the speed of one of the guards Nuth found himself disarmed and in a headlock almost immediately.
The rest of the team leapt into action but not before attempting some diplomacy and intimidation. One of the guards found the argument compelling and attempted to defuse the situation, the other two and the griffon, however, decided to attack. Nuth cast a tidal wave on the combatants knocking them all to the ground and Demaia and Finn took on the griffon. Mausim determined the griffon was being controlled by a collar around it's neck and directed Finn to destroy it. With the device gone the Griffon grew much more docile and confused.
Taking the guards prisoner you placed them in front of you as you descended into the prison. The third floor prison did indeed hold Mausim's father as well as 30 other political prisoners. The Guards on this floor were also pliable to a good argument and a bag of gold. The small army grew as you all took the second floor and released the prisoners there. Warned that the leader of the prison would not be so easily bribed, Nuth used a powerful illusion spell to create Vernabogge himself.
The image of Vernabogge ordered the Bugbear man and his remaining loyal guards to pack up and leave the city for an assault on Warshaw. The performance was convincing enough to get the remaining guards to leave the area. In one last theatrical flair Nuth took the Vernabogge illusory puppet outside and in front of the crowd. With a performative flourish he battle the image and
Punching himself in the face to get some blood on the side of his lip, Nuth flung himself out of the door as if thrown by Vernabogge.  Bloodied and battered he Staggers up. In front of him Vernabogge victoriously walks outside in front of the crowd and says "NUTH, you will never be as strong as me, you are VERMIN", he turns and raises his mighty fists to finish off Nuth. With lightning speed Nuth slides underneath him between his legs and raises to slash the back of his knees. As the great tyrant goes down on his knees in one swift motion Nuth swings jis blade through his thick demon neck and watches as his head flies to the ground and the body collapses and fades to dust" the crowd goes wild!

Plot points/Scenes

Nuth the conquering Hero
The mob of people rushes towards you as you get up from your little illusory play act. Dozens of people ring around you touching your shoulders and thanking you for all you have done.
Candor's Books & Folios:
In the Fishery Dome there is an old book store, run by a former professor of Vellen University. Yovotan Candor is a dwarven man who has studied history all of his life. If the players need information on the Dark One or the Fallen he is an excellent resource. He can describe to them how a phylactery may be made for the fallen that draws on the dark one's power and gives them immortality and abilities. Hundreds of souls would have been consumed creating these. They would be important and hidden by the Fallen.
Escaping the Keyed Force bubble that extends around the city.
Candor says that a totem created of enough shard rock and imbued with the Dispel magic spell would have a chance of creating an opening that would last long enough for the players to pass through.
Finding the Key
Start Here: In the grand meeting room of the Aaronola Embassy, the freed prisoners have set everything to right. The dirty trappings of the bugbear redeye and his prison guard force have been removed and the previous furnishings are returned to their proper place. Some of the local city population have begun to transform the building from a prison back to an inviting office building. You all sit around an oval table with some of the previous prisoners who you now learn were some of the most influential people in the city.
Cat and Baramus sit next to each other, Cat places a warm blanket on the shoulders of her father who seems to have a nasty head cold. Warm tea and coffee is placed before you all on trays. An older man approaching seventy sits across from you with a full white beard and a thin head of hair. He is introduced as Baron Anton Hebrides Nuxhall. To your right is a gnarled dwarven man with long grey hair and a bushy beard. This is Yovotan Candor, a book shop owner and historian. To your left is a human woman in her sixties who despite her torn clothing and uncombed hair holds a presence of authority and austerity. She is introduced to you as Kavina Odo, a minister of finance.  From behind you walks in a half elven man with long red hair and a red beard.  Finn you and Mausim recognize him as Vertagon Al'Reshi the brass dragon you met several months ago. 
Baramus begins the meeting by drinking some tea and saying "What you all have done is quite wonderful and astounding and I want to thank you on behalf of the entire city. I wish we could all rest for the next week and celebrate but unfortunately the city is still in quite a bad way. Many of Vernabogge's deadliest enforcers remain. I'm calling this meeting to discuss some of our next steps. Cat has informed me of some of your recent travels and I believe Yovotan here may be able to help you with some information. I would also like to take the first steps on determining the future of the city. I'm not asking that you take the time to do that, but I would appreciate your advice considering what you've done for us."
"Let's start with our immediate next steps, I'll let Yovotan ask some questions on what you all have experienced over the last few months."
If the players describe their experience in Allesandre Manor and the strange room with the painting, Candor would piece together a hypothetical that could help. He asks them if they had seen a keyhole underneath the painting, a depression or an opening. He says a key may be placed there and disable the shield placed over the painting. That's it! the painting itself is his phylactery! The thin tiefling man is Vernabogge. He easily finds a book that describes the Allesandre family going back to the second age and finds Victor in a family tree.
The wrinkled dwarven man puts on some half spectacles and looks at all of you with a notepad and a quill in hand. "Oh yes, please, I'm very interested in how you knew to attack Vernabogge head on. Our guard forces were devastated when they tried such a tactic."
"Cat tells me that you all have dealt with these Fallen before. My records say they all vanished over 1500 years ago. I daresay I had assumed they were myth. You're telling me Lord Vedemire Darkhorse is real, and that you defeated him?"
"Tell me more about this underground manor that you found. It leads me to a hypothesis that I have had for years, the Ashen Forest used to be an entire region of cities and towns before it was razed during the wars of the second age. The Ashen forest literally grew on top of it. This structure would be over three thousand years old, what was it like?"
"Mausim, you and Finn experienced some kind of magical wave when you entered the city, what was that experience like?"
"You say you experienced something similar before? When you entered the underground manor?"


