Herric VaSuun Character in Teilia's Exandria | World Anvil
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Herric VaSuun

Herric VaSuun

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features


Facial Features

Strong jaw, short hair and clean shaved, resting bitch face

Identifying Characteristics


Physical quirks

Thin silver geometric tattoos over his hands, arms and back

Apparel & Accessories

Big coat (Very gender of them)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Herric Basmirren was a bouncer/enforcer in the Coronas of Rosohna for a gang who acted as a recruiting tool for a Lolth cult   Age 14 Father died from scavenging in the Ghostlands   Mother a member of the Lolth cult, a wanted criminal after the gang's hideout was hit   Age 61 Got Herric into the gang in the first place, he found out about her elevated position when he received special treatment in her name, hers was one name he gave up to the Aurora watch to avoid execution   2 brothers, 5 sisters Brother; Herric was always ahead in physical fitness (gets those gains brah), brother moved out and applied to the Aurora Watch to live in a safer environment and attain the body he wants Youngest sister; Arcana minded, paid in what he could to help her stay out of what he found was the family business and into the right education, protected her from the cult even if it meant sometimes scaring her from joining with threats of violence or emotional blackmail   Age 73 When the Aurora Watch busted the hideout, Herric fought tooth and nail before being arrested He couldn't afford the fine between damage to private property, assault with intent to kill and, while not having a symbol of worship on him, worship of Betrayer Gods by association   Den VaSuun offered him a chance to repay the fine (in excess of 2,000gp) and leniency of his incarceration in exchange of being a test subject for new Dunamancy, he accepted   Was inducted into Luxon worship and Dunamancy study, scribed with silver tattoos and warped by Dunamancy transmutations until he began to show signs of mysticism, ultimately having the skillset of a Paladin forced upon him faster than a devotee may gain them (with greater monetary investment and still taking years all the same, but shaving off maybe 15-20% of the time?)   Age 116 With years of training behind him Herric was taken in by Den VaSuun as one of their own to look over more closely. He still keeps tabs on their Youngest Sister but ultimately acts still like a bouncer/enforcer of the Luxon.

Gender Identity

Had 'male' beaten out of him from an early age, feels safe and comfortable being NB


Open for business


Public education in the Coronas (Common, Undercommon, Elvish, math, song) Home education (Dancing lights, Faerie Fire, GAINS, culty shit) VaSuun (Religion, Arcana)


Pub bouncer Acolyte of the Luxon Paladin of the Luxon, working in the Chapel of the Luxon

Mental Trauma

Years of cult manipulation to feel lesser   Only escaped imprisonment by proving to be a useful tool for Den VaSuun, undergoing painful procedures and militaristic routine in their name

Intellectual Characteristics

Very keen of mind, thoughtful and considerate of the details, even if they get lost in thoughts quite often.

Morality & Philosophy

People pleaser (in part due to trauma), if the people around them are happy then he's happy because he feels safe.

Personality Characteristics


Do what is right by you Do what it right by family Do what is right by friends Do what is right to prove you should live

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Music Meat Sitting quietly in a room together People who laugh without shame   Dislikes; Pastry/crumbly or messy food Betrayer gods Taking off their shoes when entering a house

Virtues & Personality perks

Overbearing want to be useful

Vices & Personality flaws

Punch first, ask questions later maybe when it comes to anyone in a cult or who they think has done an evil deed


Family Ties

Flieuren (Floo-Ren) Basmirren - Biological father (He/They) (Deceased) Survivalist, did regular hunts out past the walls. One day he didn't return, Sabrae told the family he got a tip of some ruins ripe for plundering and tried to get a big score and died a failure for it.   Sabrae Basmirren - Biological mother (She/Her) High ranking cultist of Lolth, doesn't want to see family dead but follows the practices of her faith.   Vuzreth Basmirren - Younger brother (He/Him) Escaped the family to make it on his own, training to join the Aurora Watch last Herric saw, shared a friendly rivalry for gains brah.   Lirdness Basmirren - Youngest sister (She/They) Academic that Herric aggressively protected from the family, including himself. In formal arcane education last Herric saw (2 years ago)   Beldrar Basmirren - Older brother (He/Him) Loyal to the cult of Lolth, once worked alongside Herric as a bouncer and was given a promotion to places unknown, hasn't been seen by Herric in 50+ years.   Sine Basmirren - Older sister (She/Her) Manipulative, emotionally blackmailed of Herric to get what she wanted, Lolth cultist. Taught Herric what he needed to manipulate Lirdness to stay out the family business.   Neerlochar (Near-Low-Car) Basmirren - Oldest sister (She/They) Rarely met Herric, wouldn't talk to him, magic user of some description with the cult, either Sorcerer or Warlock but insists she's a Cleric.   Greva Basmirren - Older sister (She/Her) (Deceased) Torturer for the cult, used Herric as a distraction during the raid to kill an Aurora Watch that he was witnessed to assisting and became part of their prison sentence. Greva was captured and executed for her crimes.   Qilue Basmirren (Key-Loo) - Younger sister (She/Her) A brute of a woman, high ranking enforcer in the cult, enabled Sabrae's escape during the raid, wanted for murdering multiple Aurora Watch on that day.     Yanthas VaSuun - Adoptive elder (They/She) Heads a project for rapidly training Paladins for the ongoing war by inducing threads of Dunamis through material components alongside a strict religious lifestyle for the church of the Luxon. Outwardly pleasant, faithful and pragmatic, does not suffer a fool. Arcane gifted, inscribed Herric's silvers theirself.   Tormis VaSuun - Den brother (He/Him) One of Herric's teachers on the Luxon, a faithful Cleric and scholar of history. Befriended Herric first, treated them as a person first as their first years were as a test subject worthy of mistrust and suspicion. Nice guy, if obedient to his Den.   Bacries (Back-Re-Ess) VaSuun- