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Not all things are as they seem in the twilight. Enx when you meet them is not the same Enx you will truly get to know.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Golden skin and an absolute mess of hair

Physical quirks

Their hair frequently covers portions of their face and eyes, allowing them to avoid eye contact and disguise their features.

Special abilities

You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself. You can use this trait to take the Help action as a bonus action, and you can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Starting at 3rd level, choose one of the options below each time you take the Help action, whether as a bonus action or an action: Hospitality. You and the target of your Help action each gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d6 plus your proficiency bonus. Passage. You and the target of your Help action each increase your walking speeds by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. Spite. Until the start of your next turn, the first time you or the target of your Help action hits a creature with an attack roll, that creature has disadvantage on the next attack roll that it makes within the next minute. If you miss with an attack roll or fail an ability check or a saving throw, you can draw on your bonds of reciprocity to gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number of allies you can see within 30 feet of you (maximum bonus of +5). You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses you finish a long rest. You have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. Additionally, you can forge documents including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy.

Apparel & Accessories

When themselves, Enx wears a dark cloak with a hood and allows their ornate armor to be visible. When in disguise, they cover themselves under large robes and swirling cloaks with fancy designs that suit whoever their character is. Their current alter-persona is elven, wearing heavy makeup and dark colors, staying out of the light.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Enx-Kabirith has always been in outsider in their family. Raised in a tribe of Dranassar that live outside of Deastok, Enx could never be held down by the tendencies to hide and stay secret of their family. They are a middle child among 7, frequently lost among the crowd and wishing to stand out, to be something more. This attention seeking led to their alternate personas and the eventual leaving home. In leaving the tribe and heading out on journeys into the world, Enx gravely insulted their parent (father role) who turned their back on the relationship.   They were born over 300 years after the calamity, while the few remaining members of their tribe of Dranassar were hiding in the Mountains with the gem dragons. Enx's "father" Xal was young at the time of the Calamity and watched the destruction of their people occur. He led his tribe into hiding with the gem dragons, continuing their worship of the Luxon and hoping that one day a beacon would be discovered that could guide them back into the "light" of the outer world. Enx grew up in this hidden environment, only fully leaving their home about 30 years ago. Before that, disguised excursions into Deastok had been the majority of their experience with the Empire and the outside world, but much has changed since. It's been about 3 years since they returned at all.   Enx was always more in touch with the divine, being able to communicate with and call on Luxon from a young age. This ability angered the eldest sibling who was never able to connect with Luxon in that spiritual way. This sibling gave up the clerical practice to become a warrior, hoping to prove that the light can be found in many different ways, driven into a rage-filled life. You have always been better than this family member at a particular activity. They grew jealous and abandoned you, so that they could return and best you one day. You gain one rival. (Tribal warrior)   In leaving the tribe and heading out on journeys into the world, Enx gravely insulted their parent (father role) who turned their back on the relationship. He saw it as a risk to all Dranassar and a betrayal of the family. To them at least, Enx is dead. You insulted this family member so gravely that they left your life forever. If they ever return, it will be to settle the score. You gain one rival. (Cult fanatic)   Enx rescued one of their siblings from the Crownsguard outside of Deastok with some trickery, and a clever disguise years ago. Their sibling still owes them and is bitter about it. This family member owes you a debt, and they don’t like it. They’ll help you out when you need it, but only to clear the slate. You gain one ally.   On their travels, Enx found a wounded goblin on the side of the road. It begged them for help, and showed you the gestures to cast a spell of healing. Enx nearly collapsed from the exertion, but managed to cast the spell. This began the true journey of Enx as a cleric of Luxon, who they believe imbued them with the power to heal that goblin. A bright light seemed to fill them as spread into the goblin just before they momentarily blacked out.   Years ago, there was a guard in Deastok who Enx regularly bet they could sneak by without him recognizing. He built up quite the debt over the years and Enx can always cash in when they're around Deastok. He's gotten sick of it and plans to turn Enx into the Crownsguard after realizing they are some sort of strange race that the Empire might be interested in. This person once lost a bet to you and is still trying to scrounge up the cash to pay you back. They’ve decided you’d both be better off if they put you in their debt instead. (Guard)   In trying to stay hidden and disguised, Enx travels from town to town in disguise as various characters, visiting the seedy types who wander the streets and prey on the needy. They offer false guidance, protection, and blessing, taking their money and disappearing before the grift is found out. This money goes to those in these or other towns who are less off, often in the form of mysterious presents left in the cover of darkness or strange visits from various disguised personas offering money or healing before vanishing.   Enx changes their False Identity about once a month if not more often, cycling through old characters again and trying to remember who has gotten in trouble where. The main grift, of course, is hiding that they are Dranassar from the Empire.

