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While previous entities might have been intimidating, terrifying, or even beautiful, this creature takes the cake for stench and putrid horror. An amalgam mass of what looks like part of a toad, or tadpole, with a whole humanoid body embedded within as a tongue of sorts that can extend and reach for things, this creature is disgusting in more ways than one. On top of the stench it exudes, be wary of this creature on the battlefield as it wades through bodies and tears them apart or steps upon them.

Basic Information


Two main legs and a tail with small vestigial body parts and a humanoid torso and arms to reach from its tongue hidden inside its large head

Biological Traits

Larger and bulbous, these front-line tanks absorb punishment and dish it back out by leaking their noxious chemicals over the battlefield wholly

Genetics and Reproduction

Unknown, thankfully

Growth Rate & Stages

Horrifically fast growth rate

Dietary Needs and Habits

Whatever it can get its grubby hands upon

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

A massive toad-like head with a large humanoid body tongue stowed within

Average Intelligence

Not dull or smart, a bit inbetween

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Extraordinary Senses

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Rotting parasites that coat everything it touches
Abyssal Plane
Average Height
10 feet
Average Weight
2 Tons
Average Length
20 feet
Average Physique
Brawny and dense with porous leakage holes
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually greens or mossy-covered black
Geographic Distribution

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