Vivian Johnson


  Vivian Johnson is a formidable presence in Neo Tlamanih's cyberpunk landscape: a determined ex-police officer turned vigilante support, confined to a wheelchair but no less fierce, utilizing her computer expertise and sharpshooting skills to balance the scales of justice where the Law Bringer AI falls short.  


  Vivian grew up in the once-golden city of Tlamanih, a place of marvel before it was displaced to off the eastern coast of the United States. Witnessing its transformation and the subsequent demonic invasion, she was imbued with a strong sense of justice. Her resolve hardened after the city's restoration; she joined the police academy, eager to protect and serve. Vivian's dedication saw her taking on perilous cases until fate took a dire turn during a carjacking chase that left her legs crushed. Transitioned to desk duty, her passion for fieldwork remained unquenched, leading her to become an indispensable ally to vigilantes.  


  Despite her career's tragic pivot, Vivian's drive to safeguard the city never waned. Frustrated with the limitations of her office-bound role and the Law Bringer AI's rigid interpretation of justice, she sought a more direct impact. Recognizing the system's flaws and the criminals exploiting them, Vivian positioned herself as a crucial ally to those willing to operate in the gray areas of the law. Her efforts aim to restore balance and protect the innocent, motivated by a profound belief in justice tempered with mercy.  


  Vivian has no supernatural powers but compensates with remarkable technological prowess and marksmanship. An expert in computers and networks, she adeptly covers the tracks of vigilantes and manipulates digital evidence. Her intimate knowledge of the Law Bringer AI allows her to predict and influence its actions. Physically, she has honed her upper body strength, becoming a formidable force. Her wheelchair is customized for concealment and quick access to an array of firearms, making her a surprisingly deadly ally in combat situations.  


  Standing at 5 foot ten in stature, Vivian Johnson boasts long dark brown hair and penetrating brown eyes, her Aztec heritage evident in her features. Since her accident, she has transformed physically; her upper body radiates strength and determination, a testament to her rigorous training and adaptation to life in a wheelchair. Her presence is as commanding as her spirit, with her practical attire often concealing the tools of her vigilante support trade.  


  Vivian's personality is a blend of resilience, intelligence, and a deep-seated sense of justice. Her experiences have not embittered her; instead, they've sharpened her resolve and her understanding of the world's complexities. She is fiercely independent, yet profoundly loyal to those she considers allies. Vivian's approach to life is pragmatic, yet she harbors a soft spot for the city she serves and its inhabitants, humanizing her in a world often dominated by cold technology and harsh realities.


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