Neon Shadows #1 - The Brutus Takedown

General Summary

The Streets Whisper of War - A Tale from the Dark Corners

  Wednesday, 2/2/2022   The city's underbelly rumbled last night, a low growl that turned into a roar. G-Reign and Six Six Blades, two gangs as vicious as they come, clashed over turf more precious than gold in these parts - a corner known for its lucrative shadows. Bullets sang their deadly tune, turning glass storefronts into shattered dreams, while gang members barked into their phones for reinforcements. The dance of death escalated, both gangs throwing everything they had into the fray.   In the chaos, a keen eye noticed something odd. The iron birds of G-Reign, those notorious taxis, screamed out of their lair - a garage known for more than just repairs. But Brutus, one of G-Reign's top dogs, stayed put. The word was out: Brutus was alone and ripe for the taking. An opportunity like this doesn’t knock twice. Yet, the shadows whispered a caveat - Brutus was to be caught, not killed.  

Enter the Vigilantes

  Under the cover of night, three shadows moved with purpose towards an unfinished skeleton of what was to be a towering business complex, eyes set on the garage. Deucalion and Desmond Daniels, warriors of the night, and a fresh face to the scene, V3rm1n, with his mechanical sidekick, Meat Burger, scoped out their target from this perch.  

The Assault Unfolds

  Their approach was anything but subtle. The trio's attempt to breach the garage's defenses was clumsy at best. A thug, his head encased in a spray-painted helmet, challenged their presence with a smoke-laced growl. He didn’t stand a chance. Deucalion and Desmond made quick work of him and his lackeys, but Brutus was nowhere to be seen.  

The Encounter with Brutus

  In a nearby brick office, behind a door that screamed security, they found him. Deucalion bypassed the lock with a trick up his sleeve, teleporting inside. Brutus, a mountain of a man, was counting his dirty money, unaware of the storm that was about to hit him. His lieutenant, Steve, didn’t even get a chance to fight back before being knocked out cold.  

Victory and Escape

  The fight was swift. Despite Brutus's brute force, he was no match for our vigilantes. As they fled they discovered V3rm1n knocked out cold from the initial fall from the fence. They picked him up and frantically escaped, with G-Reign's howls in their wake.  

The Aftermath

  In the quiet aftermath, in an alley as cold and unforgiving as the world they fought against, Deucalion and Desmond took a moment to regroup. Trust was a rare commodity, but they found it in each other, exchanging contacts before parting ways. Desmond, shedding his vigilante guise for his day job as a cop, arranged for Brutus to be taken in. But the night held one last twist - Brutus's identity rattled the precinct to its core. He was no ordinary gang leader; he was James Wyatt, a cop thought lost to the abyss.   And so, the night ended not with answers, but with questions. The city’s underbelly is a beast with many heads, and tonight, we cut off just one. But the streets are alive with whispers, and my pen is ready to document what comes next. In this city, the fight for justice is never simple, never clean. But it’s a fight we must face, head-on.

Missions/Quests Completed

Started the A Brutus By Any Other Name  line of investigation.
Report Date
18 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Related Characters


  •  Deucalion - Action Frankenstein vigilante.
  •  V3rm1n - Hacker and master of a murder drone.


  •  Vivian Johnson - A friend of Desmond's, emergency dispatch for Neo-Tlamanih PD.

Shades of Grey

  •  Brutus - G-Reign gang leader.
  • Allen Ames - A young G-Reign gang member. A scrawny mechanic who wants to be on the front lines.
  • Dmitri - A taxi driver and courier for the G-Reign gang.


Neon Shadows #1 - News Reports


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