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Orc (Or-k)

Orcs are formidable humanoids known for their immense strength, resilience, and strict code of honor. They thrive in rugged and harsh environments, favoring the wilds and deserts. Their society is deeply rooted in tribal traditions, emphasizing communal living, self-control, and martial prowess.

Basic Information


Orc males are massive, standing between 6 to 7 feet tall and weighing 250 to 300 pounds. Females, while generally shorter and lighter, can match males in size and strength. Orcs have broad shoulders, muscular bodies, large heavy jaws with sharp tusk-like teeth, heavy brows, broad flat snout-like noses, and pointed ears. Their hair and beards are coarse, usually black or brown, graying with age. Male orcs may grow wild or braided beards, but they lack heavy facial hair above the upper lip. Sexual dimorphism is notable, with males having more pronounced orcish features and larger tusks.  

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs have a strong drive to reproduce, often crossbreeding with other humanoid races. Offspring with humans or dwarves result in either an orc or a half-orc, while those with ogres produce half-ogres known as ogrillons. Orc society sometimes practices competitive reproduction, where males fight for mating rights. This practice, though less common now, underscores the orcish value of strength and survival of the fittest.   Orc children, while they have a strong bond with their parents, are often raised by the whole clan, everyone in the village taking a hand in raising the children, giving them m ultiple role models and learning from a vast well of passed down knowledge. Orc children are raised communally, with the entire clan participating. Sickly or frail children are often drowned at birth, reflecting the orcish emphasis on strength. Orc children begin weapons training at age 6 and are considered adults at 14, eligible for the Khor'magar rite of adulthood and the courting hunt.    

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs grow about at the same rate as humans but are considered mature by age 14. Childhood is focused on learning survival and combat skills, with full adulthood and societal roles assumed after completing the Khor'magar rite.  

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs are seen all over Tanaria and are incredibly resourceful, they can thrive in rugged and harsh environments, including deserts, mountains, and forests. They are adaptable and can endure extreme conditions, living in close-knit clans that move frequently to find resources.  

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs are omnivorous but prefer a carnivorous diet. They hunt and forage, using their strength and tactical prowess to secure food. Communal meals are common, reinforcing clan bonds.  

Biological Cycle

Orcs do not have a specific biological cycle tied to seasons, but their reproductive cycle is notable. Females are fertile twice a year, during which males may compete for mating rights.  


regardless of their clan affiliations, orcs prize honor over all other things in life — first to bring honor to their clan, and secondly bringing honor to the self and to their sense of self-worth as an individual. Likewise, hospitality is considered one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed.   Orcs value strength, honor, and self-control. They are pragmatic and unhesitant to use violence to protect their clan. Injury or death is preferable to dishonor. Orcs are fiercely loyal to their clan, viewing weakness as a grave liability. They are also an accepting people, not caring about gender, race, or any other attribute but the honor and strength of a person. Physical strength is most valued, but intelligence is also respected, especially in leaders. Anyone who can prove their honor and strength to an orc will earn their respect.  

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcish society is organized into clans, each with unique traditions and behaviors. Clans are tight-knit communities where honor and strength are paramount. Genders are considered equal, and both males and females can attain positions of leadership and respect within the clan. Each clan is typically ruled by a Clan Chief, who makes decisions on behalf of the clan. These leadership positions are usually won through combat and can be challenged at any time. The Clan Chief must demonstrate both physical strength and intelligence to lead effectively. Social interactions are governed by a strict code of honor, and slights are met with deadly consequences.   Strength and power are the greatest of orcish virtues, and orcs embrace all manner of mighty creatures in their tribes. Orcish society has always been characterized by hardy and rugged living. As a result they are staunch pragmatists, and never shy from killing if it will protect the future of the orc or his or her clan. All orcs, regardless of gender or station, are expected to pull their own weight and weakness is considered a grave liability. The weakness of one contaminates the strength of all, and it is punishable by the greatest humiliation an orc can receive: exile    

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcs are found across various environments, including deserts, mountains, and dense forests. Their adaptability allows them to inhabit diverse terrains all over Tanaria. They are known to exist in the harshest of environments, making them a ubiquitous presence in the world.  

Average Intelligence

Orcs possess average intelligence but excel in strategic thinking, particularly in combat and survival scenarios.  

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs possess an acute sense of smell, enabling them to distinguish individuals without visual confirmation. This heightened olfactory ability is crucial in their social interactions and hunting practices.  

