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Caliendia Gloss

Cell Master

Cell Master in Lamborginus, she answers only to Culdred. Race: Human Class & Level: Warlock 9 (Fiendish Pact) Background: Charlatan Alignment: Lawful Evil Experience: 49,920 xp   ABILITY SCORES & ABILITIES (* includes +4 proficiency bonus; ** includes expertise, if any)   Strength 9 -1 ... Strength Ability Checks -1 ... Strength Saving Throws -1 ... Athletics Skill 135 lbs. ... Maximum Carrying Capacity 270 lbs. ... Max. Push or Drag (Speed -5 ft.) 270 lbs. ... Maximum Lift   Dexterity 15 +2 ... Dexterity Ability Checks +2 ... Dexterity Saving Throws +2 ... Acrobatics Skill +6 ... Sleight of Hand Skill * +2 ... Stealth Skill   Constitution 14 +2 ... Constitution Ability Checks +2 ... Constitution Saving Throws   Intelligence 11 +0 ... Intelligence Ability Checks +0 ... Intelligence Saving Throws +4 ... Arcana Skill * +0 ... History Skill +0 ... Investigation Skill +0 ... Nature Skill +4 ... Religion Skill *   Wisdom 13 +1 ... Wisdom Ability Checks +5 ... Wisdom Saving Throws * +1 ... Animal Handling Skill +1 ... Insight Skill +1 ... Medicine Skill +1 ... Perception Skill +1 ... Survival Skill   Charisma 20 +5 ... Charisma Ability Checks +9 ... Charisma Saving Throws * +9 ... Deception Skill * +5 ... Intimidation Skill +5 ... Performance Skill +5 ... Persuasion Skill   COMBAT [PHB p. 189]   11 ... Passive Perception +2 ... Initiative Modifier   Armor Class 13 ... Armor worn: Leather armor   30 ft. Speed ... Base distance per move   66 hit points ... 9d8 Hit Dice   Scimitar (Pact Weapon). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6+6 slashing damage. Counts as magical weapon. Dagger (offhand as bonus action). As above but only 1d4 piercing damage.     Eldritch Blast Cantrip. Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, target one creature within 120 ft. range. Hit: 1d10+5 force damage with 2 beam(s). (If more than one beam, blast can be used as multiple beams of 1d10+5, each with separate attack roll to hit as one attack action.)   FEATURES, TRAITS, SPECIAL ABILITIES   Proficiencies & Languages • Proficiency Bonus: +4 • Armor: light armor • Weapons: simple weapons • Tools: disguise kit, forgery kit • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma • Skills: Arcana, Deception, Religion, Sleight of Hand • Languages: Common, Abyssal   Human Traits [PHB p. 29] • Age: 35 years old • Medium Size (5' 10", 194 lbs.)   Warlock Class Features [PHB p. 106] • Otherworldly Patron (The Fallen Queen, corruption archdevil) • Pact Magic (all cast as 5th level spells, regain spell slots after short or long rest) • Dark One's Blessing (when you drop an enemy to 0 h.p, you regain 9 h.p.) • Eldritch Invocations (see below) • Pact Boon (Pact Of The Blade, conjure and gain proficiency with any one weapon) • Misty Escape (invisible teleport 60 feet)   Eldritch Invocations [PHB p. 110] • Agonizing Blast (increased Eldritch Blast damage) • Devil's Sight (see in all darkness to 120 feet) • Thirsting Blade (extra attack) • Minions of Chaos (Conjure Elemental for spell slot once betw. long rests)   Spellcasting [PHB p. 201] Spell Attack Modifier +9 Spell Save DC 17 Cantrips Known: Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, True Strike   Known Spells (2 spell slots) Charm Person, Counterspell, Crown Of Madness, Dimension Door, Dispel Magic, Fly, Hex, Hold Monster, Mirror Image, Witch Bolt   Charlatan Features [PHB p. 128] • False Identity   EQUIPMENT & TREASURE   Carried Gear: leather armor (AC 11), scimitar, two (2) daggers, light crossbow and 20 bolts, disguise kit (cosmetics, hair dye, props, etc.), belt pouch, set of fine clothes, tools of the con of your choice (10 stoppered bottles filled with colored liquid, a set of weighted dice, a deck of marked cards, or a signet ring of an imaginary duke)   Coins & Gems: 758 gold pieces (gp 58 silver pieces (sp 30 copper pieces (cp 3 gems (worth 50 gp each)
Current Location
Mixed gray and white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark tan


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