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Hailing from Thunder Peak in Orovia, these group of Cre'tani were one of the first to migrate across the ocean to the other continent. Many of their kin in the northern flatlands of Kalvena remain, making them a people of two locations, but most still consider Thunder Peak their homeland for pilgrimages. Most of these individuals share an affinity for lightning from their namesake and deity they have sprung from.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Kirsten, Thea, Astrid

Masculine names

Matthias, Reinhold, Siegfried

Family names

Schmidt, Schneider, Wagner


Major language groups and dialects

Steurmanic (Common)

Culture and cultural heritage

A culture of honor and combat. These people upon settling in their domain have been at odds against the dark creatures coming forth from The Pit. Unlike the Common Lands, there was no unifying huge force to push it back like the Dark Canyon. So the rift remains open still to this day, sponsoring much combat culture from these people

Shared customary codes and values

Honor always. Nothing to these people matters more than their honor in battle and out of battle. Disrespecting it is to challenge their namesake and their birthright.

Common Etiquette rules

A bit more refined than their other cousins, but they can be just as brash as the Stormborn Ghe'tani, which some of their roots come from

Common Dress code

Often times revealing or relaxed clothing when within towns or relaxed villas. Otherwise heavily covered, plated, and metallic weapons cover them fully

Art & Architecture

Architecture always hints at storms with the artwork scrawled into the sides. Murals and art pieces all seems to follow the same working as great metal spires stretch upwards to the sky

Foods & Cuisine

Kind of bland on its own, but often mixed with other culture's heritage to make fairly unique brands of spices and creations.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Normal traditions outside of an expanded celebration of the Stormlord during Theranthel at the start of the year

Birth & Baptismal Rites

None specific

Coming of Age Rites

Young must prove themselves by forging or donning a set of heavy metal plates made for them

Funerary and Memorial customs

Returned to the storm above through long fires and left in remembrance by tombstones

Common Taboos

Anything dark god related

Common Myths and Legends

The Great Devouring Maw, The Pit of Teeth, The Swirling Doom Below

Historical figures

Klaus Shaeffer


Beauty Ideals

Like most of the Cre'tani, these people keep themselves clean and neat when they can or when it is need for company. But otherwise, blood and dirt can build up upon them while fighting or working easily

Gender Ideals

Male led within Thunder Peak, but otherwise evenly balanced within the outer layers around their homeland

Courtship Ideals

Often times they will accompany a storm with a proposal

Relationship Ideals

Both are expected to provide for the relationship in ways they seem fit
Encompassed species
Related Locations

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