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Isanor is a country of two sides. A nation with two faces to show the world. The northern half of the country is predominately of the akkani peoples while the southern half of the Santic peoples. The nation even has two kings, in accordance to a long forgotten treaty that formed the nation. This dichotemy and duality in the nation's politics, values, and even ethics. Many fantatics have been born in Southern Isanor who wanted to pull the entire country back to the Santic warrior traditions. However this was not possible until the human Johnathan Nathanial Grant ascended to the Southern throne.   Naming himself King John I, he used his Charisma, to spread Santic radicalism, and begin a dynasty of conquest. He became the first Isanoran king to sit on both thrones. His son, John II, would continue his father's legacy, conquering first Aerin, legitimizing Santic rhetoric, before taking Wvan and Avar reuniting the Santic nations under the name of the Santic Empire. Finally John II conquered Shara before being toppled by a band of adventurers. In the end boarders were restored, but the country of Isanor was disolved into three nations: Northern Isanor remained Isanor, but southern Isanor became Olin and Seagan.


Individualism vs Collectivism

  It used to be that Isanor was like Asterin on this scale. However, since the rise of King John I, Isanoran values have shifted to see Collectivism as a virtue. Befitting the country's Santic roots, it values the national whole over the individual.  

Power Distance


Uncertainty Avoidance


Orientation to Time


Gender Egalitarianism


Racial Eglitarianism




Being vs Doing


Humane Orientation


Indulgence vs Restraint


Material Culture


Education in Southern Isanor is regulated by the state, to the point that only the wealthy can really afford an education of any kind. Such families are typically are nobles of some kind.   Education in Northern Isanor was more freely given prior to southern King John I's assassination of the northern King Asin, claiming the whole of Isanor as a unified military state in 135 7E.


The infrastructure of Isanor is nowdays built on the back of slaves. These slaves were rebels, freedom fighters, enemy militia, anyone who resisted the rise and continued existence of the Santic Empire.   These slaves build the roads, the sewers, the buildings, the houses. They are forced construct portals that could further Isanoran and Santic expansion.

621 1E - 613 8e

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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