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Humans are one of the most diverse and adaptable races in Tanaria, known for their resilience, ambition, and capacity for growth. They inhabit various regions across the world, from bustling cities and sprawling farmlands to harsh deserts and dense forests.  

Basic Information


Humans have a bipedal stance, with two arms and two legs. They exhibit a wide range of skin tones, hair colors, and body types, reflecting their diverse genetic heritage. Their height typically ranges from 5 to 6.5 feet, though variations exist.  

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce sexually with a gestation period of approximately nine months. They have a high degree of genetic variability, leading to a broad range of physical and intellectual traits. Humans reach maturity around the age of 18.  

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans grow rapidly during their first two decades of life, reaching physical maturity by their late teens. They experience a gradual decline in physical capabilities as they age, typically living to around 70-80 years, though some individuals live longer.  

Ecology and Habitats

Humans can thrive in nearly any environment, from the frozen tundras of the north to the tropical jungles of the south. Their adaptability and resourcefulness enable them to create habitable conditions in even the most inhospitable places.  

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivorous, capable of consuming a wide variety of foods. Their diets vary significantly based on regional availability and cultural practices. They often cultivate crops and raise livestock to supplement their diets.  

Biological Cycle

Humans do not have a specific biological cycle beyond the general stages of birth, growth, maturity, and death. Their activities are often influenced by cultural, social, and environmental factors.  


Humans exhibit a vast array of behaviors and psychological traits, influenced by cultural, social, and personal factors. They are known for their curiosity, ambition, and drive to explore and innovate. Social structures, traditions, and laws play significant roles in shaping their behavior.  

Additional Information

Social Structure

Human societies are diverse, ranging from small tribal communities to large, complex civilizations. Social structures are often hierarchical, with varying degrees of social mobility. Gender roles and family structures can vary widely between cultures.  

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Humans are known for their ingenuity in using natural resources. They create tools, clothing, shelter, and countless other items. Human labor and intelligence are exploited in various economic systems, sometimes leading to social inequalities.  

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence

Humans possess a high degree of intelligence, characterized by their capacity for abstract thought, language, problem-solving, and creativity. Their intelligence varies widely among individuals.  

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans possess five primary senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Their perception capabilities are generally less acute than those of many other races, but their adaptability and ingenuity often compensate for these limitations.  

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Humans coexist with numerous symbiotic and parasitic species, including domesticated animals like dogs and cats, and parasitic organisms like lice and tapeworms.  

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Humans form various organizations, from local guilds and trade unions to international coalitions and religious institutions. These organizations often play significant roles in politics, economics, and culture.  

Beauty Ideals

Human beauty ideals vary greatly between cultures and historical periods. Common factors include physical appearance, grooming, and attire. Social status and personal achievements can also influence perceptions of beauty.  

Gender Ideals

Gender roles and ideals differ widely among human cultures. Some societies emphasize traditional roles, while others promote gender equality and fluidity. Strength, intelligence, and kindness are often valued traits for both genders.  

Courtship Ideals

Human courtship practices are diverse, often involving rituals, gifts, and displays of affection. Courtship may be influenced by cultural norms, family expectations, and personal preferences.  

Average Technological Level

Humans have achieved a high level of technological advancement, with innovations in agriculture, industry, transportation, communication, and medicine. They continue to push the boundaries of science and technology.  

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Human cultures are rich and varied, encompassing art, music, literature, dance, and cuisine. Cultural heritage is often preserved through storytelling, rituals, and celebrations. Humans value their history and traditions while also embracing change and innovation.  

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Humans observe numerous customs and traditions, often linked to religious, cultural, or historical events. Common practices include festivals, holidays, rites of passage, and family gatherings. Traditions may vary widely between regions and communities.  

Common Taboos

Human taboos are culturally specific and can include prohibitions on certain foods, behaviors, and social interactions. Common taboos may involve issues of purity, respect for the dead, and sexual conduct.  


Humans are among the first races in Tanaria, with some scholars and religious leaders arguing that they were indeed the very first. According to ancient texts and legends, humans were created by the Titans to inhabit the world they shaped. Others, however, firmly believe that Solarius, the Supreme God of Light, created the first humans, blessing them with the spark of life. The true origins remain a subject of great debate, with no single group holding a definitive answer. This uncertainty has given rise to various creation myths and a rich tapestry of cultural narratives.   Early Civilizations
In the earliest days, humans spread across Tanaria, establishing the first rudimentary communities. They developed agriculture, domesticated animals, and began to build the foundations of civilization. These early societies were often isolated, developing unique cultures, languages, and traditions. As populations grew, so did the complexity of their social structures and technologies.   Age of Expansion
The age of expansion saw humans venturing beyond their homelands, driven by curiosity, ambition, and the need for resources. They encountered other races, leading to both cooperation and conflict. Trade routes were established, spreading goods, ideas, and cultures across the land. However, this period also saw the rise of territorial disputes and the first large-scale wars.   Religious Wars
One of the most significant aspects of human history is their tendency to engage in wars over religion and ideological differences. As various faiths emerged, so did conflicts between their followers. The most notable of these were the Crusades, where followers of Solarius clashed with those who worshipped other deities. These wars were often brutal, fueled by a belief in the righteousness of one's cause and the desire to spread their faith.   The Great Schism
The Great Schism was a pivotal event in human history, where ideological differences within the faith of Solarius led to a division. The schism resulted in the formation of two major factions: the Solarian Orthodoxy and the Reformed Church of Solarius. This division sparked a series of religious wars, further entrenching the animosity between the two factions. Despite the bloodshed, the schism also led to theological advancements and a deeper understanding of the divine.   Empires and Kingdoms
As human societies grew more complex, they formed powerful empires and kingdoms. These political entities often vied for dominance, leading to numerous wars and alliances. The Kingdom of Aendharia, the Zahran Empire, and the Hlarian Confederacy are some of the most notable examples. Each of these entities contributed to the cultural and technological advancements of humanity, while also leaving a legacy of conquest and conflict.   Modern Era In the modern era, humans have established themselves as a dominant force in Tanaria. Their adaptability and resilience have allowed them to thrive in diverse environments, from the bustling cities and fertile plains to the harsh deserts and rugged mountains. However, the scars of their tumultuous history remain. Religious and ideological conflicts still simmer beneath the surface, and the question of their true origins continues to fuel debates.   A significant aspect of human history is the belief held by some that, as the first race, they are inherently superior to others. This belief has led to numerous conflicts and a sense of entitlement among certain human factions. While many humans reject this notion, it remains a divisive issue that influences interspecies relations to this day.   Despite their history of conflict, humans have made remarkable cultural achievements. They have produced renowned philosophers, artists, and scientists who have shaped the world of Tanaria. Their literature, art, and music are celebrated across races, and their contributions to magic and technology are unparalleled.   Legacy of War
Wars have played a defining role in human history, shaping their societies and leaving a lasting impact on their culture. The constant struggle for power, resources, and ideological dominance has made humans resilient and resourceful. While the scars of past conflicts remain, humans continue to strive for a better future, driven by their indomitable spirit and unyielding ambition.   In conclusion, humans in Tanaria are a race marked by their adaptability, ambition, and complex history. Their journey from the early days of civilization to the modern era is filled with achievements and conflicts, making them one of the most influential races in the world.
Scientific Name
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: H. sapiens
70-80 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
5-6.5 feet
Average Weight
Varies widely
Average Physique
Humans exhibit a wide range of physiques, from lean and muscular to stocky and robust. Their physical capabilities depend on genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Human facial features are highly variable, with different shapes of noses, eyes, lips, and other facial structures. These features often reflect their genetic heritage and can vary widely even within the same population.  
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Humans have a wide range of skin tones, from very light to very dark. They may also have freckles, birthmarks, scars, and tattoos. Hair color varies from black to blonde, red, and brown, with various shades in between.  
Related Organizations
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