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Ashe C2 Episode 76 - The Prometheus is challenged.

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow...
Riding the airship Prometheus over the great city of Serpico you watched as the great demon rose from the sea. Standing over 360 feet tall the great monster stepped onto the docks and toppled several buildings. It then opened it's mouth and fired a devastating beam down upon the city. It roared in triumph, the final plan of the Abyssal Knife literally in motion.
You met up with Corben, Wes, Truffle, Faulkner and Kavax to help them summon the great Forest Spirit Oppapan.  The two massive Kaiju fought it out over the streets of Serpico. 
The forest spirit required two people to guide it at any time so you took turns in the armor. From the ground below panicked city folk saw the great spirit rush forward and grapple the monster. It fired strange spells and used it's great strength stop the demon from doing more damage. With the great battle raging the rest of the city was still in plently of danger.
Using the airship as a central hub for the control of Oppapan, the rest of the team could move about the city to put out fires and help civilians. Cultists of the Abyssal Knife and Abishai demons attacked any who were vulnerable.
Rushing about alleyways and rooftops you struck down these evil foes and rescued dozens of townsfolk. Above the titanic battle raged on. The two great beasts circled each other and traded blows. At one point the morning sky went dark as the great demon absorbed light and power from all over the city, even the lifeforces of those on the ground. Oppapan was diminshed and vanished, all seemed lost. The two druids, Kavax and Truffle, reformed the armor once more and the forest spirit flared back to life. Using the talents of both teams new attacks were levied against the evil dreadnought.
With the clouds and darkness clearing in the sky above the massive fists of Oppapan came down on the great demon's head and toppled it. A mighty earthquake shook the city as the body of the demon fell onto hundreds of buildings below destroying the southern half of the city. Despite the catastrophic damage and loss of life, you all had saved the rest of the city and possibly the entire continent.
Truffle remembered that the leader of the Abyssal Knife, a Beholder in the sewers, was blinded by her contagion spell and vulnerable.  You ventured into the sewers to take the fight to the creature.  Guided by the strange man Kurt Loder underneath the city he led you astray several times. 
When you finally faced the blinded beholder, Kurt attacked Nuth instead.  Revealing himself to be a Beholderkin, a creature dreamt up by the Beholder himself.  After a pitched battle against the two, with several of the team wounded and unconcscious Nuth and Truffle stood alone.  With the last of their spells they felled the Beholder with fire and it burned into small cinders.

Plot points/Scenes

Charting a New Course

After recovering from the last couple of days you found a crowded but functional tavern in the North of Serpico. The Chimerae's Consent is a popular tavern for wealthy business men and those with noble lineage. Now though it is stuffed with all manner of refugee's and any who haven't fled the city. You came in late last night and found beds waiting for you. The owner was aware of your deeds earlier and had kept a room open in anticipation.
As you get up in the morning and sit down for some meager fare and some small biers you see that the busy common room is on edge. The regular clientele is irate that they Inn is overflowing with rabble from the southern end of the city. Noblemen and women as well as ETC officers complain loudly to the overworked owner that inn should not let in just anyone even in an emergency. Tradesmen and lower born families look for any corner to sleep for a few hours and find out what is going to happen to the city. None of this helped by the bright summer sun rising from the sea and blasting the half ruined city with heat and humidity. As the morning wears on the temperature already hits 80F/26.7C degrees.
Chimerae’s Consent - Rouchestershire Ward
Popular with the officers of the Rodrigues Hortalez Trading Company. On any given night you will see well dressed officers and their servants. They tend to wear a lot of dark blue suits with teal piping.
The owner is a half elven man named Ristle Evylin. The bartender is usually a human woman named Gillie Variss.
She grew up in town and is up on the scuttlebutt.
The team sits around a rectangular table near the back of the common room. You begin to go over your current missions and what to do next.
SEE C2 Upcoming Second Half of 24
Main Story Current Missions
DM Note: When they leave Serpico aboard the Prometheus at some point they will be boarded by a group of elven warriors claiming to be Lancers of House Lysander. With Mike not joining us he can be captured or rendered unconscious.
House Lysander aims to take the airship. With their pilot ignoring their messages they hear tell of the airship in Ventenheim and assume the party and the pilot are on the run. They get together a war party to take the airship and put Halo on trial. The elves of Hala would call it an Armed Consular Mission.
Their leader is a massive Namor sized elf called Craetaga Nava. He is from a smaller house that is a vassal of House Thelypteris.
He and his team will be equipped with the Fly spell and feather fall to attack the airship
    Exatron Saul promised House Lysander the air ship and the plans to build more in exchange for the storm elemental and the trained pilot with the bond. He of course knew he was leaving the planet with the war forged prisoners and wouldn’t have to deal with any of this.
    Nava knows none of this and will demand that the air ship be released into his custody. He is more imperious than most elves and looks at humans and other races as inferior.
Halo will be rather surprised to see him in the Commander’s armor. Last time he saw him he was a Corporal with anger management issues.
Any elf that shows too much emotion is usually shuttled to the sidelines of the command structure.
Now Nava has the backing of Rakovonarr himself. Rakovonarr has implanted the elven man with a subdermal worm that affects his mind and allows him to be tracked.
    Combat tips: The Lysander Lancers are all well trained bannermen who use elven poisons to slow their enemies. They also use trips and ripostes to try to knock their enemies prone. Nava uses a bone breaking move to cause more serious damage.  
  • Craetaga Nava - Commander
  • Bretea Spirus - Lieutenant
  • Caphus Intricata - Lt. envoy class
  • Nolte Phyra - Lancer First Class
  • Lithan Trazeus - Lancer second Class
  • Galen Relloca - Lancer Second Class
  • Naras Corphus - Lancer Second Class
  If the discussions turn into combat and the Lancers are losing it is possible that Rakovonarr may send in a Shadow Roc to help Nava escape.