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Orcs have a symbiotic relationship with certain animals, such as wolves and boars, which they use for hunting and combat assistance. They also domesticate certain beasts for labor and protection.  

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Strength and physical prowess are the primary beauty ideals in orcish culture. Scars and tattoos are seen as marks of honor and attractiveness, signifying one's achievements in battle and resilience.  

Gender Ideals

Both males and females are valued for their strength and ability to contribute to the clan. While males often take on combat roles, females are equally respected and may also serve as warriors, hunters, and leaders.  

Courtship Ideals

Orcish courtship involves displays of strength and prowess. Males may compete in combat for the right to mate with a female, who has the final say in accepting or rejecting a suitor. Strong pair bonds are formed, though clan strength always takes precedence.  

Relationship Ideals

Orcish relationships are built on mutual respect and shared responsibilities. Both partners contribute to the clan's well-being and uphold the code of honor. Polygamy is accepted, but emotional bonds are deeply valued.  

Average Technological Level

Orcs possess advanced skills in blacksmithing, leatherworking, and crafting. They create robust weapons, armor, and tools suited for their harsh environments. While they rely on traditional methods, they are not averse to adopting useful technologies from other races.  

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Orcish is the primary language, with various dialects reflecting regional differences. Orcs may also speak Common or the languages of neighboring races for trade and diplomacy.  

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect and honor are central to orcish etiquette. Greetings involve physical displays of strength, such as handshakes or arm wrestling. Gifts must be reciprocated, and hospitality is extended to allies and respected guests.  

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Orcish culture is rich in oral traditions, music, and dance. Storytelling is a revered art, preserving the history and legends of the clan. Rituals and ceremonies mark important life events, such as births, coming-of-age rites, and funerals.  

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Khor'magar (Rite of Adulthood)
The Khor'magar is a pivotal rite of passage for young orcs, marking their transition into adulthood. This tradition involves a series of trials designed to test strength, endurance, and combat skills. Upon successful completion, the young orc is granted adult status and full rights within the clan. The trials often include endurance tests, hunting challenges, and combat duels.   The Great Hunt
The Great Hunt is an annual event where the entire clan participates in a coordinated hunt. This event serves both as a means of securing food and as a training exercise to enhance group coordination and combat readiness. The hunt is followed by a communal feast, celebrating the clan's unity and shared efforts.   Blood Oath Ceremony
Orcs forge unbreakable bonds through the Blood Oath Ceremony. During this ritual, two orcs cut their palms and clasp hands, allowing their blood to mingle. This act symbolizes a pledge of loyalty and mutual protection. Blood brothers or sisters formed through this ceremony are expected to support and defend each other to the death.   Warchief’s Challenge
The Warchief’s Challenge is a combat ritual where orcs can challenge the current Clan Chief for leadership. The challenger must demonstrate not only physical prowess but also strategic acumen. The combat is overseen by the clan’s elders, ensuring fairness and adherence to tradition. Victory results in the transfer of leadership, while the defeated may still retain respect and a significant role within the clan.   War Songs and Battle Cries
Orcish warriors engage in singing battle hymns before combat. These songs are designed to boost morale, intimidate enemies, and invoke the blessings of their war deities. Battle cries are also an integral part of orcish warfare, with each clan having unique cries that reflect their history and values.   Clan Feasts and Storytelling
Orcs celebrate significant victories and seasonal changes with grand feasts, where the entire clan gathers to share food, drink, and stories. Elders and bards recount tales of past heroes, battles, and adventures, preserving the clan’s history and instilling pride in the younger generation. This tradition fosters a strong sense of identity and continuity within the clan.   The Courting Hunt
In a tradition that combines elements of courtship and combat, potential mates participate in the Courting Hunt. Males and females engage in a competitive hunt, showcasing their skills and prowess. Success in the hunt is seen as a sign of suitability and strength, often leading to courtship and eventual mating. This tradition reinforces the orcish values of strength and capability in both genders.  

Common Taboos

Cowardice and dishonor are the gravest taboos in orcish society. Fleeing from battle, betraying the clan, or failing to uphold one's duties are met with severe punishment, often exile.  


