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Brannock Isseldorf


The man himself is a half demon known as Polybius. He uses a stage name in his old man persona known as Brannock Isseldorf. He has very little power or strength which is why he summons others to protect him.
An elderly man slowly pushes his cart through your town.  His rickety carriage and donkey sit out by the stables.  The harvest festival is full swing and men, woman, and children move about town eating sweets and drinking seasonal ales.  The town square by the fountain is swirl of movement as people dance in brightly colored tunics and hats.  The old man greets everyone warmly and expresses how happy he is to be at their festival this day selling his humble toys and dry goods.  Most everyone almost forgets he is there as he just fades into the atmosphere of the day.  A child from down your street asks for a few coppers to purchase something that has caught his eye on the cart.  The parent absent mindedly hands him the coins as he downs his drink. The child rushes over delightedly to procure his new amusement.  It isn't until deep into the dark night that the townsfolk realize what happened.  As everyone sleeps, exhausted from a day of revelry, the toy slowly grows into a small humanoid form.  It leers over the small body of the sleeping boy and then draws in every breath released.  Inhaling more and more of the boys lifeforce until the last breath leaves his body . . . 

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

AC: 14
HP 39
Speed 25 ft.
STR 11 / DEX 17+3 / CON 14 +2 / INT 15 +2 / WIS 10 / CHA 12 +1
Saving throws Wis +2, Skills perception +2 and Stealth +5
damage resistances: Poison
Sense: Darkvision 120 ft. truesight 30 ft. , passive perception 12
Advantage on all saving throws against poison, spells and illusions.  as well as resist being charmed or paralyzed.  
Sun light sensitivity.  Brannock has disadvantage on attack rolls when in sunlight.

Body Features

Multi attack: Brannock makes two melee attacks, he can replace one of the attacks with Mind mastery.
Mind Poison dagger/melee weapon attack" +5 to hit reach 5ft.  1d6+3 piercing damage and 2d6 psychic damage.
Invisibility (rechages on a 4-6)  Brannock can magically turn invisible for up to 1 hour or until he attacks.  
Mind Mastery: Brannock targets one creature he can see within 60 ft.  DC 12 intelligence saving throw or Brannock causes the target to attack another creature that he can see.  Or brannock can direct the creature to move up to 10 feet in a direction of his choice.  Creatures that can't be charmed are immune to this effect.
Mind Spike:  Brannock can forego his attacks to do one directed mind spike against one target.  The creature must roll a DC 14 wisdom saving throw or take 3d6 psychic damage.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born of a demon from the abyssal realms and a man from Kierkewoode who made a bad deal.  The demon woman got what she wanted a child of both realms and she wanted the opportunity to live in the material plane.  A variant of a succubus she fed off of the life force of mortal beings.  The child she bore was a bizarre happening that shouldn't have been possible but once it had developed she made a plan to carry it to term.  After the child was born the father returned to destroy the demon.  He was successful but the baby had already been stashed at an orphanage in Westinox.  
His real name is Polybius but the people at the orphanage called him Brannock.  It wasn't until he was a teenager when he realized his gift as a toymaker and a crafter.  He also realized his own curse, that he was slowly feeding off of the other children at the orphanage.  It wasn't consumption or some wasting disease, the little toys he was making were feeding him their strength of will.  From there he fell completely into evil and dedicated his life to becoming more powerful through life force vampirism.  It worked too, he became a powerful half demon monster capable of destroying small towns.  A group of adventurers finally fought him and defeated him over one hundred years ago.  He survived though and exists in this new wretched form.  His only way to survive now is to lay low and use his toys and wares to steal the lifeforce of children.
Current Location
Flinty Grey
Long white and grey dreadlocks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Coffee brown

Articles under Brannock Isseldorf


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