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Kadien Grace

Kaidūl'garrön (a.k.a. Kadien Grace)

Once a mere Grim, Kadien now stands as a testament to the complexity of change. His story is one of transformation, of seeking light in the deepest darkness, of finding strength in vulnerability, and of the eternal quest for something more than what fate had decreed. The path ahead is fraught with challenges, but Kadien is the one who charts his course, guided not by the will of summoners but by the memory of a mage who saw the man within the monster.
  While Kadien's personality still harbors the coldness and distance millennia have ingrained in him, there is a burgeoning desire to forge a path that is his own, one not dictated by the inherent cruelty of his kind. Stubborn and cocky, he holds onto his newfound autonomy with a tenacious grip, navigating the complexities of a world that fears and despises his kind.
  In the mortal realm, he presents himself as Kadien Grace, an enigmatic figure whose handsome features belie his otherworldly nature. He navigates the human world with an uneasy grace, seeking to reconcile his demonic essence with his yearning for a purpose beyond the cycle of predation and pain. Kadien's past is a shadow that clings to him, a reminder that while he may strive for change, the inferno's call is never truly silent.
  The world he walks is one of gray morality, where he must balance his innate need to feed on pain with his quest to maintain the semblance of the honest life he desires. With each choice, he forges his destiny, shaping himself not just in the image of what he was created to be but also what he wishes to become.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In his human form he is lean and muscular, a physique carved from the trials of the infernal hierarchy and battles untold. Vertical lines of text etched down the right side of his back in the ancient script of Infernal, signifying contracts and oaths from eons past. Welt-like scars trace the path of his tattoos, as if each line of ancient text was crossed out by the sharp kiss of a whip or blade – marks of punishment and defiance, perhaps, or souvenirs from an eternity of servitude and rebellion.   Kadien can also take the form of a large black dog, an ability retained from his life as a Grim. His coat is blacker than night, his eyes red like hellfire.
  In his true form, Kadien is large, standing over 7.5 feet tall. His head takes the shape of a canine skull, with red orbs in the eye sockets. He has large curled and twisting horns, his body broad and muscular. He his humaoid in shape from the neck to his waist, his skin dark, but from the waist down he is more canid, with a large flowing tail and black fur.

Special abilities

  • Shape-Shifting: Kadien can shift between his human guise and demonic form, adapting his appearance and abilities to the situation.
  • Pain Absorption: He can feed off physical pain, using it to heal himself or enhance his strength temporarily.
  • Sensory Manipulation: Kadien possesses the ability to dull or heighten the pain of others, a tool he uses sparingly and with growing reluctance.
  • Infernal Magic: His demonic heritage grants him access to infernal magic, allowing for various spells and curses, though he prefers to avoid such dark practices.
  • Ancient Languages: Millennia of life have made him fluent in countless languages, especially those of the infernal and arcane.
  • Combat Expertise: He is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and ancient weaponry, honed through centuries of conflict and survival.
  • Strategic Mind: Kadien's long life has endowed him with an exceptional strategic mind, capable of planning several moves ahead in any confrontation.

Apparel & Accessories

Kadien prefers clothing that blends seamlessly into the human realm while allowing him the freedom to shift forms if necessary. His wardrobe is a collection of durable yet stylish pieces, often in dark, muted tones that reflect his infernal heritage and the practicality required of his existence. Leather jackets, fitted shirts, and dark trousers are staples, along with boots that are both fashionable and functional. He chooses attire that is inconspicuous among humans but holds a subtle edge, a nod to his otherworldly nature.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kaidūl'garrön, a being of ancient and abysmal origin, has walked the realms for millennia, known to the mortal world as Kadien Grace. His true form is a tapestry of nightmares, an embodiment of terror that feeds not on flesh, but on the exquisite agony that only a soul in pain can provide. His journey from a mere Grim to a respected figure in the infernal echelons is a testament to his cunning and fortitude.   The mortal plane knows him through whispers and the rare, unfortunate encounter. But it was here, among humanity, that Kadien experienced a profound anomaly in his endless existence — a contract that would forever alter his path. Summoned by a mage of unusual wisdom and strength, he entered into a pact that was unlike any other: protection in exchange for sustenance derived from the pain of her foes. This mage, unlike the power-hungry sorcerers before her, treated Kadien with a respect that transcended fear and desire for control. She saw beyond the devil to the person within, a recognition that bewildered Kadien, who had grown accustomed to being seen as a mere instrument of power.   Their years together brought an unexpected camaraderie. The mage, in her kindness, offered her own pain to strengthen Kadien when he was weak, asking nothing more than what they had agreed upon — protection for herself and those under her care. As the end of their contract neared, she vowed to release Kadien from his infernal chains, allowing him to walk the mortal plane unbound. Yet, the spell meant to liberate him instead called forth his celestial jailers, leading to a cataclysmic confrontation.   Kadien fought with ferocious tenacity, not for his freedom but to protect the mage who had offered him a glimpse of something beyond servitude.   Alas, the spell's catastrophic backfire led to the mage's demise, and in the ashes of that calamity, Kadien found his shackles broken. His freedom was bought with a price he had never intended to pay — the life of the one person who had offered him respect and kindness.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • While not lethal, sunlight weakens his powers and can cause discomfort or pain, a remnant of his demonic nature.
  • His need to feed on pain for power is both a moral and physical weakness, placing him at odds with his desire for redemption.
  • His connection to the infernal realms and past contracts can be exploited by those knowledgeable in demonology, potentially binding or controlling him against his will.
  • Despite his cold exterior, Kadien harbors deep emotional vulnerabilities, especially regarding his past and the mage's sacrifice. These can be manipulated by those who seek to unbalance him.
  • Kadien's demonic essence grants him considerable strength, agility, and supernatural abilities, including the power to shift forms and feed off pain.
  • Having lived through countless eras, Kadien is highly adaptable, able to navigate changes in society, technology, and the supernatural world with ease.

Likes & Dislikes

Despite his cold demeanor, Kadien values moments of solitude where he can reflect on his existence and the path he's chosen. He has a profound respect for the natural world, a contrast to his origins. The tranquility of nature offers him a brief respite from the turmoil of his existence. Kadien finds music captivating, a human creation that often touches him more deeply than he cares to admit. It's one of the few things that can soothe the constant conflict within him.   Dislikes:
The cold, His millennia of existence have sharpened his sense of justice. He dislikes witnessing injustice or cruelty, particularly towards those who cannot defend themselves.
Kadien deeply dislikes his need to feed on pain, viewing it as a chain that binds him to the darkness he seeks to transcend. Having witnessed the rise and fall of countless individuals and empires, Kadien has little patience for arrogance and hubris, seeing them as folly.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kadien's long existence is a testament to his incredible resilience, both physical and emotional, allowing him to endure and adapt through millennia.
Despite his predatory nature, Kadien has developed a sense of compassion, especially for those suffering unjustly or in pain. His wisdom and intelligence are honed from centuries of experiences, making him a formidable strategist and thinker. To those few Kadien considers allies or friends, he is fiercely loyal, protecting them with a surprising ferocity.

Vices & Personality flaws

Kadien tends to isolate himself due to his nature and the fear of hurting others, which sometimes hinders his ability to form meaningful connections. Millennia of survival have instilled in him a certain level of pride, making it hard to ask for help or admit vulnerability. His long life has also sometimes led to a cynicism and impatience with the follies of humanity, though he tries to overcome it.

Personality Quirks

Kadien prefers the night, often found wandering under the cover of darkness, seeking solitude or contemplation. An unexpected habit is his love for sketching, often drawing scenes from his travels or faces from his past, a way to remember and process his long life. He tends to avoid looking at his reflection, uncomfortable with seeing the demon that lurks beneath his human facade.


Hobbies & Pets

Allagash, the Devil's Confidant
Allagash was more than just a horse; he was the steadfast companion of Kadien, the enigmatic and dark protector of Eouma. With a striking presence marked by a deep, sleek coat and intelligent eyes, Allagash was known for his loyalty and resilience. Despite being an ordinary horse, he earned a reputation as the only confidant to Kadien, sharing in his master's secrets and journeys through the shadows.   For many years, Allagash stood by Kadien's side, enduring the trials and tribulations that came with serving a devil with a complex moral compass. His strength and endurance were unmatched, and his bond with Kadien was one of profound mutual respect and understanding.   When Allagash passed, his absence left a void in Kadien's life. However, his legacy lives on through his daughter, who now accompanies Kadien, carrying the spirit of her sire. This continuation of Allagash's lineage ensures that his memory and the trust he shared with Kadien remain ever-present.


His voice is a tenor, carrying a gentle strength that contrasts with his formidable presence.


Ayla, The Feral Princess of Eouma

Wife (Vital)

Towards Kadien Grace



Kadien Grace

Husband (Vital)

Towards Ayla, The Feral Princess of Eouma



Legal Status


Lawful Evil
Raven black, short and wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Shadows are not merely the absence of light; they are the guardians of secrets, the silent keepers of hidden truths."
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Infernal, Common, Orcish, Leonin, Khorian, Abyssmal, and more.


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