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Seraphelle (Seh-rah-FELL)

The Seraphelle were created by Seraphis, the god of valor and guardianship, as a testament of his love and devotion to Callen, the goddess of the moon, love, and wisdom. Using his celestial blood, Seraphis gave life to the Seraphelle, angelic beings designed to embody the virtues of both deities. Their purpose was to protect Callen's temples and spread her light throughout Tanaria.

Basic Information


The Seraphelle have an elvish build, characterized by slender and tall physiques, typically standing between 5'8" and 6'5". Their skin is clear and smooth, free from blemishes, giving them an ethereal and unearthly appearance. They grow hair only on their heads, which can range in color from light blonde to deep black. They have pointed ears, similar to elves, adding to their graceful appearance. Their most defining feature is their angelic wings, which can come in a variety of natural colors. While white wings are most esteemed, they can also have wings in shades of gold, silver, brown, and even iridescent hues. Their blood has healing properties, capable of curing wounds and illnesses.  

Genetics and Reproduction

The Seraphelle reproduce sexually and are able to reproduce with humans and elves. Reproduction with a Leonin creates a Seralion, a unique hybrid race. The gestation period for a Seraphelle is similar to that of humans, lasting about nine months. Seraphelle children are born with small, underdeveloped wings that grow and strengthen as they age.  

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Infancy (0-2 years): Seraphelle infants are small and delicate, with underdeveloped wings.
  • Childhood (3-12 years): During childhood, their wings grow rapidly, and they begin to learn to fly and use their innate abilities.
  • Adolescence (13-20 years): Adolescence is marked by a further strengthening of their wings and the development of their magical abilities (for those who possess them).
  • Adulthood (21-250 years): Seraphelle reach physical and mental maturity, fully mastering their abilities and taking on roles within their communities.
  • Elderly (251-500 years): The elderly Seraphelle are revered for their wisdom and experience. Their wings may show signs of wear, but they retain their grace and dignity.

Ecology and Habitats

The Seraphelle thrive in environments that provide a balance between natural beauty and spiritual tranquility. They are often found in high-altitude regions, such as mountain peaks and cliffside temples, where the air is crisp and pure. These areas are typically secluded and sacred, serving as both sanctuaries and vantage points. Their natural habitats are rich in magical energy, often near ley lines or other sources of mystical power, enhancing their innate abilities and connection to the divine.   The optimal environment for the Seraphelle includes lush forests, serene valleys, and crystal-clear lakes. They build their homes in tree canopies, cliffside dwellings, or atop high plateaus, often incorporating natural elements into their architecture. The Seraphelle maintain a symbiotic relationship with their habitat, ensuring that they do not disrupt the natural balance and often acting as guardians of their environment.  

Dietary Needs and Habits

Diet: The Seraphelle are primarily herbivorous, subsisting on a diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. They have a particular affinity for foods that grow in high altitudes, such as mountain berries and herbs. Occasionally, they may consume fish or small game, but this is rare and usually reserved for special occasions.     Foraging and Hunting: They forage for food with great care, ensuring that they take only what they need and always giving thanks to nature for its bounty. They often cultivate gardens and orchards in their settlements, practicing sustainable farming techniques that replenish the land.     Food Storage: Food storage is done communally, with large, shared granaries and storage rooms that are protected by both physical barriers and magical wards. The Seraphelle place a strong emphasis on sharing resources and ensuring that no member of their community goes hungry.  

Biological Cycle

The Seraphelle undergo an annual molting process similar to birds. During this period, they shed old feathers and grow new ones, which is essential for maintaining their ability to fly and their overall health. This molting usually occurs during the spring, symbolizing renewal and growth.  


Social Behavior: The Seraphelle exhibit strong communal behavior, valuing harmony and cooperation above all else. They are compassionate and empathetic, always willing to lend a hand to those in need. Conflicts are rare and usually resolved through mediation and mutual understanding.   Predator Interaction: While they have few natural predators due to their aerial abilities and magical prowess, they are often hunted for their celestial blood and its healing properties. The mythos surrounding their race makes them a target for those seeking power, especially followers of the dark god Malakar. They use their heightened senses and magical abilities to detect and deter potential threats.   Mating Rituals: Mating rituals among the Seraphelle are elaborate and graceful. During courtship, individuals display their beauty and strength through aerial dances and feats of magic. These displays are both a means of attracting a mate and a celebration of their heritage and divine connection.   Psychological Traits: The Seraphelle are characterized by their unwavering sense of duty and honor. They are deeply spiritual, with a strong connection to their creator, Seraphis, and the goddess Callen. This connection instills in them a sense of purpose and a desire to protect and guide others. They are also known for their resilience and optimism, always striving to find the light even in the darkest of times.  