Gender Identity

Gender is not a major consideration for dranassar. The social constructs of other races confuse them.   (Enx's alter identity is very femme presenting and accepts she/her pronouns which is what others usually assume)


Open and fluid with all races, genders, although sex really isn't on their mind at the moment.


They offer false guidance, healing, and blessings to sketchy characters, taking their money and disappearing before the grift is found out. This money goes to those in these towns who are less off, often in the form of mysterious presents left in the cover of darkness.   When needing money, Enx offers real spells of healing and aid to people who truly need it, charging minimum prices and accepting rooms and meals as payment.

Accomplishments & Achievements

On their travels, Enx found a wounded goblin on the side of the road. It begged them for help, and showed you the gestures to cast a spell of healing. Enx nearly collapsed from the exertion, but managed to cast the spell. This began the true journey of Enx as a cleric of Luxon, who they believe imbued them with the power to heal that goblin. A bright light seemed to fill them as spread into the goblin just before they momentarily blacked out.

Failures & Embarrassments

In leaving the tribe and heading out on journeys into the world, Enx gravely insulted their parent (father role) who turned their back on the relationship. He saw it as a risk to all Dranassar and a betrayal of the family. To him at least, Enx is dead.

Mental Trauma

The rejection of their father (see above)   Enx's Father was alive and still quite young when the Calamity occurred and watched some of his siblings be twisted by the Curse of Strife. He managed to lead what was left of his tribe into hiding in the caves of the Cyrios Mountains with a group of gem dragons. However, the dragons eventually were frozen by chronomancy leaving a hall of frozen statues and only one remaining.   Enx has seen their father's fear and grief overwhelm him and lead him to keep his people in hiding, trying to protect themselves from all external threats. This has led to Enx to be quite skeptical of other's motives and slow to trust, as well as a chronic liar who hides themselves and the truth partly out of fear of discovery and partly out of habit.   Enx also has a bit of a risk taking complex, driven from rebellion against the fear of their childhood environment. They won't back down from a challenge, fold on a big bet, or hesitate in a risky scenario. This is what drove them to leave home, and it has also alienated them from quite a few family members.

Intellectual Characteristics

Their current alter-ego is Inanna, Queen of the Darkest Skies, Possessor of the only Light (if asked, she lies and claims to be a cleric of Sehanine, the Moonweaver. This wouldn't fly in the Empire and in Xhoras they were able to get away with Luxon worship more openly). "She/They" is a charlatan and a grifter, promising wondrous gifts in the darkness of night that never seem to remain true in the morning. This alter-persona is elven, wearing heavy makeup and dark colors, staying out of the light. They hide their armor under large robes and swirling cloaks with fancy designs of moons and stars.   "She" offers visions of the future to those who plan raids, thefts, and other terrible deeds to normal folk. In reality, she casts *detect evil and good* claiming it will warn of any danger (of course, it only warns of specific, nearby dangers which probably aren't there) and then *protection from evil and good* claiming that this is an extra and additional protection just in case they run into something anyway. She takes their money and slinks off into the shadows, never to be seen by them again (hopefully).   Previous False Identities include: The Masked Mentor (who gave just absolutely terrible advice and guidance - pretending to be speaking as the voice of Ioun, albeit poorly), The Shadow (an assassin who always just helped their target go undercover and escape - presenting a faux Raven Queen symbol), The Voice of Light, a white robed being that speaks only with Thaumaturgy effects promising grace and freedom in The Light, trying to redeem the wicked - (for Enx this is the closest to openly worshiping the Luxon as they can get)

Morality & Philosophy

Enx is willing to break laws, bend rules, frequently stealing and lying. However, they do all of this to people they deem as cruel or oppressive and give what they gain to people in needs. They believe in helping the weak and needy.   In worshiping Luxon, their philosophy is based around seeking and maintaining light. Not allowing darkness to win, not allowing their race to be lost, or forgotten, or without a chance to truly live. In the light, Enx believes the Dranassar may one day live again out in the open and free from threat.

Personality Characteristics


Enx is feeling a bit lost at the moment. They trust that Luxon's knowledge and light will guide them, but for now casually improving the lives of strangers while in disguise doesn't seem to be enough. There has to be something more, something to life beyond just staying in hiding and waiting for the light to reveal itself. The beauty of twilight is worth waiting for, but you have to go out to see the sunset and watch the stars bloom.


