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The Kingdom of Asterin was founded in the third era by the folk hero Asterin Valora after the Blue War. Rulership of the land was granted by then High King Finnegan of Aerin in recognition of Asterin's many deeds to thwart the Hollow King Tarlen. It was Asterin who commissioned the castle now known as Caer Avantri, and arranged the laws and system of governance still in place to this day.


Individualism vs Collectivism

  In regards to Individualistic or collectivistic societies, the Kingdom sits rather neatly in the middle. Asterani society places great pride and value both on the individual level and on the national whole. Individual thoughts and ideas are given great and proud license, believed to carry up the collective nation rather than hold it back. But the good of the family, the neighborhood, the town, the city, the county, the duchy, and the kingdom at large is almost always considered.  

Power Distance

  The Kingdom boasts a low power difference, generally running every level of government by council. Feeling that invividualistic power can lead to individualistic corruption. As a result, while the monarchy is determined by bloodline and magically binding, the power of the people is held as being equally important as the power of the crown.  

Uncertainty Avoidance

  The Kingdom is not adverse to uncertainty or change, even if many of the aspects of the system are magically secured and oppositional to change.  

Orientation to Time

  By and large the country is future oriented, investing in the future with long term plans, and working hard to secure, persevere, and achieve their goals. However, they are not thinking so far ahead that they forget to experience the moment.  

Gender Egalitarianism

  Asterani society is one of high gender egalitarianism. Gender equality is the norm as women are found holding positions of office or in the military just as often as you find women acting as stay at home mothers.  

Racial Egalitarianism

  Asterani society puts just as much value on racial equality as it does gender equality.  


  Assertive and even competitive behavior is encouraged and rewarded, creating a pseudo- meritocracy running along the monarchy.  

Being vs Doing

  The Kingdom fosters a society of doers. If you want to make your mark on the world, do it. Want to change it for the better? Make the change happen. Don't wait for others to do it for you.  

Humane Orientation

  The people of Asterin are no stranger to humanitarian efforts. Believing all forms of life to be important and sacred. A surprising number of the Kingdom's population even grow up wanting to join the Fianna just because of this importance placed on life.  

Indulgence vs Restraint

  Much in the same way as with Individualism vs Collectivism, the kingdom tends to straddle the fence of Indulgence vs Restraint. It is believed that restraint is necessary to keep society and the kingdom moving forward, but without the release of Indulgence leads to poor societal health.  

Material Culture

  The material culture of Asterin is very much the result of a melting pot, resulting in unique architecture marrying the stonemasonry of dwarven, elven elegance, human practically, and Genasi fluidness.   Art is very much valued from painting, to sculpting, to literature, to song, even metalwork. If it isn't beautifully done, it isn't done right.   As a result to this approach to art, clothes tend to be a bit more extravagantly designed, but still remain what would be expected for the social class.   Asterani clothing is fluid, favoring natural colors and spiral patterns. Common colors are green, brown, blue, red,  yellow, orange, indigo, and even teal can be found. The spiral patterns tend to be exclusively on tops and dresses.   The makeup used by women tends to be flashy and eyecatching, eyeshadow and lipstick having a fruit like sheen to them with the goal of looking more appealing.


Copper, silver, gold
Electrum and oricalcum
Horses and gryphons
Castles and other fortifications


At the conclusion of the Blue War, Ard Ri Finnegan granted the land to the hero Asterin Valora, along with the title of King, in recognition of his efforts and service towards resolution.   Asterin had originally named the kingdom Otara, from the Vaerish word otaras meaning "Promise," a promise to all peoples that they would find equal, just, and fair treatment within it's boarders, a promise that the kingdom has lived up to to this day.   When on his deathbed King Asterin had no heirs, no children of his own. He worked with his court mages to devise a way that only a just and fair ruler would ever wear the crown and sit on the throne. Only a just and fair man, could ever be called king.   The mages devised a contest. One that would measure the abstract qualities of a man. One that would measure his capacity for compassion, empathy, fairness, and justice. One that would measure his soul. And they enlisted the help of a water fae. A lady of the lake, and a magically binding contract was made.   Magic was weaved throughout the castle. The Lady must judge honestly, truly. The Lady was given Asterin's crown a day before the contest, on the day of his death. For a month, people approached the lake. Human, dwarfen, elven, orcish, and many others.   Until Alondal Avanti stepped before the lake. Only then did the lady appear and place the crown on his head.    It is said that when the Avanti line can no longer hold the throne, the crown will return to the Lady of the Lake, and will wait for the next just king.

