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We stand as a city, our own. Lamborginus stands by itself against the dangers of the forests.


Lamborginus is a primarily human town. They are fairly accepting of dwarves and Gnomes but not so friendly towards elven kind.


They elect a Governor who works with ten elected officials to decide town policy. Currently the Governors have all come from one family.
The guard force of Lamborginus are called the Wardens. They are a local police force that keep the peace and catch criminals. Most are washed up soldiers and corrupt Rogues who found a place to make some coin and accept bribes. There are a lot of Warden housing built into the wall towers and many can be seen walking the walls all hours of the day.


They have a large standing Militia.

Industry & Trade

Metal and stone from various mines in the area. A large fishing trade, some of the best fishermen in Tellenheim reside here.


The bones of this city are very old. There are plenty of underground tunnels originally built for crypts but were converted to underground travel ways several hundred years ago to allow for travel in the winter. Many of these have been sealed up over time due to dangerous conditions. The buildings are a mix of old stonework and newer wooden based multi story buildings.


Countach District

Government houses, Court house, Offices
Capitol Building - Offices of the government are positioned here.
Lamborginus Courthouse - The primus Justices oversee major disputes, and rule on foreign relations. 
Embassy - Houses several areas set aside for different cities in Tellenheim and Ventenheim.
Bank of Lambus - an upscale bank that is one of the richest in Tellenheim. Widely respected and almost always apolitical. Even Panthrus Murcielagus can’t influence them.
Rankoll’s Tavern
The tavern is situated in the ground floor of an ancient marble building.  It has 6 ionic columns that stand in front of the two massive black oak doors that lead into the bar area.  It's an upscale tavern that due to it's location is the favorite haunt of government ministers and judges.  The owner is a Dwarf named Mudgett Rankoll, he used to be a soldier in the employ of Stoneport but moved to Lamborginus 40 years ago under a shroud of secrecy.  The main bartender is a human woman named Ellodie Corvus, she has long black hair and wears a frilly blouse with a navy blue skirt.  Her barback and server on duty tonight is a half elven man named Shorus Black.  
Talons of the Rook Social club -
Thirty years ago this mansion was the haunt of a dangerous group of psychic vampires. Now their wealthy scions have inherited the building and it's wealth.  They mostly throw audacious parties and drink prodigious amounts of alcohol.  The mansion is an old one and is three stories tall, inside it has over 50 opulently decorated rooms. 
I.P.A.M. - the Interested Parties of the Antiquities and magic or IPAM.
This group of wizards, artificers, scribes, and historians have banded together to catalogue and study powerful magic artifacts. They Make sure that these items are kept in a museum or under lock and key.