As the city of Copenhaus falls into chaos two of Vernabogge's lieutenants try to sieze power and the Manor House of the Nuxhall's.
A Goliath man named Ragvan Hightower and a psychotic serial killer called Insolent Howl see this as a perfect opportunity for murder and mayhem.
    Future of Copenhaus: The team needs to decide the future of Copenhaus. Reinstall Baron Nuxhall as ruler and bring in the Navy of Penthos as security. OR let Copenhaus choose it’s own destiny going forward free of the Five Families, but risk their security and defend themselves with the Griffon Air Corps and their own forces. Mausim’s Father has diplomatic experience or one of the other prisoners in his cell is Kavina Odo a human woman in her sixties who used to be a minister.
  The team will need to speak with Yovotan Candor and learn about the key.
Cat, Baramus, and Jugwell will try to gain control of the aerie, the Griffon Corps base of operations. They will get help from Citrine Wagtail in removing the control collars from the griffons.
  Lastly the team needs to deactivate the magical force shield that is preventing Mausim and Finn from leaving the city.
  If we are starting with just Nuth and Finn let's attack with Insolent Howl right away maybe as they travel to help with the griffon corp
  Need to decide What's Next: Kill Vernabogge permanently by destroying his phylactery (The Painting)
The Search for Cog: Need another Exatron Saul encounter. Meet with Sava Cogso



the Key to Vernabogge's phylactery.

Need to decide What's Next:
Kill Vernabogge permanently by destroying his phylactery (The Painting)
The Search for Cog: Need another Exatron Saul encounter. Meet with Sava Cogson again. Add in Reva Ragnash to Copenhaus to speed this along. It's time to explain what he is really up to. He shows Finn the Raven's Slumber crystal. If possible attempt to trap Finn inside briefly with a wisdom saving throw DC 18.
Rega explains that Adventure Team Grimm trapped him inside this device for months and treated him like an animal. He has dedicated his life to revenge and with this improved Raven's Slumber he can trap all of them inside and throw it into the astral sea.
The new crystal is attuned to Rega only, if that attunement is broken the crystal is set to teleport into the astral plane, forever. That means when rega dies either violently or old age, adventure team grimm will be trapped forever in the crystal floating through Astral space. A fitting punishment.
  Future use, possibly developed by Exatron Saul and Ghora's Mask:
Super Adaptoid Golem: Learns damage types. First two types of one damage hurts the golem but then it adapts and is immune to that damage type from then on.  Exatron Saul and the Ghora's Mask will ambush the team as they travel back to Allesandre Manor.  The golem will be unleashed and Saul and his compatriots will attack from on high.  Find a tower map or something for Saul to stand on.


Nuxhall Manor

Inside the manor lay all manner of dangers.  Three of Vernabogge's dangerous lieutenants are left, Insolent Howl, Hightower, and a Mindflayer called Virulent Whispers.  He employs intellect devourers and strange orbs that patrol the halls.  These orbs can see normally and invisible creatures.  They also can attack with extending blades that impale on the skull.  A drill then extends into the skull and extracts brain and blood with suction.  
First Floor :  Several guards patrol the first floor as well as Hightower, the Goliath captain.   
Foyer - A massive entryway with polished wood floors.   It looks like a rustic hotel lobby complete with two sitting areas set with comfortable red and purple chairs and fine circular wooden tables.  It is patrolled by two regular fighter guards.  (Rutelic Jones and Yusuf Trey.)
Dining Room and Kitchen - Moving clockwise the wide stone hallways lead to another sitting area and into the everyday use dining room.  North of that is the kitchen, a tall ceiling and white and grey marble give it a bright inviting modern look.  The dining room sits eight and was often used by the Baron and his wife to go over the days events with their assistants.  
the stone hallways lead north to cozy living room with a wide navy blue plush rug.  A wide fireplace and a small kitchenette that abuts the main kitchen.  Food and cocktails easily pass through an opening and are placed on a stone counter. 
Storage Closet - North of that in the left corner is the storage closet.  Dozens of casks of wine and ale lay stacked here.  Wood for the many fireplaces is stacked against the wall and many crates of supplies.  
The Study - Cherrywood floors and oak wood paneling on the walls.  The southern room is your classic study with tall bookshelves and sturdy high backed leather chairs.  The northern section has a large fireplace and a comfortable bed, in case the baron fell asleep reading.  
Center Foyer and sauna room - In the center of the map is the large foyer with the large stone staircases on either side.  The floor is a white marble with a long stone planter running up the middle.  The planter is 25 feet long and holds exotic ferns, palm trees, and other hard to obtain plants from the continent of Ventenheim. 
The Sauna is a classic wood paneled room with three large tubs recessed into the floor.  A center brazier holds heated coals that are magically scented with Lavender and Juniper.  A stone dial in the brazier allows the user to set the heat and humidity levels. 
Gaming rooms - the rooms on the upper right are a series of gaming rooms.  They hold poker tables, billiards, darts, and some smaller roulette wheels and craps tables.  They are all well lit with bright magical lights and brightly colored rugs that are decorated with poker chips and playing card symbols.   They go from green, to blue to red depending on what room you are in.
In Ground Pool - the aqua room is the pool.  It has an inviting blue green color emitted from underwater lights.  The water is kept at a pleasant 78 degrees.  The area around the pool is a warm granite replete with rattan deck chairs and small tables for holding drinks.   
Temple to Corsun - Though not particularly religious the Nuxhalls always try to hold favor with the sun god Corsun.  
Living Room - This comfortable couch filled room is perfect for reading a book or speaking with guests. 
Nuxhall bar and grill - the main area of entertaining is the fully stocked bar and dance floor.  The large circular room is the crown jewel of the house.  The Nuxhall's often hold lavish parties here. 
Parlor - This large sitting room has a wide square table in the center surrounded by blue gray couches.  A massive marble fireplace is on the nothern wall.

