
A.S.H. or Autonomous Superhero Hologram is a prototype Artificial Entity designed to replace the LighTech Industries TLDR line of robots. Created by Dr. Max Hellqvist.   Like most LighTech creations, A.S.H.'s primary power is hardlight projection. Unlike the TLDR line, however, A.S.H.'s "body" is a hardlight hologram surrounding a small, extremely powerful and nearly indestructible hardlight projection device.   A.S.H. joined the nameless team of heroes featured in Teen Justice Academy during the events of Issue #3: Field Trip. After this successful trial run, A.S.H. was granted full operational autonomy and now patrols the city as the hero Hardlight.
"Please state the nature of the superhero emergency."   Hero Name Hardlight   Real Name Autonomous Superhero Hologram or A.S.H.   Powers Solid light projection, super durability and strength   Playbook Newborn
Aligned Organization


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