Urus District

Stables, worker housing, small businesses.
Gallagher’s Pub - A working man's saloon, it is a large wooden structure that stands three stories tall.  The heavy oak beams that make up the main structure are three foot in width and most measure over 40' long.  The sign outside is green and gold and it has a magical green flame that burns out of the end of it. 
The owner is a dwarven man named Gallagher Osterhammer.  His main bartender is the charismatic half orc man named Mos Fresh.  The server on duty tonight is a human woman named Dolly Trusfell.  
The Pseudo-Dragon - a small tavern in the Urus district, it sits on the second floor of the Blang Shoppe.  A corner of the tall thin building is painted a teal color and a sign above the door is purple and pink with a long snake like dragon.  A separate set of brightly colored stairs leads up to the tavern door. 
The owner is a Verdan sorceror woman named Palinka Hofsta (She may be the mother of Nuth Welker).  The bartender is a goblin woman named Holiday Gnashfoot.  
Blang shoppe - a small general store on the bottom floor of Olacar's Tenement building.  The owner is a Dwarven woman named Rosita Blang her clerk is a human man named Troswell Laff.  
Olacar’s Tenement - This tall colorful building is an apartment building for workers.  The top three floors are made up of 14 apartments that are fairly affordable.  The owner of the building is a human woman named Nellie Olacar.
Sesto’s Boots and shoes - A fairly large shop with ochre colored walls lined with shelves of different sized boots for most laborers, it also has a large selection of shoes for the white collar workers who need footwear.  The owner is an older human man named Ulf Dirigible.
Church of Hellenox -
Also known as the Moon Cathedral, it is the seat of the Archbishop of Northern Hellenites. First built in the aftermath of the Human/Elven wars of the second age, the grim exterior resembles a fortress. Tthe interior is lavishly decorated with art and sculpture, a very ornate choir screen, and walls in bright blues and golds. 
Monastery of Twilight Clerics - A training and living space for male acolytes of the god Hellenox.  Hundreds of the faithful come here to worship and learn the ways of the Cleric.  Only a select few are chose to wield the mace and vestments. 
Convent of the Twilight Clerics - On the other side of the cathedral is the nunnery for the women who choose to become clerics.  
Church of Corsun -
A much smaller cathedral of white stone for those that worship Corsun.
Thanatee Faith supplies - The retired cleric Yan Thanatee, a halfling man in his 80's runs the shop for all things religious.  One can find incense and alms boxes as well as a potion or two if the customer is one of the faithful  
Wierzbowski’s Butcher shoppe - run by Jim Wierzbowski, a Firbolg man from Oraheim.
Ferry’s Bakery - run by a Firbolg woman named Jandel Ferry.
Drake’s Distillery - the distiller is Hudson Drake a half elven man who moved recently from Helletowne.  Currently he has been hounded by a human man from Onsalm who wants to buy his Distillery and create a Blizzard Hops franchise.  Drake is none too happy about this...
Ealia costumes and tailor - An aarokocra woman named Collete Ealia who looks like a flamingo.  
Threnody’s house of entertainment - One of the most popular brothels in the Urus District it occupies the back half of the Ulstus building behind Ealia's.  The door is hidden amongst a massive painted mural that occupies the western wall.  By touching the righ brick it allows those who know entrance into the establishment.  The mural is that of an attractive Djinn woman emerging from a supple censer. 
The owner is a water genasi woman named Threnody.  She hails originally from Ventenheim. 

Miura District

Assembly of the Weave, Magic, artificers
Assembly of the Weave -
A large block of the district is owned by the assembly and one of the larger buildings is an Office building. The second largest is the  Academy. The third building that has a domed roof of metal arches and magical transparent ceiling is the research library.  This is one of the flagship seats of power for the Assembl. [DM Note: see the Assembly of the Weave compound in Lamborginus article for more details.]
Black Mark’s
Occult Shoppe and magic shop leaning towards dangerous artifacts and cursed or possessed items.  How many of these are real is anyone's guess.  The interior itself is dark and lit by candles, the walls are painted black and the strange live edge wooden shelves ring the walls in a spiral.  The owner is Mark Orchelian a bald half elven man with a long black beard.  
Jumble’s Magical Weapons -
The exterior of the building is painted in red and gold and a sign above is in the shape of a shield.  Inside are dozens of glass cases that contain all manner of weaponry, mostly enchanted for increased durability and sharper edges. Your average +1 variety magic weapons.  In the back room though he has more unique options.  The owner is a half-orc man named Rugner Jumble. His left ear is missing and he has several scars on his left arm and face. 
Weave Bender -
This bright blue building belongs to the city's Magical Artificer. The owner and artificer is Mentelar Jarde, a Tiefling man with purple skin. 
Bright Star Magical artifacts-
This smaller dark grey building has a dome atop it painted in bright gold.  The owner is Glarnigar Ochem, a halfling man with a limp. 
Scot Alchemy -
Run by Mikkel Scot a Gnome Alchemist
Gondel’s Cigar Bar - 
 A high end liquor bar and smoking bar for the wealthy - Run by a half elf named Valletas Grindelwald.
The Gold Dragon’s Tail -
A high end entertainment club that provides dance acts and plays. It is also a high end brothel and alchemical speakeasy for those substances which are illegal. It caters to the wealthy and connected. It is run by Vera Trullux a member of the Dark Council.