The Tale of Raghnor, the One-Eyed God
Raghnor is revered as the chief deity of the orcs, the god of war and strength. According to legend, Raghnor was born from the fury of the earth itself, emerging as a towering figure with a single, blazing eye. He led the orcs to their first victories, teaching them the ways of combat and survival. It is said that Raghnor lost his other eye in a great battle against the gods of other races, symbolizing his unwavering focus on vengeance and conquest. Orcs believe that Raghnor watches over them from the heavens, guiding them to glory and honor in battle.   The Legend of Dhurnak, Founder of Dhuma
Centuries ago, when the lands of Tanaria were wild and untamed, a powerful orc named Dhurnak rose to prominence. Dhurnak was renowned not only for his strength and prowess in battle but also for his wisdom and vision for the future of his people. According to legend, Dhurnak dreamed of a land where orcs could thrive and build a great civilization, free from constant warfare and strife.   Guided by a vision from Raghnor, Dhurnak embarked on a journey to find the perfect land to establish a new home for his people. After years of searching and battling numerous foes, Dhurnak and his followers discovered a fertile and strategically advantageous region that would later become known as Dhuma. This land, with its diverse landscapes ranging from arid deserts to lush forests, provided the resources necessary for the orcs to flourish.   Dhurnak's leadership and strategic acumen allowed him to unite various orc clans under a single banner. He established a stronghold, which became the heart of the burgeoning orcish civilization. Through his efforts, Dhuma grew into a powerful nation, respected and feared by its neighbors. The city of Ankhora, the capital of Dhuma, was founded in honor of Dhurnak, with its grand architecture and fortified walls standing as a testament to his legacy.   The tale of Dhurnak's journey and the founding of Dhuma is celebrated annually in a grand festival known as "Dhurnak's Ascendance." Orcs from all over Tanaria gather to honor their great ancestor, participating in feasts, combat tournaments, and rituals that recount the legendary exploits of Dhurnak. His spirit is believed to watch over Dhuma, guiding its leaders and inspiring its warriors to uphold the values of strength, honor, and unity.   Dhurnak's legacy endures not only in the physical structures of Dhuma but also in the hearts and minds of its people. His story serves as a reminder of what can be achieved through determination, vision, and the unwavering belief in the potential of the orcish race.  

Common Myths and Legends

The Legend of Thar’gul, the Great Warchief
Thar’gul is a legendary figure in orcish history, known for uniting warring clans under a single banner. His tale is one of cunning strategy and unmatched strength. According to legend, Thar’gul challenged and defeated the leaders of rival clans in a series of brutal duels, earning their respect and loyalty. Under his leadership, the orcs waged a successful campaign against invading forces, securing their lands and solidifying their reputation as formidable warriors. Thar’gul’s name is invoked in battle as a symbol of unity and indomitable spirit.   The Myth of the Eternal Forge
The Eternal Forge is a sacred place in orcish mythology, believed to be where the first weapons and armor were crafted by the hands of the gods. The myth tells of a powerful blacksmith god, Gorthak, who created the forge to arm the orcs for their battles against monstrous foes. Gorthak’s forge is said to burn with an eternal flame, fueled by the spirits of fallen warriors who continue to fight in the afterlife. Orc smiths honor Gorthak by forging weapons in the traditional way, invoking his blessing for strength and durability in their creations.   The Story of Valkara, the Brave
Valkara is a heroine celebrated in orcish lore for her unmatched bravery and fierce independence. She was the daughter of a clan chief, known for her skill in battle and her refusal to be subjugated. Legend has it that Valkara defended her village against a massive raid by gnolls, standing her ground and inspiring others to fight with unparalleled courage. Her actions turned the tide of the battle, and she was forever remembered as a symbol of valor and defiance. Valkara’s spirit is said to dwell among the stars, watching over warriors who fight with honor and bravery.  
To their enemies, they are brutal and fearsome opponents, without parallel in their ferocity and cunning. To their allies, they are noble and honorable.
Scientific Name
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Orcius
Species: Orcius sapiens
60 to 70 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
Males: 6 to 7 feet
Females: 5.5 to 6.5 feet
Average Weight
Males: 250 to 300 pounds
Females: 200 to 250 pounds
Average Physique
Orcs are muscular and robust, built for physical endurance and combat. Orcs have large heavy jaws, sharp tusk-like teeth, heavy brows, broad flat snout-like noses, and pointed ears. Their hair is coarse and bristly.  
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Orcs have skin tones ranging from green to gray and reddish-brown, often marked with scars and tribal tattoos signifying their achievements and status within the clan.
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