Additional Information

Social Structure

Communal Living:
The Seraphelle live in close-knit communities with a strong emphasis on cooperation and mutual support. They build large, multi-family dwellings and share resources communally.   Leadership:
Elders and priests, chosen for their wisdom and spiritual connection to Seraphis and Callen, lead the communities. Decisions are made collectively, with a council representing different families and guilds.   Guilds and Roles:
  • Healers: Specializing in using their blood and herbs for healing.
  • Guardians: Protecting the community and its temples.
  • Artisans: Crafting goods, art, and magical items.
  • Scholars: Preserving and teaching knowledge and history.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Healing Properties:
Seraphelle blood is highly valued for its potent healing abilities. It can heal wounds, cure diseases, and even restore vitality. This makes them targets for poachers and those seeking to exploit their gifts.   Byproducts:
  • Feathers: Shed feathers are collected and used in rituals, crafting, and as powerful magical components.
  • Molted Feathers: Used in trade for their beauty and magical properties.
Due to their healing properties and the myths surrounding their race, the Seraphelle are often hunted and captured. Their blood is sold on black markets, and their feathers are sought after for their magical attributes.   The Seraphelle have established protective measures and alliances with other races to safeguard their communities and resources from exploitation.   Cultural Uses:
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: Their feathers and blood are integral to various religious and healing ceremonies.
  • Art and Craft: Feathers are used in creating beautiful art pieces and powerful amulets.
  • Trade: While careful not to exploit their own resources, the Seraphelle engage in trade with trusted allies, exchanging their unique byproducts for goods and services they cannot produce themselves.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Seraphelle are more common in Vandalar, the largest known colony in the Runestone Crater, a deep chasm filled with dense forests and kharsts. They can also be found in Arandor in the forests in south Dhuma and Necai. They are a secretaive race, with their numbers dwindling their colonies are only known to trusted allies and amongst themselves. There are rumors of settlements within the Zandari mountains as far north as Skölna, but that has yet to be confirmed.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Sight: The Seraphelle have exceptional vision, capable of seeing in low-light conditions and detecting minute details at great distances.
  • Hearing: Their hearing is acute, able to pick up faint sounds and detect approaching threats with ease.
  • Magic: Approximately 20% of the Seraphelle possess innate magical abilities, allowing them to sense magical auras and cast spells related to healing and protection.
  • Extrasensory: Some Seraphelle can perceive the emotions and intentions of others, a gift believed to be granted by Callen.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

  • Aether Hawks: These magical birds often nest near Seraphelle communities, acting as messengers and scouts.
  • Healing Herbs: Specific plants that thrive in Seraphelle habitats, their growth accelerated by the magical presence of the Seraphelle. These herbs are used in their healing rituals.
  • Blood Leeches: These small, magical parasites are attracted to the healing properties of Seraphelle blood. They are rare but can be a nuisance if not managed.
  • Dark Spores: Parasitic fungi that thrive in damp, shadowy areas of Seraphelle habitats. They can drain magical energy, requiring regular cleansing rituals.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names: Seraphiel, Aethon, Thalor, Lior, Galad, Rion
Female Names: Seraphina, Elara, Thalia, Liora, Galina, Riona
Last Names: Lightwing, Starfire, Skyguard, Dawnbringer, Moonfeather, Sunshield   Naming schemes often involve celestial or light-related themes, reflecting their divine origins and celestial duties. Family names are passed down through generations and often denote a family’s legacy or prominent trait.

Major Organizations

  • The Order of the Celestial Guard: A religious and militant organization dedicated to protecting Callen's temples and sacred sites. They are led by high-ranking Seraphelle priests and warriors.
  • The Lightbearers: A group focused on spreading Callen's light and teachings across Tanaria. They act as missionaries, healers, and scholars.
  • The Shadow Hunters: An underground network that fights against the followers of Malakar, aiming to protect the Seraphelle from poachers and dark forces.

