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Gam Swiftstrike

Gam Swiftstrike (a.k.a. Fang)

Gam is a man who the party met at FangFest when it was held at the Lemarin Temple.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"Life before Venomfang was no life at all". Initially would not disclose his past prior to joining The Sect, as it was irrelevant to the divine.

Gam was asked by Favric to prove his loyalty to the Sect of the Fang by showing the party the inside of the temple grounds. He was trapped inside with Timberlee Forester as well as the rest of the party.

He nearly died several times while in the temple, and reconsidered his life choices and religion. He opened up to the party during a long rest, and asked about each of them. He revealed that he came from Laurelmont, and was the youngest in his family. He had been on his way to Westonridge when he encountered a recruiter from the Sect. He also revealed that his true name is Gam.

He joined the party on the journey home to Laurelmont. He nearly died again in Westfield but was able to summon divine power on the trek out of town. He has been teaching Timberlee Forester how to read.

Gam was told by his father Kol that in order to cover for his brother Orth's absence, he would need to stay in Laurelmont and help run the family business. He was a little saddened to leave the party, but thought it for the best, as he'd been feeling like a liability. The news of his departure rattled Timberlee, who offered to stay and help out as well. Gam reassured the party that he would be using his newfound healing magic to better his hometown.

Morality & Philosophy

Ne'er were there a more good-aligned character.

Personality Characteristics


Gam revealed that the true reason he left home was...... that he was bored. He simply wanted a change of scenery.


Contacts & Relations

Grew quite close to Timberlee Forester during their travels together; Kell referred to them as "fire-forged friends".

Family Ties

Gam is the youngest of three brothers, and helps his father run the family fur busines in Laurelmont.

Religious Views

Was a devout follower of Venomfang and Sect of the Fang. Began following the teachings of Eldath when Teo showed him the way. Since then, he managed to harness divine magic and even learn a few spells.
Current Status
Working the family business in Laurelmont
Current Location
Date of Birth
30th of May
Brown, tidy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations


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