Islero District

Fistelbash arena-
An arena dedicated to the strange wrestling and combat sport known as Fistelbash
Warden office-
The main administrative offices of the city guard.
Jalpa Inn-
A Huge building in the Islero district. A multi level Inn with a Tavern attached at the bottom. One of the largest inns ever built it stands almost nine stories tall. The Hexagonal shaped main building has a spiral staircase that runs up the center. Six rooms per floor ring the stairs. That makes 54 available rooms to guests. The long building connected to the wall has staff quarters, a large kitchen, and several supply rooms and pantries. The tavern is the building out front.
The owner of the Jalpa is an elven man named Undare Armour.
 The current bartender is a Green Elf male named Sham Mallone. He has a blue mohawk and an eyepatch covering his right eye. But his demeanor is outgoing and humorous.
Mondo’s Pub -
A popular hang out with the Wardens, the city guard of Lamborginus.  It is your classic rough and tumble tavern. The owner is an enormous Goliath named Mondo who is 9 feet tall and 500 pounds.  He claims to be 3/4 giant though his math seems suspect.
The building itself is very large with tall ceilings that stand over 20 ft. in the common room. It is brightly lit with magical lanterns that float in the air around the bar.  Massive marble columns hold up the ceiling and are positioned every 15 ft. in a square pattern. The bar is a square beautifully polished oak and sits in the center of the tavern with dozens of shelves on a central column.  
Plenora’s public house
despite the plain and drab wooden exterior this building is actually a brothel. The owner is an elven woman by the name of Opal Plenora.  Her reasons for being Lamborginus have always been a secret.  Many believe that she was exiled from Oraheim long ago for some dastardly crime. 

Urraco District

Basic goods, crafts, raw materials.
Jalpa Cooperarge -
domestic dry goods barrels and crates. Run by Hongo Deron
Butcher and the Brewer -
a combination butcher and brewery. Run by Hidalgo Altimar (human male) and Ongar Bellicos (Half Orc Butcher)
Jurama Tailor and Clothier -
Run by Aldo Jurama an Aarokocra who has features llike a Cockatiel.
Veneno Leather works -
Run by a dwarven man with Tiefling blood named Alicar Veneno. He has small horns protruding from his forehead.
Jeweler - Bulaco’s Gems and cuts -
- run by a Aaroakocra named Uri Bulaco. An African grey parrot looking bird guy.
Philipus Bakery -
The owner is a half elven man named Hamish Philip.  He is known for his hot crossed buns and incredible rye bread skills. 
Mullfinch Brewery - Run by Bier Barron

Espada District

Smithing, craftsmen, some magical artificers
Fortune’s Favor-
Magical artificer. Has a few things on hand but hand crafts new ones. Run by a Tiefling named Hangar Tso.
The Roc’s Talon -
Adventuring gear - pitons, packs, and pails! Run by Hutch Pally a human man with a large beer belly.
Flaxton Smithy -
Run by a goliath named Flaxton Stonebreaker
Corbus Bows and Fletching-
Run by a drow named Belloch Corbus
Urganche Blacksmithy -
Run by a human named Raul Urganche. Does a lot of custom armor work.
Claystun’s Armaments -
+1 arrows/+1 bolts/+1whip mostly darts and throwing knives.  It is owned by the charismatic dwarven woman named Ilia Claystun. 
Some basic weapons

Gallardo District

Shipping and Port area
  • East Tellenheim Company port authority office
  • Rodrigues Hortalez Company port authority office
  • Warden security office
  • Gallardo Ship builder - Run by Fentar Hollis a Tortle
  • Alliendo Cooperage - barrels and crates made by Cho Alliendo.
Adventure Team Cantrip - franchise location
  • Medic - A human woman named Hortence Clamber
  • Cartographer - A Half orc woman named Brasha
  • Mythavore - A Halfling man named Drat Buttermilke
  • Hammer - A human man named Fret Goatsbee
  • Hetty’s House of Entertainment - a brothel


The edge of the city has many cliffs that face north, several stairs have been carved into them to reach the large docks built on the water. Large pulley and winch systems go up and down the cliffs to move goods into the city. The south side of the city stands on an incline that gives the city a good defensive position. Large multi level walls surround the city center.

Natural Resources

Fish, Metals, Good building Stone


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