Contacts & Relations

Quiet - met after her house was robbed and destroyed. Had some passing interactions with the people and realized they were disguised and undead. Is helping QUiet track them down and has started to hear rumors of drannassar being sighted in this area of the Blighstore.

Family Ties

2 parents (7 siblings) 3 Important Xal-Kabirith "Father" (he/they)- Tall with sharp facial feautres (high cheekbones, long thin nose, high ears). His black hair is always ornately braided and decorated with metal pieces and crystals. He is short with his words and anger hides a deep anxiety about being caught as well as powerful shame around the choices of many dranassar during the Calamity. (He was younger when it occurred, and watched older siblings who willingly joined Bane and eventually were turned by the Curse of Strife). He leads the family's worship of the Luxon, hoping to wait for the day when the blessings of the Light and its beacons reveal themself again. He is unwilling to leave the mountains or explore the world beyond hiding. You insulted this family member so gravely that they left your life forever. If they ever return, it will be to settle the score. You gain one rival. (Cult fanatic)   Is-Kabirith (Ees) (he/they) - Eldest sibling who Enx was always more spiritual than. (tribal warrior) The sides and back of their head is shaved, leaving only a long waterfall of hair from the top. Frequently dressed in armor that barely covers their large frame (6'7). Uses few words and usually short ones. Won't look Enx in the eye or address them directly.     Pakz-Kabirith (she/they)- the youngest of the family and also the smallest. (Wears hair up in two buns mickey mouse ears style). Quick voice, quicker temper. Has a tendency for sneaking out and getting into trouble but disdains any help. Is bitter that Enx (the outcast) of all people was the one to rescue them and will begrudgingly help Enx if they are around. This family member owes you a debt, and they don’t like it. They’ll help you out when you need it, but only to clear the slate. You gain one ally.   Others Dux-Kabirith "Mother" (she/they) - Thick black curls spill down covering her entire upper body. A soft smile and round cheeks hide behind the mess of hair (much as Enx hides behind theirs). She is a former warrior, now responsible for keeping her family safe within the caves and underground passages of the Mountains.

Religious Views

Worshiper of the Luxon, the light. The dranassar's connection to Luxon predates the Kryn dynasty and the Calamity itself. Enx's family is still a member of a dedicated cult to the Luxon, with many of them becoming clerics or paladins in hopes of earning the Luxon's favor and bringing on a future where dranassar can once more live out in the light.   Enx strongly believed alongside their family, but always felt that their was more to life and to belief than just waiting for the Light to arrive. Enx wanted to go out and seek that light on their own. It was on these travels that they healed the goblin and managed to heal it, drawing on the Luxon's power and beginning their true journey of seeking out Light and Restoration for their people as a cleric of the Luxon, keeping the Twilight alive.   What Enx knows of the Luxon is mostly from stories and faith. Dranassar had beacons in the centuries before the calamity and used them to more deeply understand the world around them and its various possibilities. Unlike the Drow, the focus on reincarnation wasn't present, with ideas around time and the mutability/multiplicity of fate being more central. Dunamancy also didn't seem to be a specific pursuit for the Dranassar although some may have pursued that (Enx is unaware though). The beacons were lost during the Calamity and the current state of the small remainder of her family is essentially a cult, holding out hope that time and fate will once again right itself and that the Light will guide them out of hiding. This passive approach has been advocated for by Enx's father Xal, mostly out of fear.

Social Aptitude

Enx is very socially apt, hiding behind lies and flattery to divert others from who they truly are. They rarely appear in public as their true self.   Frequently they will lie or tell half-truths when forced to speak about their history, themself, or their family. These stories may change for telling to telling if someone is paying close attention.


Enx hides their eyes behind a mess of hair and frequently avoids eye contact, especially when speaking about serious things.   They prefer to stay in dim areas or to enter darkness and bring subtle light to that space.

Wealth & Financial state

Wealth is a fluid thing for Enx. At a given time, they might have a bit of gold because they've successfully grifted some corrupt officials or guards, but they also give away what they have when a need presents itself.

Enx is a dranassar twilight cleric, a traveling member of a lost race, hiding in plain sight and seeking to maintain the light.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Deastok (Marrow Valley)
Current Residence
Deep Blue-gray
Thick and black, braided and frequently falling over their face
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dusky golden
190 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Goblin, Draconic

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