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Ursine are a race of bear-folk native to the lands of Serau and Yllew, usually having settlement along mountain sides. but have been encountered as far as Hesios, Makhet, Wukan and Gaelynn. In Gaelynn a few tribes have made their home among the incredibly tall Silver Mountains


  Though many see the Ursine as intelligent bears, there are many differences between the Ursine and their savage cousin. A fully grown Ursine is much smaller than a bear and is as numble on his hind legs as he is on all four. Outsiders may find it hard to believe, but the rough Ursine have much more restraint an self-control than the beasts they are often mistaken for, though some suspect this is a result of their lack to need to hibernate.  

Strong and Tough

Years of living in the northern lands have made the Ursine tough. The harsh winters at the base of a mountain range often leads to a lack of food, requiring many of the Ursine to survive off the tough plant life native to the areas. Though many of the other races have trouble with the low temperatures of the north, the Ursine are barely affected by the cold, instead kept warm by their fur coats.  

Homeland Traditions

Many Ursine choose to wander the world in their formative years, curious about the state of the ret of the world. However, most of which who go out often return to their home, either because they miss their home or their curiosity has been sated.   As a result of the journeying many Ursine do, the age-old traditions of the Ursine are an eclectic mix with bits and pieces taken from the other cultures of the land.  

History of War

In the past, long ago, the Ursine were a warrior race, savage, fierce, and disciplined. However, once peace arrived in the tundras of Serau and Yllew, the Ursine settled down and much of their war-like temperment was lost.   

Volibear & the Ursine of Freljord


ability score increase: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) choose three different +1
age: Ursine mature quicker than humans, reaching adulthood around the age of 16. Despite this they live as long as humans.
alignment: Most Ursine follow a personal coe. Because of this, many Ursine are lawful, though it may not seem as such if the law of the land conflicts with their personal code. Many Ursine are kind, though value their race's well-being above that of outsiders.
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet if you walk on your hind legs, and 35 feet if you're walking on all four.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write common and Ursine. Not many people know Ursine and it is a difficult language for outsiders to learn, though the language sounds harsh, it is capable of expressing beautiful sentients.
race features:
Natural Armor. Your hide acts as a natural armor. You have a natural armor bonus of +1. When unarmored, your AC is equal to 1+ your natural armor bonus + your Dexterity modifier.   Bite. You are proficient with your bite, which deals 1d4 piercing damage. If you have grappled a creature, you may use your bonus action to bite them.   Claws. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes which deal 1d4 slashing damage.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ursine name their young based on what they want them to achieve as adults. An agressive, war-like Ursine may give his son a rough, cacophonous name while another might name her son after the hero of an Ursine folk tale.   Male Ursine Names: Arrus, Anrun, Callun, Deruhs, Leneth, Marukus, Olland, Rutushush, Veeros, Wlaren.   Female Ursine Names: Arsa, Belara, Dalara, Edulla, Hoinda, Ollinde, Nacura, Neruna, Warra.
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