Arashin, the Great Aerie Settlement in Tarkir | World Anvil
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Arashin, the Great Aerie

A seat of power since ancient times, the city of Arashin sits atop a rocky hill, an outcropping that juts up high above the desert. The city serves as the clan's symbolic and administrative center.


The thick walls and harsh desert keep the Dromoka humanoids in as much as their enemies out—not that most have any interest in leaving.

Points of interest

The Great Aerie. Surrounding the city is the greatest aerie in Dromoka clan territory, a gigantic structure that extends and fortifies the natural defensive position of the hill. The fortress is nearly invulnerable to ground assault, and the sky is heavily patrolled by dragons and aven. Dromoka makes her roost in the Great Aerie, ruling over the largest city in her territory. Economically, politically, and militarily, Arashin is the center of the clan.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Arashin, the Great Aerie
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

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Cover image: Forest by Sam Burley


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