
When Helen was a little girl her parents moved to Croatia to lead an expansion of the family business. Helen was always fascinated by the stories of ancient witches and their powerful sorcery abilities. One day when Helen was at the family's vacation home in a little village outside Palmizana on the island of Sveti Klement, Helen thought she heard a woman's voice calling to her. Following the voice, Helen she stumbled upon a series of hidden catacombs. The voice guided her through the labyrinth to a tomb, inside which she found an ancient book of spells. As she read the book, she felt a strange energy coursing through her body. Suddenly, she was bonded to the spirit of an ancient witch.   Helen gained incredible powers. She could control the elements, summon spirits, and cast spells that could defeat any enemy. She used her powers to protect her village from evil forces and became known as the Striga.   As she grew older, Helen learned more about her powers and the ancient witch Hekate who had bonded with her. She discovered that the witch had been a powerful sorceress who had fought against evil forces for centuries. Helen realized that it was her destiny to continue Hekate’s legacy and protect the world from evil.   And so, Hekate continues to use her powers for good, fighting against evil forces wherever they appear. She aspires to serve as a symbol of hope for all those who believe in magic and the power of good over evil. She was recently contacted by the Winter Witch the Winter Witch who offered to sponsor her provisional membership in the True Magicians.
Hero Name Hekate   Real Name Helen Hillier   Powers Sorcery   Playbook Nova


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