Felix & Fido

Felix is a polymath and a child of wealthy inventors who made millions selling patents to companies like SecuriTech. Several years ago, Felix invented a dimensional scanner designed to give Halcyon City advance warning of interdimensional incursion. The device was overpowered, however, and ripped a hole in reality, through which Fido emerged.   Fido is Felix's best friend. He is is horrifyingly violent when defending Felix, but is otherwise quite playful. Fido's stomach is a dimensional portal, so he can eat massive things and occasionally spits out weird objects from other dimensions. Fido often appears to be some indeterminate breed of large dog (like a giant solid black Rottweiler/Great Dane mix) but when excited he starts to morph - extra rows to teeth appear, glowing red eyes open up along his body, razor-sharp spines and muscular tentacles sprout from his back, etc.   Felix lives in the Halcyon Heights neighborhood and attends Westlake Preparatory Academy.
Hero Name Felix & Fido   Real Name Felix Featherstone   Powers Genius intellect, extradimensional companion   Playbook Brain


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