Beauty Ideals

White wings are the most desirable among the Seraphelle, symbolizing purity and divine favor. Variations in wing color are accepted, but the more human-like a Seraphelle appears, the less desirable they are considered. Clear, radiant skin and graceful, elvish features are also highly prized.  

Gender Ideals

The Seraphelle hold no significant gender biases. Both male and female Seraphelle can become warriors, healers, or scholars. Equality in roles and responsibilities is a core aspect of their society, reflecting their divine origins and the balanced partnership between Seraphis and Callen.  

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among the Seraphelle is a seasonal event marked by elaborate dances and displays of beauty and strength. Males perform a series of solo dances, showcasing their prowess and elegance to catch the eye of potential mates. When a female accepts a male’s dance invitation, they mate for that season. Though seasonal pairings are common, some Seraphelle form bonded pairs that choose to mate together every season. Monogamous pairs are rare, but they are respected for their deep bond.  

Relationship Ideals

Relationships among the Seraphelle are fluid and often revolve around mutual respect and shared duties. While monogamous relationships exist, they are not the norm. The Seraphelle value connections based on compatibility and mutual benefit, reflecting the celestial nature of their origins. Emotional bonds are important, but practical considerations often guide their relationships, especially given their dwindling numbers and the need to ensure the survival of their race.

Common Etiquette Rules

The Seraphelle place great emphasis on respect, honor, and humility. Greetings often involve a slight bow or nod, with wings slightly spread to show openness and trust. Interrupting someone while they are speaking is considered very rude, as is showing arrogance or boastfulness. Respect for elders and those with more experience is paramount, and seeking guidance from them is a common practice.

Common Dress Code

The Seraphelle prefer clothing that allows them to fly with ease, minimizing drag. Their attire is either minimalist or snug-fitting, crafted from lightweight, durable materials. Common garments include tunics, fitted pants, and robes that do not interfere with their wings. Armor worn by warriors is sleek and aerodynamic, often adorned with celestial symbols and motifs.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Seraphelle culture is deeply rooted in their divine origins and their roles as guardians and protectors. They value bravery, compassion, and the pursuit of knowledge. Their music and art often depict scenes of celestial beauty and heroic deeds. They celebrate their history through songs, poems, and grand murals in their temples and communal spaces. Festivals and ceremonies are held to honor their divine creators, Seraphis and Callen. These events are marked by vibrant displays of light, music, and dance. The Seraphelle take great pride in their heritage, and their cultural practices emphasize unity, cooperation, and the collective well-being of their community.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

  1. Festival of Wings: An annual celebration where the Seraphelle come together to showcase their flying skills and participate in aerial dances and competitions. This festival also serves as a rite of passage for young Seraphelle who have recently molted their first set of adult feathers.
  2. Molting Ceremony: A ritual observed during the annual molting period. It involves communal gatherings where Seraphelle support each other through the process, sharing wisdom and stories.
  3. Day of Healing: A day dedicated to using their healing abilities to aid those in need, both within their community and in neighboring lands. It is a way to honor Seraphis and Callen by extending their compassion and light.

Common Taboos

  1. Harming the Innocent: Inflicting harm on innocent beings, especially children, is considered one of the gravest sins. The Seraphelle believe in protecting and nurturing all forms of life.
  2. Wing Mutilation: Damaging or mutilating one's wings or the wings of another is seen as a profound disrespect to their divine heritage and an affront to their creators.
  3. Dishonoring the Ancestors: Speaking ill of or disrespecting the memory of their ancestors and fallen heroes is taboo. The Seraphelle hold their lineage in high regard and believe in honoring those who came before them.
  4. Breaking Oaths: Oaths and promises are taken very seriously. Breaking an oath is seen as a betrayal of trust and can lead to severe social repercussions.


