Grecode Language in Tarantellia | World Anvil
Major updates coming to Tarantellia in 2024!


To attend a meeting for the Order of the Grecodar, a member must first discover its location. Each team leader is charged with leaving messages for their branch. In turn, their branch members decipher the messages. Hopefully, they can determine the next meeting location.   Tubri Holasys, an understated person by nature, has caused the science branch to miss multiple meetings due to the innocuous placements of these messages. While the other branches snicker, Holasys believes that others will rise to the occasion and eventually catch on.   In one such situation, Holasys noted, "with the clouds parting, it would be a lovely day for a walk." The few who heard the message decided to walk around the park. To begin, they subtly checked under benches. By the evening, they were frantic and trying to inconspicuously check under and, in some cases, inside potted plants.   Holasys went to the meeting wondering why they didn't go to the museum and read the story behind the new installment "Parting." It was truly a beautiful tale about the coming of age in Orie Country. Beautiful, educational, and informative.   To meet them halfway for the next meeting, Holasys changed tactics. There'd be a written note for them to cipher. This time, it'd be left posted on the bulletin board for everyone to see. Droll, but manageable. This time, Holasys mentioned how everyone in the office "needed to check the bulletin board for updates on our latest project."   No one noticed a thing. Maybe next time, a passage in a book would be better.  

So what is the Grecode?

  The Grecode is a set of numbers released at an Order meeting. Each number represents a different word on a page. Some branch leaders, like Tubri Holasys, will find texts that fit the numbers perfectly. Others write public letters to various offices using an alias. Oftentimes, these letters will be in the form of a customer service complaint.
Tarantellia by Biome
Created by Lauren Nelson (self) on OtherWorldMapper and originally posted on her DeviantArt page.
Please Note:
For the remainder of 2024, please expect articles to change. Most articles will be expanded and improved, some may be removed until a future date. If you'd like to follow along, check out Tarantellia's Transformation here.

Cover image: Golden Clouds, speckled by Lauren Nelson


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