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Formed of intimate communities based not on location but companionship, patchwork families woven through choice rather than blood, and powerful hearts inherently connected to the sea—axok recognize the value in the bonds they forge for themselves. Though they are generally known as gentle giants, axok are a diverse people, as different and varied as the waters of the world. Axok tend to be broad-shouldered with large dorsal fins, granting them a distinctive silhouette—one you're always happy to see. As oceanfolk, their skin can range between dull blues and greys, and some children have patterns that may fade or change as they mature. Axok have gills that run along both sides of their necks towards their collarbones.   Though they will often linger close to the water, more and more axok have migrated to land, forming bonds of their own and taking part in dungeon-faring adventures and dragon-slaying quests.  

Blood is Thicker Than Water

  Axok societies form within very small groups, and like the waters they populate they are ever-changing. With few lessons imparted by guardians in early childhood, the axok culture is a fluid collection of traditions informed by the places they visit.   Similarly, the family of an axok is formed through experiences rather than blood. More often than not, the close pod of an axok is a highly cultivated group. “Friend” is an extremely prestigious term to axok, and it is granted only to those with whom they’ve forged the strongest connections.   Often, the rank of friend is considered equal or greater to familial relations. Because of their exclusive inner circles, axok may be seen by other races as cold or distant. Some say that an axok never makes more than ten friends in a century—a stereotype most landfaring people are quick to believe.  

Adopted by the World

  Most young axok are left to fend for themselves in early childhood, which allows them to choose their own path and companions. Early on, they understand the value of those they find on their own. Eager to expand their knowledge of the world around them, axok will often take jobs that expose them to new experiences. As naturally curious and amicable folk, axok tend to seek out opportunities to discover new ideas, places, and people. They are usually drawn to work as sailors, traveling merchants, or otherwise wayfaring adventurers. Typically, axok prefer jobs that allow for encounters with individuals as they allow genuine bonds to form over shallow connections.   Axok cherish what they have built for themselves, whether it’s a friendship, a home, or a purpose in life. As such, axok may be territorial over areas they have grown attached to or formed memories in. These dominions are fluid, and though they belong to an axok through personal connection, they may not be where the axok chooses to live. Seas, forests, even parts of cities may be claimed by an axok so long as they have a deep connection to the location.  

Book of Lost Magicka


ability score increase: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) choose three different +1
age: Axok mature slower than humans, and are considered fully grown once their adult pattern has deveoped around the age of 30. On average, they can live up to 150 years.
alignment: Axok can be of any alignment
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your swimming speed is 40 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan

Book of Lost Magicka

Blunt Axok

As a blunt axok, your tracking skills are unmatched. Experienced and persistent, blunt axok have developed unique hunting techniques that improve their ability to locate their foes.
ability score increase: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) choose three different +1
age: Axok mature slower than humans, and are considered fully grown once their adult pattern has deveoped around the age of 30. On average, they can live up to 150 years.
alignment: Axok can be of any alignement
Size: Medium
speed: Your bse walking speed is 25 feet. Your swimming speed is 40 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan
parent race: Axok
race features:
Aquatic Nature. You are able to breath in both air and water.   Rough Skin. You have a base AC of 11 + your Dexterity modifier.   Fierce Bite. An Axok's powerful jaws can have up to a dozen rows of teeth, all with the ability to grow back almost as soon as they are lost. Your teeth can be used as natural weapons. As an attack actio on your turn, you can make a melee attack with your teeth against a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, they target takes 2d6 + your Strength Modifier piercing damage. Once used this ability may only be used again after completing a long rest.   Electrosensitivity. You gain proficiency in Perception. As a bonus action, you may use blindsight to perceive within 15 feet of you. This ability lasts until your next turn. Once used, this ability may only be used again after completing a long rest.

Book of Lost Magicka

Somnal Axok

As a somnal axok, you reside in the temperate waters rather than the cool enviornments others prefer. You are drawn to the heat, even resting in deep waters near hydrothermal vents.
ability score increase: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) choose three different +1
age: Axok mature slower than humans, and are considered fully grown once their adult pattern has deveoped around the age of 30. On average, they can live up to 150 years.
alignment: Axok can be of any alignement.
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your swimming speed is 40 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan
parent race: Axok
race features:
Aquatic Nature. You are able to breath in both air and water. Rough Skin. You have a base AC of 11 + your Dexterity modifier.   Fierce Bite. An Axok's powerful jaws can have up to a dozen rows of teeth, all with the ability to grow back almost as soon as they are lost. Your teeth can be used as natural weapons. As an attack actio on your turn, you can make a melee attack with your teeth against a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, they target takes 2d6 + your Strength Modifier piercing damage. Once used this ability may only be used again after completing a long rest.   Volcanic Habitat. Having lived your whole life in hot climates, you have grown accustomed to the heat. You have resistance to fire damage

Book of Lost Magicka

Magnificent Axok

As a magnificent Axok, you are toothier than most of your kind, with resilience to match. You have endured the hardships of the sea and trained your body for battle rather than still waters.
ability score increase: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) choose three different +1
age: Axok mature slower than humans, and are considered fully grown once their adult pattern has deveoped around the age of 30. On average, they can live up to 150 years.
alignment: Axok can be of any alignement
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your swimming speed is 40 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan
parent race: Axok
race features:
Aquatic Nature. You are able to breath in both air and water. Rough Skin. You have a base AC of 11 + your Dexterity modifier.   Fierce Bite. An Axok's powerful jaws can have up to a dozen rows of teeth, all with the ability to grow back almost as soon as they are lost. Your teeth can be used as natural weapons. As an attack actio on your turn, you can make a melee attack with your teeth against a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, they target takes 2d6 + your Strength Modifier piercing damage. Once used this ability may only be used again after completing a long rest.   Blood Frenzy. You instinctually respond the smell of blood. You may use a bonus action to enter a frenzied state. Until your next turn, you have advantage on attacks against enemies that have taken damage and your bite attack increases to 2d8 + your Strength modifier piercing damage. Once used this ability may only be used again after completing a long rest.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Axok acquire two names in their lives—one given and one chosen. The given name is a gift from their childhood guardian: a token for the young axok before they part ways. This name is used formally and by those other than the axok’s closest friends. Given names are often in Aquan.   Much more intimate is the chosen name; when an axok chooses the path they wish to travel, they choose a name that reflects it in some way. As a symbol of their life itself, this name is only told to close companions. Those lucky enough to know an axok’s chosen name have earned their deepest trust. The chosen name represents a specific virtue or philosophy, so it can be any word, symbol, or name with the right meaning. Chosen names can be in any language, including Aquan.   Given Names: Shurn, Scavver, Lorn, Luvian, Dasion, Num, Shing, Mobular, Swayn, Krynn   Virtue Names: Dam (Aquan for Guardian), Whelm (Aquan for Struggle), Curiosity, Amity, Honor, Joy   Symbolic Names: Hook, Tide, Sun, King, Jaws, Glacier   Personal Names: Grace, Finn, Iara, Kairi, Morgi, Tiburon
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