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One of the smaller groups of the Celes'tani. With darker skin than their pale cousins, but lighter than their underground dwelling kin, they are somewhat in-between. Dwelling more on the line of blue color schemes, these elven people tend to be sea-faring folk, or otherwise near the water in some fashion. Mostly within Aldaria, but they branch out wherever large trade ports are at times.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aeris, Seilara, Heicha

Masculine names

Cairen, Velehn, Trefar

Unisex names


Family names

Willthorn, Vainenthal, Withershard


Major language groups and dialects

Kla'tani (Elvish), Common

Culture and cultural heritage

Sea-faring folk from Aldaria, often telling tales of great sea monsters, battles, and heroes fighting against the waves

Shared customary codes and values

Common code among the Ceruvans is honoring the sea and worshiping the deities involved with their stretches of water

Common Etiquette rules

Usually refined, but relaxed in their mannerisms. Never very formal, and often make good friends of most races

Common Dress code

Anywhere from refined dresses and suits to relaxed cloth shirts that billow with the wind

Art & Architecture

Architecture is usually nautical themed and well-made in large structures despite their relaxed and informal attitudes most of the time

Foods & Cuisine

Of the exotic fish dishes in the world, many come from these people. Ranging from catches from the deep ocean arranged into platters and other open-styled lobster plates made fresh.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Most normal observed traditions, with an additional one for them in the summer months of honoring the sea and giving back to it with small ritual plates of food

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Water droplet applied to forehead

Coming of Age Rites

Young must prove themselves by gathering together others from the tribe, village, or town and sail on a boat together through a rough storm

Funerary and Memorial customs

Returned to the sea via honorary casket, body is interred upon the land near their home

Common Taboos

Polluting the ocean with waste and refuse, harming of innocent sea life

Common Myths and Legends

The Great White Abyss, The Beast of 1000 Eyes, The Unending Serpent

Historical figures

Aeris Willthorn


Beauty Ideals

Often hold themselves to a more relaxed beauty standards than most of their kin. Most of the sea-faring folk enjoy their lives on the open waves or just in their harbors and other relaxed lifestyles. While most keep themselves clean, neat, and organized, there isn't much over beautification with cosmetics

Gender Ideals

Males are often the heavy lifters while females are the more calculative and better diplomats or speakers

Courtship Ideals

Often the thumb is licked and is attempted to place against the forehead before a date to see if the other reacts negatively. Its strange

Relationship Ideals

Both are expected to carry equal workload or cover for the other while they are away

Major organizations

Selvan Dynasty
Encompassed species
Related Locations

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