Speaking with Vertagon
Who should approach but the familiar looking red haired and bearded Half elf in leather armor with a lion fur collar. You know him as the human form of the Brass Dragon Vertagon Al'Reshi. He smiles broadly as he approaches. "My friends! You continue to amaze! My book chapters will surely swell as I write about your recent deeds."
Vertagon tells the team of his recent travels, working with a consortium of dragons to monitor the growing threat of the Dark One across the continents. He has been scouting areas of Ventenheim and looking for signs of the Lamia known as Chaelith Kazarra The Bloodclaw. When he saw the great demon emerge from the sea yesterday he flew to Serpico to help.  He has been meeting with the Dragon Council (see Dragons, and thier locations) to help them learn about the growing threats of the Dark One.  

When Oppapan emerged he pivoted to helping out people on the ground and taking on Abishai demons. He spent the night flying around and putting out fires.
Sharing a drink and a meager meal with the team he can offer advice and news from the wider world. Or at least the news he knows about.
Cog and the Dreiduaras Dome -
"The dome has not been investigated by my kind but rumors abound. It is said that those that enter never return. I have read stories of dwarven engineers and adventurers who enter the dome looking for the ancient technologies of those that built it. They say that the it was one of the technological wonders of the second age. Whether any of those stories are true are difficult to verify after three thousand years."
The City of Warshaw and Lord Darkhorse -
"This is true and known to the dragon council. If you undertake a mission to depose him I may be able to offer some help."
Lord Darkhorse's Phylactery in Stoneport -
"If this piece of information is true this would be a way to remove Lord Darkhorse permanently. I can neither confirm or deny, The Fallen guard their secrets very carefully."
Dark Wes and Nachamen - "These creatures are creations of Lord Darkhorse. He has spent his immortality blending mutation and magic. One of his most dangerous creat



Options for Tonight -

Shadow Roc Attack
Tabaxi Vampires
Encealadus Calwyn
with Mausim in a dream “A man with dark blonde hair streaked with gray walks out of the mists. His armor is a mix of gold and silver plates bound with thick leather. He wears a think cloak of dark blue embroidered with silver leaves and branches. He looks at you with bright blue eyes under thick blonde eyebrows. “Mausim, I believe it is time we met. My name is Encealadus Calwyn.” 
Calwyn explains about the seven heroes who banded together to fight the fallen.  He fondly remembers his time with Aramis and how he and Rivendrias became good friends after they fought against each other in the wars for so many years.  That is why Calwyn and his wife were buried in the elven crypts underneath the city of Hala.  Rivendrias demanded it after they sealed away the Dark One.  They lost track of the Fallen after the Shatterfall.  They assumed most of them died at some point in the chaos of the beginning of the third age.  "Though you are a reincarnation of myself don't think that it makes you infallible or unkillable.  In fact all it does is force a heavy destiny upon yourself.  I am glad that you and your friends have chosen the right path when faced with the Dark One's great evil.  Verilius and I would often say that we had just run out of time, and that trapping the Dark One was as good as destroying him.  That was a lie to cover our own failure in that time.  Now you and your generation must face the same struggle.  Don't make the same mistake I made."
[DM Note:  A perception check can have Mausim can notice that Calwyn’s sword is of elven make and form House Rivendrias.]
At this moment a figure walks from the shadows all around you.  A thin elven man with pale white hair and red eyes looks at both of you and smiles.  "Encealadus Calwyn, what a surprise.  I intended to kill this dirty human and to steal his airship.  How very interesting to find him a human with a destiny..."  Let them chat for a bit and then roll for initiative!
Damaia and Jeremy: Eventually Jeremy will notice that Mausim is thrashing in his sleep and he will Urge Demaia to try to help him. She can try to enter Thra Onerios with a Wisdom check. If she makes it Calwyn will be quite surprised and alarmed that she is there.
The rest of the team will be attacked by Elven vampire warriors on the deck of the ship or wherever they are sleeping that night.
The rest of you tell me where you are sleeping and who is on watch.  Roll perception checks to notice several slim elven figures alight nearby as if flying.  These are Elven vampire warriors who are sent to kill them in their sleep.  
Rango and the Poachers
Possibly have the poachers on the ground being threatened by Tabaxi Vampires. Make Rango decide whether to let them live or die, The Beak and Bear Hunting Club are an old hunting organization that do not stop at mere beasts or monsters.  They often will hunt lizardfolk, kobolds, dangerous goblins or orgres.  At some point over a decade ago they slaughtered a small village of lizard folk, one of whom was Rango's mother.  A former adventurer herself she was deemed a worthy foe for the club.
Crew of the Prometheus:
  • Navigator - Mevi Flashfoot, halfling woman
  • Pilot - Mike's Character, Half elven man with the mark of the Dragon. recruited
  • Cook - Pelly Portnut, half orc man with a large belly and a topknot of black hair. recruited
  • Engineer - Gnome man by the name of Zumf "Tumtum" Brushnickel
  • Assistant engineer - Firbolg woman named Sippi Cashelhorne
  • Squabbie - Halfling man by the name of Nock "Gaffer" Littlefoot. recruited
  • Ground Crew - Alexi Brighthammer, Dwarven artificer *Note still technically employed by Anak Kovara
  • Ground Crew - Casilium Bex - Half elven woman with a half shaved head.
Completion Date


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