Yasova First-Mother Character in Tarkir | World Anvil
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Yasova First-Mother

Yasova was a khan in the past of Tarkir, some 1,280 years ago. She led the Temur as a powerful shaman, adept at calling upon the elemental forces of the mountains and turning her enemies' power against themselves. After the fall of the khans, Yasova lost her Dragonclaw title and was renamed Yasova First Mother.


Yasova surrendered to Atarka after placating her with fresh food. Demonstrating that she and her followeres were more useful alive than dead. Unlike the other khans, which explicitly disbanded their clans, Yasova strove to retain as much of the Temur's identity in secret as possible.
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Khan, Dragonclaw, First Mother
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: Yasova Dragonclaw by Winona Nelson


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