Rising Action

Second Floor - Moving Clockwise [Reminder this is where Insolent Howl begins her hunt.  As the team enters the second floor she will try to use her dissonant whispers as she hides amongst the rooms.  If the team locates her she will attack, but try to give her at least one sneak attack assassination.]
Upper porch open air - This large beautiful porch overlooks the ocean many hundreds of feet below.  Fourteen large columns give it a greek revivalist style and it's intricate teak herringbone cut flooring keeps it inviting.  
Guest bedroom 01 and breakfast nook - The first bedroom on the left is decorated in several shades of blue.  It has an attached breakfast nook with a setting for four. [Insolent Howl has moved in here.  She keeps many trophies of her victims on display.  Some options are a woman's hand with a massive diamond ring floating in a jar.  A man's shirt stained with blood.  A silk kerchief wrapped around a man's penis.  A queen's guard helmet from the Kingdom of Crossing sun and stars fit for a tabaxi.]
Upper study - The bedroom abuts an office with a massive rug that has the symbol of House Nuxhall.  The western window overlooks the garden pond below.
Servants bedroom - a plainly furnished room with two single beds is found on the western wall.  The door is molded to look like the walls themselves so that the servants appear from almost nowhere. 
Guest bedroom 02 - This bedroom is decorated in several shades of Yellow.
Upstairs dining room - Another eating area that can seat 10.  
Children's bedroom - A series of single beds in a brightly colored room.  The walls are painted with magical monsters in a cartoonish style. 
Center foray overlooking the first floor - In the center of the second floor is a massive room with ceiling height of 20 feet.  Several skylights let in natural light and the ceiling itself is inset with magical lights that mimic the night sky when the sun goes down.
[Doing a tight patrol is a metal sphere that slowly completes a circuit around the room.  DC 13 Perception check followed by a stealth check to avoid.  The room also holds three intellect devourers that will sense the presence of any who enter. 
Detect Sentience. The intellect devourer can sense the presence and location of any creature within 300 feet of it that has an Intelligence of 3 or higher, regardless of interposing barriers, unless the creature is protected by a mind blank spell.]
  Nightowl Office - yet another office extending off of the master bedroom.  It has it's own fireplace and a large mahoghany desk wit a light blue leather office chair.  [Here vernabogge has hidden his most important relics.  A marble bust of a Tiefling man has an inset metal seal that bears the insignia of House Allesandre. The metal seal is about six inches long and is shaped like a rectangle with rounded edges on the right side.  The bust is of an older Tiefling man with tight chin beard. His father.]
Master Bedroom - the main bedroom of the Baron and his wife.  It has a bearskin rug and all the furnishings they need including washroom.  [Vernabogge has taken over these rooms.  Two Succubi await his return in the bed.  They will polymorph into attactive human women and attempt to charm any who enter.  DC 15 Wisdom saving throw.  If they fail they will attack with claws and draining kiss.]
Trophy room - The baron's trophy room has many taxidermied heads from his many hunting excursions. 
Diplomatic study - A separate staircase leads up to this very official looking room.  It holds a large square office table and seating for nine.  The baron would often hold meetings here with his staff and visiting officials. 
Ballroom - the circular room above the bar and grill is the opulent ball room.  It can hold up to 60 guests for music and dancing.[Now this area of the house has become the Illithid's room of torture and horror.  Instead of the gaming tables and barrels of wine it now has glass jars of disembodied brains.  Some of which are in the process of transforming into Intellect Devourers.  In several of the corners there are people strapped to leather chairs.  All in different states of torture.  The worst have their scalps pinned open and the bone of their skulls polished and prepped.] 
Completion Date
Plot type
Main Story
Related Characters
Related Locations


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