Mark Seven

Mark was raised in a radical transhumanist cult who illegally leveraged human and alien technology to attempt to achieve the singularity. As Mark grew up he became disillusioned with the cult's beliefs and, after the sixth implantation procedure he was forced to endure, sought a way to escape. One night he was discovered sneaking out of the cult's compound. In the ensuing chase, Mark found himself in one of the cult's secret labs where he submerged himself in liquid impervium in an attempt to hide from his pursuers. Exposure to this rare metamaterial activated Mark's latent metahuman abilities. The impervium infused every cell and tissue in Mark's body, granting him near indestructibility, the ability to liquify and assume any shape, as well as the ability to interface with various forms of technology.
Hero Name Mark Seven   Real Name Mark Morrison   Powers Monstrous appearance, technopathy, transmuting flesh   Playbook Transformed
Current Location


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