The Seraphelle were created in a divine gesture of love and devotion by Seraphis. Using his celestial blood, Seraphis fashioned the Seraphelle in his image to ensure Callen's light would always be protected and that their love would be represented in the world. These angelic beings were imbued with bravery and compassion, making them natural guardians of Callen's temples and bearers of her light.   Initially, the Seraphelle flourished, their celestial blood granting them healing abilities and a strong affinity for magic. Over time, however, their power became diluted, with only about 20% of the population retaining their magical abilities. Despite this, their presence continued to bring hope and courage to those in need.   Their decline began with the death of Seraphis. This catastrophic event resulted in reduced fertility among the Seraphelle and made them targets for poachers seeking the healing properties of their celestial blood. Additionally, followers of the dark god Malakar hunted them, hoping to exploit their powers for nefarious purposes. These factors combined to make the Seraphelle a dwindling race, struggling to survive in a hostile world.

Historical Figures

Aurelius Brightwing:
Aurelius Brightwing is a legendary figure in Seraphelle history and is often revered as the first leader of the Seraphelle. According to ancient lore, Aurelius was created directly by Seraphis from the purest essence of his celestial blood. With his golden wings and unmatched bravery, Aurelius led the Seraphelle in the early days, fighting alongside Seraphis against the dark god Malakar. His leadership and valor during the battles against Malakar's forces cemented his place as one of the greatest heroes in Seraphelle history. The stories of Aurelius' deeds inspire the Seraphelle to this day, embodying the virtues of courage, loyalty, and sacrifice.   Vela Starkissed:
Vela Starkissed is one of the most celebrated figures in Seraphelle history. She was prophesized to aid the gods in a crucial battle against the dark god Malakar. Her bravery and determination played a pivotal role in restoring Seraphis and creating the race of the Seralion. Vela's legacy continues to inspire the Seraphelle, embodying their values of courage, compassion, and dedication to the greater good.     Eredin Moonrider:
Eradin Moonrider is another prominent figure in Seraphelle history, known for his close friendship with Vela Starkissed. Born into a noble Seraphelle family, Eradin was Vela's childhood friend and steadfast companion. When Vela embarked on her prophesized journey to aid the gods, Eradin accompanied her, providing unwavering support and protection. His skills as a warrior and his deep bond with Vela were instrumental in their success. Eradin's loyalty and dedication to Vela and their shared mission are celebrated in Seraphelle culture, highlighting the importance of friendship, loyalty, and unity in the face of adversity.

Common Myths and Legends

The Creation of the Seraphelle:
The most prominent legend among the Seraphelle is their creation by Seraphis and Callen. It is said that Seraphis, in a gesture of love and devotion, used his celestial blood to create the Seraphelle. This act was to ensure that Callen's light would always be protected and their love represented in the world. The Seraphelle embody both bravery and compassion, acting as guardians and protectors, bringing hope and courage to those in need.   The Prophecy of Vela Starkissed:
A revered tale among the Seraphelle is the prophecy of Vela Starkissed, a Seraphelle who was destined to aid the gods in an important battle. This prophecy foretold her role in restoring Seraphis and creating the race of the Seralion. The prophecy goes as follows:  
In the twilight's veil, where shadows dance with fire's embrace, The arcane whispers bind the fates of two, intertwined by grace. Mage and warrior, destined in a cosmic fray, Their destinies entangled, as dawn breaks the day.   From ancient tomes, the prophecy unfolds, Foretelling conquest's glory, or despair that molds. In the depths of twilight, truth and falsehood collide, Paths diverge and intertwine, in fate's enigmatic guide.   The bond of magic and strength, a force to defy, In the labyrinth of destiny, where shadows lie. Against the dark god's domain, their spirits ignite, To bring forth the light, in the heart of night.   Their union, a beacon in the shadows to shine, To restore the lost, in the threads of time. In life, in love, in battle, their legacy is spun, To weave their fate, until the fight is won.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Seraphelle maintain generally positive relations with other races, particularly humans and elves, with whom they can interbreed. Their healing abilities and role as guardians have earned them respect and admiration. However, their unique blood and celestial origins also make them targets for those seeking power, leading to tensions with certain groups, especially followers of the dark god Malakar. Relations with Leonin have improved since the creation of the Seralion, a hybrid race born from the union of Seraphelle and Leonin.  
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Seraphellis caelestis
500 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
Between 5'8" and 6'5"
Average Weight
60-90 kg (132-198 lbs), depending on age and gender
Average Length
Wingspan: 3-4 meters (10-13 feet)
Average Physique
Slender and tall. Their most defining feature is their angelic wings.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is typically clear and smooth, free from blemishes.


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