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Mara Magenta, aka Helistet Rasa

The current head of the Facet of Nowhere, A secret guild of Psionics which tries to influence world events.  Mara Has been a powerful psionic since she was a child.  Given her age and wisdom she now acts as a guide and teacher to powerful psionic people who try to do good in the world.  She has contacted Mew many times over the years and taught her some valuable skills when it comes to psionic shielding.
She is a water genasi woman with purple eyes and long white hair.  She lives in Lamborginus in a posh apartment in the Islero District but she also has a training facility deep in the catacombs that run underneath.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Race: Air Genasi Class & Level: Monk 7 (Way of the Four Elements) Background: Acolyte Alignment: Chaotic Good Experience: 24,380 xp   ABILITY SCORES & ABILITIES (* includes +3 proficiency bonus; ** includes expertise, if any)   Strength 12 +1 ... Strength Ability Checks +4 ... Strength Saving Throws * +1 ... Athletics Skill 180 lbs. ... Maximum Carrying Capacity 360 lbs. ... Max. Push or Drag (Speed -5 ft.) 360 lbs. ... Maximum Lift   Dexterity 18 +4 ... Dexterity Ability Checks +7 ... Dexterity Saving Throws * +7 ... Acrobatics Skill * +4 ... Sleight of Hand Skill +4 ... Stealth Skill   Constitution 15 +2 ... Constitution Ability Checks +2 ... Constitution Saving Throws   Intelligence 8 -1 ... Intelligence Ability Checks -1 ... Intelligence Saving Throws -1 ... Arcana Skill +2 ... History Skill * -1 ... Investigation Skill -1 ... Nature Skill +2 ... Religion Skill *   Wisdom 14 +2 ... Wisdom Ability Checks +2 ... Wisdom Saving Throws +2 ... Animal Handling Skill +5 ... Insight Skill * +2 ... Medicine Skill +2 ... Perception Skill +2 ... Survival Skill   Charisma 10 +0 ... Charisma Ability Checks +0 ... Charisma Saving Throws +0 ... Deception Skill +0 ... Intimidation Skill +0 ... Performance Skill +0 ... Persuasion Skill   COMBAT [PHB p. 189]   12 ... Passive Perception +4 ... Initiative Modifier   Armor Class 16 ... Armor worn: None (Unarmored Defense Feature)   45 ft. Speed ... Base distance per move   52 hit points ... 7d8 Hit Dice   Martial Arts. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6+4 bludgeoning damage. Strike counts as magical to overcome target's resistence to nonmagical attacks and damage. Make unarmed strike as bonus action.   Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit. Hit: 1d4+4 piercing damage. (Normal range to 20 ft.; disadvantage long range 21 to 60 ft.)   Martial Arts During A Turn: Counting actions and bonus actions, make three unarmed attacks or one weapon attack plus two unarmed attack in turn. Or, for 1 ki point, make four unarmed attacks in a turn. (Opportunity attack is a seperate reaction, do once per round.)   FEATURES, TRAITS, SPECIAL ABILITIES   Proficiencies & Languages • Proficiency Bonus: +3 • Armor: none • Weapons: simple weapons, shortsword • Tools: cartographers tools • Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity • Skills: Acrobatics, History, Insight, Religion • Languages: Common, Elvish, Celestial, Primodial   Air Genasi Traits [EEPC p. 7] • Age: 35 years old • Medium Size (5' 10", 166 lbs.) • Unending Breath (hold your breath indefinitely while not incapacitated) • Mingle With the Wind (use the Levitate spell once betw. long rests, no material components needed, Constitution as spellcasting ability)   Ki Energy [PHB p. 78] • 7 ki points betw. short or long rests   Class Features [PHB p. 76] • Unarmored Defense (AC) • Flurry of Blows (1 ki for two unarmed attacks as bonus action) • Patient Defense (1 ki for Dodge as bonus action) • Step of the Wind (1 ki for Disengage or Dash as bonus action, jump distance doubled) • Unarmored Movement (higher speed) • Deflect Missiles (reduce by 1d10+11) • Elemental Attunement (cantrip-level minor control of elements) • Fist of Four Thunders (2 ki for Thunderwave) • Slow Fall (-35 damage) • Extra Attack (2/attack) • Stunning Strike (1 ki point, Constitution save of stunned) • Clench Of The North Wind (3 ki for Hold Person) • Wholeness of Body (regain 21 h.p. once betw. long rests) • Evasion (area effect half or no damage) • Stillness of Mind (end charmed or frightened)     Acolyte Features [PHB p. 127] • Shelter of the Faithful   EQUIPMENT & TREASURE   Carried Gear: shortsword, ten (10) darts, set of common clothes, holy symbol: amulet, prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, vestments   Coins & Gems: 626 gold pieces (gp 47 silver pieces (sp 78 copper pieces (cp 3 gems (worth 50 gp each)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

An Air Genasi, Helistet Rasa started life as a noble woman’s daughter in the Eigerlands. As a young girl she exhibited several odd abilities most of which were treated as bad omens, or even demonic impulses. The truth is her Psionic powers had begun to evolve and in times of stress she was lashing out. As time wore on her town and even her parents began to grow fearful of her and talk of sending her to a safer place began. Eventually she was sent to an order of monks in Penthos. The Fifth Element is an order of monks who fight evil and investigates crimes. They took her in and trained her in the ways of the elements. Though Psionic abilities were outside of their ken they did teach her how to control them through calming techniques and controlling her emotions.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2912 86 Years old
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue
Aligned Organization


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