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Avenarii (Ah-veh-NAH-ree)

The Avenarii are bird-like humanoids known for their exceptional flying abilities and insular communities. They thrive in high-altitude environments and are characterized by their distinctive plumage, keen vision, and unique social structures.  

Basic Information


Avenarii have a lightweight skeletal structure with hollow bones, facilitating their ability to fly. They possess a pair of feathered wings, sharp talons, and a beak. Their hands have three fingers and a thumb, allowing for dexterous manipulation of objects. Males display bright plumage, while females have duller colors.  

Genetics and Reproduction

Avenarii reproduce by laying eggs, which are incubated by females for eight months. Mating seasons occur once a year, with males displaying vibrant plumage to attract females. Avenarii reach maturity at three years of age.  

Growth Rate & Stages

Avenarii hatch from eggs and undergo rapid growth during their first three years. They are considered fully mature by the age of three and continue to develop their flying and hunting skills throughout their early years.  

Ecology and Habitats

Avenarii prefer high-altitude habitats, such as mountain tops and ancient forest canopies. They build large, open-roofed nests and live in insular communities. Their territories are typically remote, minimizing interactions with other races.  

Dietary Needs and Habits

Avenarii are primarily carnivorous, hunting small mammals and birds within their territory. They also forage for fruits and nuts to supplement their diet. They have no concept of property and often take food from farms if they come across it.  

Biological Cycle

Avenarii do not hibernate, but their activity levels can vary with seasonal changes. They are more active during warmer months and tend to reduce their hunting range during colder periods.  


Avenarii are highly social within their communities but are wary of other races. They value freedom and mobility, exhibiting a strong fear of confinement. Their social structure is hierarchical, led by the eldest member and supported by a shaman.  

Additional Information

Social Structure

Each Avenarii community, or aerie, is typically led by the eldest member, who holds the position of the chief. This leadership role is supported by a shaman, who is usually the second oldest and acts as the spiritual guide and healer.   The hierarchy within the tribe is well-defined, with roles assigned based on age, experience, and skills. The eldest members are revered for their wisdom and often serve as advisors. Younger Avenarii are tasked with more physically demanding roles, such as hunting and crafting.   Avenarii tribes can be divided into several outliers based on their tribal variations:  
  • Hunter Tribes: Focus primarily on hunting and gathering. They have larger territories and are known for their exceptional tracking and flying skills.
  • Crafting Tribes: Specialize in crafting weapons, tools, and decorative items. These tribes are more sedentary and have intricate knowledge of materials and techniques.
  • Warrior Tribes: Emphasize combat skills and often serve as protectors of other tribes. They are known for their aggressive flying maneuvers and defensive strategies.
Community life is highly communal, with shared responsibilities and collective decision-making. The flock dynamics ensure that every member knows their role and contributes to the well-being of the aerie.    

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Avenarii are found in remote, high-altitude regions, primarily in mountainous areas and dense, ancient forests.  

Average Intelligence

Avenarii possess average intelligence comparable to humans, with strong instincts and a keen sense of their environment.  

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Avenarii have keen eyesight, allowing them to spot prey and potential threats from great distances. Their vision is particularly adapted to detecting movement, and they can see well in both daylight and low-light conditions. They also have acute hearing, essential for communication and environmental awareness.  

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Avenarii have a symbiotic relationship with giant eagles, often cooperating with them for hunting and territory defense. They have no known parasitic species.  

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Avenarii beauty ideals are centered around plumage and agility. Bright, well-maintained feathers and graceful flight are highly valued.  

Gender Ideals

Males are expected to be skilled hunters and protectors, while females are revered for their crafting skills and nurturing roles.  

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among the Avenarii is a highly ritualized and significant aspect of their culture, reflecting the intricate dances and displays seen in many bird species. During the annual mating season, males engage in elaborate aerial displays to attract potential mates. These displays involve complex flight patterns, showcasing their agility, strength, and the vibrancy of their plumage.   Males often bring gifts, such as shiny objects or beautifully crafted items, to present to females. These offerings are not only a demonstration of their resourcefulness but also a symbol of their ability to provide.   Successful courtship involves a combination of impressive displays and mutual attraction. Once a pair forms a bond, they are generally monogamous for the mating season. Females incubate the eggs and are supported by their mates, who provide food and protection during this period.  

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Avenarii communicate in a language comprised of melodic calls and whistles, with variations between tribes. They have no written language, relying on oral traditions.  

Common Etiquette Rules

Avenarii etiquette emphasizes respect for personal space and freedom. Interrupting another's flight path or confining someone against their will is considered deeply offensive.  

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Avenarii customs include annual rituals to summon air elementals and communal feasts during seasonal changes. Their traditions emphasize unity and cooperation within the tribe.  


The Avenarii believe that they were created by a divine entity known as the God of Winds, who takes the form of a giant Harpy eagle. This deity is revered as the father of all avian kind and is credited with bestowing the Avenarii with their exceptional flying abilities and connection to the skies. Legend has it that in ancient times, the Avenarii were more widespread and held dominion over the skies. They lived in harmony with the winds and were guided by the God of Winds, who taught them the ways of flight, hunting, and survival. Over time, their territories became more remote as they sought to avoid conflicts with other races and preserve their way of life.   Historical records among the Avenarii are kept through oral traditions, songs, and dances. These stories recount the deeds of legendary leaders, epic aerial battles, and encounters with powerful spirits of the sky. Notable historical figures include:
  • Aeolus the Sky Sovereign: A legendary chief known for uniting multiple tribes and leading them through a period of prosperity and peace.
  • Zephara the Wind Whisperer: A renowned shaman who could communicate with the wind spirits and was believed to have the ability to control the weather.
The Avenarii maintain a strong sense of identity and cultural heritage, holding annual festivals to honor their ancestors and the God of Winds. These events are marked by grand aerial performances, storytelling, and rituals that reinforce their connection to the divine and to each other.    

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Avenarii view other species with a mixture of curiosity and caution. They prefer minimal interaction, valuing their independence and freedom above all else.  
Scientific Name
Class: Aves
Order: Accipitriformes
Family: Avenariidae
Genus: Avenarius
Species: Avenarius sapiens
50-60 years
Conservation Status
The Avenarii are not currently under any specific protection measures, as they live in remote areas that are rarely disturbed by other races. Their insular nature and preference for high-altitude habitats help them avoid most threats.
Average Height
about 5 feet tall
Average Weight
80 to 100 pounds.
Average Physique
Avenarii have heads resembling eagles or parrots, with beaks and keen eyes. Their facial features vary between tribes, often reflecting their specific environment and lifestyle. Avenarii have lean, lightweight bodies adapted for flight. They are agile and quick, with powerful wings and sharp talons. Avenarii display significant variations in plumage color between genders, with males being more brightly colored. They are lightweight, agile fliers with a strong resistance to fatigue during long flights.  
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Males have bright plumage in colors such as red, yellow, or orange, while females have duller colors like brown or gray. Their feathers often have intricate patterns and markings unique to their tribes.  
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