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Cell leader of the Abyssal Knife he answers only to the cell master and Culdred himself. Race: Human Class & Level: Cleric 7 (Domain of War) Background: Acolyte Alignment: Lawful Evil Experience: 24,380 xp   ABILITY SCORES & ABILITIES (* includes +3 proficiency bonus; ** includes expertise, if any)   Strength 15 +2 ... Strength Ability Checks +2 ... Strength Saving Throws +2 ... Athletics Skill 225 lbs. ... Maximum Carrying Capacity 450 lbs. ... Max. Push or Drag (Speed -5 ft.) 450 lbs. ... Maximum Lift   Dexterity 9 -1 ... Dexterity Ability Checks -1 ... Dexterity Saving Throws -1 ... Acrobatics Skill -1 ... Sleight of Hand Skill -1 ... Stealth Skill (Disadv.)   Constitution 14 +2 ... Constitution Ability Checks +2 ... Constitution Saving Throws   Intelligence 11 +0 ... Intelligence Ability Checks +0 ... Intelligence Saving Throws +0 ... Arcana Skill +0 ... History Skill +0 ... Investigation Skill +0 ... Nature Skill +3 ... Religion Skill *   Wisdom 18 +4 ... Wisdom Ability Checks +7 ... Wisdom Saving Throws * +4 ... Animal Handling Skill +7 ... Insight Skill * +7 ... Medicine Skill * +4 ... Perception Skill +4 ... Survival Skill   Charisma 13 +1 ... Charisma Ability Checks +4 ... Charisma Saving Throws * +1 ... Deception Skill +1 ... Intimidation Skill +1 ... Performance Skill +4 ... Persuasion Skill *   COMBAT [PHB p. 189]   14 ... Passive Perception -1 ... Initiative Modifier   Armor Class 18 ... Armor worn: Chain mail and shield   30 ft. Speed ... Base distance per move   52 hit points ... 7d8 Hit Dice   Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d8+2 bludgeoning damage. (If used two-handed in melee, does 1d10+2 damage.)   Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit. Hit: 1d8-1 piercing damage. (Normal range to 80 ft.; disadvantage long range 81 to 320 ft. Must be used two-handed, reloading limits to only one attack per round regardless of extra attacks.)   Sacred Flame Cantrip. Ranged Spell Attack: Targets creature within 60 feet that you can see. That creature makes a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or takes 2d8 radiant damage. (No damage if made save.)   FEATURES, TRAITS, SPECIAL ABILITIES   Proficiencies & Languages • Proficiency Bonus: +3 • Armor: light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, shields • Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons • Tools: none • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma • Skills: Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion • Languages: Common, Halfling, Celestial, Draconic   Human Traits [PHB p. 29] • Age: 30 years old • Medium Size (5' 8", 182 lbs.)   Cleric Class Features [PHB p. 57] • Ritual Casting • War Priest (if attack action, add attack as bonus action, up to uses per day) • Channel Divinity (2 uses betw. short or long rests) • Channel Divinity: Turn Undead (within 30 ft., Wisdom save or turned 1 min. or until damaged) • Channel Divinity: Guided Strike (+10 to attack) • Destroy Undead (CR 1/2 or lower) • Channel Divinity: War God's Blessing (+10 to attack to ally)   Spellcasting [PHB p. 201] Spell Attack Modifier +7 Spell Save DC 15 Cantrips Known: Guidance, Light, Mending, Sacred Flame   Prepared Spells 1st Level (4 slots): Divine Favor*, Shield Of Faith*, Cure Wounds, Command, Bless, Bane 2nd Level (3 slots): Magic Weapon*, Spiritual Weapon*, Hold Person, Enhance Ability, Lesser Restoration 3rd Level (3 slots): Crusader's Mantle*, Spirit Guardians*, Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic 4th Level (1 slot): Freedom Of Movement*, Stoneskin*, Divination, Banishment   Acolyte Features [PHB p. 127] • Shelter of the Faithful   EQUIPMENT & TREASURE   Carried Gear: chain mail armor (AC 16), shield (AC +2), set of common clothes, holy symbol: amulet, prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments   Coins & Gems: 739 gold pieces (gp 5 silver pieces (sp 69 copper pieces (cp 2 gems (worth 50 gp each)
Current Location
Year of Birth
2934 64 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white


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