Shaca Investigative Force Organization in Tarantellia | World Anvil
Major updates coming to Tarantellia in 2024!

Shaca Investigative Force

The Shaca Investigative Force is a highly trained and specialized unit of magical investigators.


When cases of magic are reported, the Shaca Investigative Force determines whether law enforcement involvement is necessary. A singular agent may work undercover to gather further information. If a source of magic has been confirmed by an agent or other reliable source, a team of 3-6 members will operate to minimize the threat.


Many people are working within the Shaca Investigative Force, including, but not limited to: theoretical magicists, magic neutralization specialists, fighters, nurses, and bureaucratic red tape.


Many cases include claims about healers, alchemists, or scientists using magic. Typically, a claim of this nature will arise after someone receives undesirable results from services rendered. The Shaca Investigative Forces are required by The Grecodar to look into these cases; however, many officials see these cases as a waste of time and resources. Since the implosion of 1144 CD, workers in these potentially magical professions are required to keep notes of their appointments and procedures. Oftentimes, this paperwork will circumvent arrest or at least diffuse the claim. As such, workers in these fields despise the Shaca Investigative Force, while other community members rely on them heavily.

Public Agenda

The Shaca Investigative Force (SIF) aims to protect Orie Country from harmful magics by investigating all uses of magic reported to SIF HQ.


The Shaca Investigative Force's main office is located on the eastern side of the Shacan border. The organization owns two other buildings, one located in Asmain (where they typically schedule appointments with The Grecodar) and the other in The Mountain Range. The Mountain Range location is rarely utilized.


The Shaca Investigative Force began when new magical attacks swept along the southern coast of Shaca in 1156 CD, about 4-5 years after the war with the Claw Continent ended.
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
Orie Magic Police, The Eyes, SIF
Tarantellia by Biome
Created by Lauren Nelson (self) on OtherWorldMapper and originally posted on her DeviantArt page.
Please Note:
For the remainder of 2024, please expect articles to change. Most articles will be expanded and improved, some may be removed until a future date. If you'd like to follow along, check out Tarantellia's Transformation here.

Cover image: Golden Clouds, speckled by Lauren Nelson


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