Neon Shadows #3 - Cranked to Death

General Summary

A Meeting of Wolves

Friday, 2/11/2022 It all started with bullets flying at Crank's place. The kind of greeting you'd expect in this city's less hospitable accommodations. Our band of merry misfits, fueled by justice or vengeance—take your pick—decided to pool their talents. Seems they figured they'd stand a better chance against the city's rot together than apart.   While these avengers took to the streets, their network of eyes and ears dug up dirt like it was going out of style. Jocko whispered sweet nothings about a surge in drugs and despair. V3RM1N and Jay played peeping Toms into Gina's life. And Crank? Let's just say his financial woes were as transparent as a glass jaw in a boxing match.   Their war council convened in a parking garage, the kind of place you'd expect a deal or a duel. Near the Rosario Street Police Precinct, under the cloak of night—or should I say, the wee hours of the morning—they laid their plans. One involved a cozy chat with Crank behind the precinct's bars. The other? A not-so-cordial visit to Gina's den.

Turning the Crank

Vivian, a dame with connections that made the devil look like a choir boy, got Crank in a room all to himself. Our dynamic duo had him singing like a canary, though the tune was more dirge than ditty. Crank clammed up about the big fish, but it was clear—he was caught in a net so tight, Houdini wouldn't wriggle free.

A Beating, Interrupted

Their little powwow got cut short by the wail of the fire alarm. The precinct turned into a circus, minus the fun and games. "Law Giver protocol," they called it. Sounded more like a death sentence. With Crank's pleas echoing behind them, our vigilantes vanished into the night, leaving only questions in their wake. Desmond caught a glimpse of the surveillance room—someone had been watching. The plot, as they say, thickened.

A Library Interlude

The aftermath saw Desmond and Deucalion—our rooftop hoppers—retreating to what could only be called a sanctuary in this cesspool of a city. The Mezzanine, Deucalion's stronghold, played host to more than just books that night. Amidst the leather-bound volumes, they laid bare their disagreements. Let's just say, their partnership was as harmonious as a cat in a dog show.   So there you have it. Another night in the life of the city's unseen guardians. They're out there, in the shadows, making the hard choices. Me? I'll stick to my smoky office and stiff drinks. But I'll be watching, and waiting, for their next move. Because in this city, the story never really ends. It just fades to black.

Rewards Granted

Desmond & Deucalion
  • 1 XP
  • Teamwork 8- with eachother
  • Knowledge West Western Gangs 8-

Missions/Quests Completed

Report Date
01 Apr 2024


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