Demography and Population

The Kingdom of Asterin covers an area of 60 thousand square miles. Of this, 61% (37 thousand sq. miles) is arable land, and 38% (22 thousand sq. miles) is wilderness.   The Kingdom boats a population of 6 million people. 29% of the population is elven. 28% is human. 13% is dwarven. 12% is Gnomish. 12% is halfling. The remaining 6% of the population is made up by various other people.   The largest city has a population of 34 thousand people, the second largest 24 thousand. There are 4 other cities of note in the kingdom, and 30 towns. The remaining population lives in numerous small villages, isolated dwellings, etc.   The Kingdom of Asterin has 120 cities and 39 ruins. Of these, 90 castles and 30 ruins are in civilized lands, and 30 castles and 9 ruins are in the wilderness, along borders, etc.


  • Militia
  • Spearmen
  • Swordsmen
  • Archers
  • Crossbowmen
  • Gunmen
  • Billmen
  • Lancers
  • Cavalry
  • Knights
  • Navy (sea division)
  • Navy (sky division)
  • Kings Guard

Technological Level

Asterin is heralded as the birthplace of the airship, and has been the location of many innovations in the technology allowing it to fly higher, faster, and longer.    Asterin was also the first nation to move away from gaslight and start using the cleaning aetherlight especially for it's street side lamps.   Asterin is also responsible for the advent of trains, horseless carriages, electroblades, and automatons.


The Kingdom supports temples of all gods, bolstering the national virtue of equality among all peoples. However, worship of the Formorae are taboo due to the ties to the dark powers that ruled the world before the Age of the Dragon Kings.

Foreign Relations

War with Isanor

  Due to the stance on equality, independence and individuality held by the not just the people of but the nobility as well, the kingdom of Asterin has found themselve to be the natural enemies of the conquest driven imperialistic nation of Isanor. This conflict has in turn led to alliances both commonly believable, as well as the unlikely, unconventional, and unusual.   The conventional allies of Asterin in this conflict consist of the Fianna and the kingdoms of Aerin, Zylia, Corrivale, and Dolomys. Known unconventional allies include the Blue Devil Pirates, who have taken to piracy not for gold or glory, but for the ultimate expression of freedom.


Civil Law

  The matter of civil law is administered and enforced under the reach of the Righteous Hand.  

Military Law

  • No member of the military can force themselves into, or commandeer a private residence.

Magical Law

  The matter of magical law is administered and enforced under the reach of the Arcane Hand.
  • Raising the dead is outlawed punishable by banishment from the mortal plane.
  • The use of blood magic is outlawed, punishable by death.
  • The use of eldritch magic is outlawed, punishable by burning
  • It is illegal to use chronomancy to alter history.

Merchant Law

  • The trade, purchase, and sale of certain items and products is illegal 

Religious Law

  • Pending severity, heresy is punishable either by exile or death by burning.

Agriculture & Industry

There are just as many rural agricultural towns as there massive industrialized cities.    In terms of agriculture, you have vast fields of various grains and crops, animal husbandry, and the breeding of mounts and animal companions.   In terms of industry, you will find steel production, assembly lines creating trains, sewing machines, telegraphs,

Trade & Transport

Transportation of goods over and within the borders is done by merchant carrivans, train, ship, and airship, in accordance with the variety of trade agreements the kingdom is involved in with other nations.


