
Lucien Le Prevost (a.k.a. The Puppetmaster)

Lucien Le Prevost, otherwise known as The Puppetmaster, is one of the main villains in Empire City. His strange schemes have plagued the city for decades. Le Prevost is a genius inventor who also dabbled in the occult. He combined these areas of knowledge to create a variety of mind-control devices ranging from small devices that control a single individual to the "puppetizing ray," a weapon capable of bending dozens or hundreds of individuals to Le Prevost's will at a time. Le Prevost has not been seen in decades, but rumors persist that he is secretly controlling powerful individuals in Empire City.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lucien's age is unknown. He has been active in Empire City for over 60 years and was middle aged when his schemes were first detected. It is suspected that he has used occult or technological means (or a blend of both) to extend his life. Even in his prime, Le Prevost was not particularly strong or healthy, but his mental powers more than make up for any physical weakness.

Special abilities

  • Hypnotic gaze
  • Mind control spells
  • Mind control technology
Current Location


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