Neon Shadows #1 - News Reports

The Neo-Tlamanih Mirror (Grocery Store Tabloid)


City Under Siege: Vigilante Justice Strikes at Heart of G-Reign

Robert L. Stephenson   In a startling eruption of violence that shook the murky streets of our city last night, an audacious attack on the notorious G-Reign gang has left the underworld buzzing and the police force scrambling for answers. Robert L. Stephenson, your eyes and ears in the city's shadowed corners, reports that two men, identified as Allen Ames and Dmitri, lie in critical condition following a brazen assault on what was believed to be a fortified stronghold of the G-Reign gang - a nondescript taxi repair garage which, under the guise of legitimate business, has long been suspected of harboring the city's most illicit activities. Sources close to the investigation suggest the timing of the attack was meticulously planned, exploiting the gang's weakened defenses as a significant number of G-Reign's soldiers were lured away, embroiled in a turf war over in Overlord territory.   The streets whispered tales of heroism and recklessness as two vigilantes launched their own offensive against the gang's remaining bastion. Among the chaos of shattered glass, bullet casings, and the roar of police sirens, the daring duo managed to subdue Ames and Dmitri with such swiftness that by the time backup could scream through the neon-lit streets, the vigilantes were shadows once more. This act, undoubtedly a significant blow to G-Reign's operations, raises questions about the thin line between lawlessness and justice in our city's relentless battle against crime. As the police delve into the night's events, one thing is clear: the vigilantes' message is loud and unyielding, and the underworld's response remains to be seen. Stay tuned, dear readers, for this tale is far from over.
Canon Timeline Neon Shadows #1


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