Zoo Boy

Tonauac "Tommy" Torres, AKA Zoo Boy, is an Omega-level metahuman with the ability to access and control the Life Field that permeates the universe. He can manifest living constructs in the form of animals of every type and size imaginable.   When Tommy was young and his abilities were not under his conscious control he caused significant difficulty for his parents. Doctor Darwin agreed to take Tommy in and train him to control his emotions and abilities.   When the Island of Doctor Darwin came under attack by A.E.G.I.S., Tommy destroyed one of their helicarriers and fled to Halcyon City, where he was brought under the tutelage of Professor Odd. Tommy currently lives at the Odd Estate & Asylum and attends West High School with his friends C.R.Y.S.T.A.L., Miz, Katsumi, Marsha "Fatal Flora" Myres, Grant Madlock and his boyfriend Todd Tower.   Tommy's powers are "a little world-endy." As a direct conduit to the Life Field, Tommy is effectively immortal, having the ability to reform even after being completely disintegrated. On at least one instance, Tommy's connection to the Life Field has reversed, enabling him to drain life force from his surroundings. Such "Dark Tommy" events should be avoided at all costs.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Whether at school or on a mission, Tommy prefers a jeans and t-shirt aesthetic.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Tommy comfortably identifies as a man but has a rather loose definition of what that means.


Tommy identifies as gay but is more accurately a homoromantic demisexual. Emotional attraction is much more important to Tommy than physicality, although the fact his boyfriend Todd is an absolute unit doesn't escape his notice.


Most of Tommy's education was achieved on the Island of Doctor Darwin. He knows a bit more than the average teenager about gene splicing and chimeric DNA, but knows relatively little about pop culture or other common areas of teen knowledge.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Co-winner of the "who can get bigger" contest (summoned a giant Tenturticle above Halcyon City)   Destroyed an A.E.G.I.S. helicarrier   Fought off a swarm of undead hands with a kitten tsunami   Defeated the villain Blacklight   Successfully manipulated Miz and Grant into going to Homecoming together   Started a colony of Moon Monkeys


Contacts & Relations

Tommy views the mutant hyperintelligent gorilla Doctor Darwin to be a parent figure and has friendly relations with many residents of the Island of Doctor Darwin, including Negative Space and Archie (Architeuthis Sapiens or Squid Boy).   Professor Olivia Odd is Tommy's current guardian. Professor Odd is an old associate of Doctor Darwin's. Tommy thinks Professor Odd is super old and probably senile.

Family Ties

Tommy hasn't seen his actual family in years and doesn't speak much about them.

Religious Views

Tommy is not religious but he does have very particular beliefs about how life and death work.

Social Aptitude

Tommy is open, kind and generally honest with his peers, though he does tend to pressure his bestie Miz to get over herself. Tommy is known to put on an air of innocence around adults, particularly those who expect him to abide by their rules. Tommy is fairly extroverted and often appears to be more confident than he is.

Hobbies & Pets

Tommy's hobbies include creating living Mims characters to distract Miz from her perpetual self-pity party.
Hero Name Tommy   Nickname Zoo Boy   Real Name Tonauac Torres   Powers Biokinesis   Playbook Nova
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Tommy has died a number of times, only to re-manifest from the Life Field.
Current Residence


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