In regards to general aducation, the population at large is fairly well educated. Knowing everything they need to in order to function in society. Public schools providing fifteen years in maths, language, history, and even rudimentary science.   Further various academies and universities exist granting access to higher knowledge, and apprenticeships can be taken for various trades and specialized learning.


  • Aeroports
  • Bridges
  • Castles
  • Couriers
  • Farms
  • Factories
  • Forts
  • Gaslight
  • Highways
  • Lightning Farms
  • Road Networks
  • Sewage
  • Town Halls
  • Trains
  • Watchtowers

United we stand

Founding Date
282 3E
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Cities   Cities are defined as Small Cities (populations between 5,001 and 12,000), Large Cities (populations between 12,001 and 25,000) and Metropolises (population of 25,001 or more).
  • Avanton (Population 24,000)
  • Casalli (Population 6,200)
  • Dinas Ysbryd (population 34,000)
  • Ganala (Population 15,000)
  • Ustenral (Population 7,000)
  • Vas (Population 9,500)
Towns   Towns are defined as Small Towns (population between 901 and 2000) and Large Towns (Population between 2001 and 5000)
  1. Arkaley
  2. Blackthorn
  3. Bloodhawk
  4. Braxton
  5. Caer Clearwater
  6. Casley
  7. Craydon
  8. Dragon's Watch
  9. Elvetham
  10. Gilramore
  11. Hillford
  12. Falkirk
  13. Feldrose
  14. Goldburrogh
  15. Hillborough
  16. Kent
  17. Kilberry
  18. Korandin's Wake
  19. Lenham
  20. Ostin Mine
  21. Port Greenwood
  22. Ravenwood
  23. Salinas
  24. Shadyside
  25. Summerton
  26. Three Oaks
  27. Thornhaven
  28. Westhall
  29. Wickerton
  30. Willowcroft
Villages   Villages are defined as having a population between 401 and 900 people.  
  • Shorecrest (Population 873)
  Hamlets   Hamlets are defined as having a population between 81 and 400 people   Thorps   Thorps are defined as having a population between 20 and 80 people.   Geographical locations
  • Leanan Hill: Leanan Hill is the very hill upon which Dinas Ysbryd stands
The currency of Asterin is minted coins made of copper, silver, electrum, gold, and platinum. Copper Pieces are called "Helms." Silver Pieces are called "Shields." Electrum Pieces are called "Auras." Gold Pieces are called "Crowns." Platinum Pieces are called "Halos."   
  • 100 helms equals one shield. 
  • 100 shields equals 1 aura.
  • 100 auras equals 1 crown.
  • 100 crowns equals 1 halo.
Major Exports
The Kingdom of Asterin is so rich in electrum that what isn't used in mint or at the forge/in factories is commonly exported to the far reaches of Gaelynn. Given that electrum can be used to completely bypass material components (by way of substitution) for most spells, it has made the Kingdom of Asterin a superpower in its own right.   Due to the number of artists and artisans who make their home in the country, there are a large number of art pieces exported.   Other exports include glassware, dragon wine, Asterani poítin, weapons, produce and meat, and tools
Major Imports
Vaerish Whisky, Wyldan Brandy, various material components, various ores, various stones (construction grade)
Legislative Body
The legislative body is composed of the king, queen, and their five most trusted advisors, called hands.
  1. The Righteous Hand advises on behalf of the common people and is charged with civil law.
  2. The Martial Hand advises on behalf of the military and is charged with military law.
  3. The Arcane Hand advises on behalf of the mages and is charged with magical law.
  4. The Golden Hand advises on behalf of the merchants and is charged with merchant law.
  5. The Pious Hand advises on behalf of churches and is charged with Religious Law.
Judicial Body
The Judicial Body is comprised of crown appointed judges. But in matters wreathed as crimes against the crown, the King Himself is part of a tribunal that sits as judge, jury, and executioner. The King's Tribunal consists of 
  1. The King
  2. The Righteous Hand
  3. A neutral party
Executive Body
The Executive Body is comprised of every guard in the kingdom
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities
The Kingdom of Asterin

Continental Peace Keepers




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