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Teilia's Exandria

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This is Exandria, evolved and defined as needed to fit our campaigns. This world will continue to grow with every session in a campaign. Some information in this private world is reproduced from relevant books we've purchased in order to present things in a simpler manner for our players; things here may be (and likely are) modified from the original work or entirely original.   Currently, campaigns within this setting are set in the year 835 P.D. The Mighty Nein do not exist in this setting, and the heroes of Vox Machina are unlikely to be seen within the world.   If you'd like to support the original creators of Exandria, you can purchase a physical copy of the Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting (out of print) or the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. You could also purchase a digital copy of the latter on D&D Beyond.   Exandrian Calendar   Materials & Common Enchantments  

Heroic Chronicles

If you're looking to create a character in this world, you'll need one of these, dependent on your location.   Heroic Chronicle: Issylra   Heroic Chronicle: Marquet   Heroic Chronicle: Shattered Teeth   Heroic Chronicle: Tal'Dorei   Heroic Chronicle: Wildemount

Teilia's Exandria has 9 Followers


Sunday Shattered Teeth Game

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Looking for Players
Saturday: Ghor Veles

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Looking for Players

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Looking for Players
Lia's Friday Game

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Wednesday: Into the Abyss

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Looking for Players
Lia's Thursday Game

Dungeons & Dragons 5e
