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The Cabeleon Republic

Founded in the following years that Clerlême was brought into the world as well as the Liev'tani, the freedom of expression and freedom itself flows from these people. While most would expect a republic that values freedom and expression unlimited would be involved heavily in the nature of the world and its politics in other larger factions, these people and the Republic are more focused upon themselves, and with how isolated much of their cities are, one could only expect such a place to be more concerned with the Endless Domain.


A Republic to its core. The cities under the rule, most of the Liev'tani in fact, follow the values of freedom and their expression. The Republic keeps a stayed hand in most events, but does monitor the effects and the cities themselves in a unified manner for protection and other such events.


Core belief as with more Liev'tani lies as freedom of expression like the music they play. Being said, much of the Republic keep to themselves, and especially away from the Unchained faction, which does...narrate freedom, but perhaps in a bit more aggressive manner than they would like.

Public Agenda

Keeping the peace of nature and the music of the Republic and the lands around.


Large swaths of vessels upon the great rivers in the Endless Domain, as well as a good number of floating vessels small enough to waft through the massive trees of the Endless Domain.


Fashioned and formed in the early years of the Liev'tani, as their kind spread and grew, it was clear that a unified government was needed to keep an eye on the growing number of cities. While not keeping an ironclad hand in most affairs, but acting more as a unifying faction to keep the people in touch.

Demography and Population

Much of the land along the rivers in the Endless Domain is controlled by the Cabeleon Republic. Though other tribal Kla'tani groups frequent the area, they are not restricted at all by the workings of the Republic, rather encouraged. The population is slim compared to other continents and spread about half in the surrounding bundles of cities and towns and the other half within Clerlême.


The lands here are free flowing from the native peoples and tribes that came first. The Republic respects their claims, and often times much of their work is resolving these disputes and offering payment and assistance to fund the growth of their own people, and even assimilating those willing at times.


While compared to other Empires like the Assarian Empire, the Cabeleon Republic's military is a joke. But in the local area, they hold the highest military populace and organizational force as well as the biggest possible volunteer militia the world over, in terms of percentage at least. At least 75% of the populace of the Republic can join of their own will should the need arise, effectively rallying 15,000 individuals overnight in the sparsely populated area of the world.


Heavy followers of Iphalea lie within the Republic. While not a holy grouping, there is much following and consideration of the Goddess' wishes in decision making and even considering acts of war or defense.

Foreign Relations

Usually withdrawn from other political ventures, as the Republic has enough of its own problems with the large and massive forests.

Agriculture & Industry

Much of the agriculture here is done in ways to not harm the forest. The lumber trade is needed for the Republic to function, and as such the areas cleared are made into farmlands for about 10 years before the trees are replanted and the next patch of forest cleared, and the process repeated, keeping the land healthy and fresh. Industry here is nothing heavy metal, as most of the natural metals of the world and those used in the Republic are shipped in via trade.

Trade & Transport

Much of the riverboats that are not used for recreational use bring both lumber out and steel inwards on a daily basis through many of the cities connected on the rivers.


Much of the education of the masses is given as part of the Republic as a free service, leaving the poverty, and uneducated level in the Republic very low compared to other Empires.


Many aqueducts, water ferrying devices, dams, and other similar things lie in the Republic as ways to ferry and move across the forest quickly.

"Blessed be Freedom."

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Music Empire
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Lumber, musical instruments. Instruments made in Clerlême have a certain intrigue and appeal to them the world over.
Major Imports
Metals in all fashions.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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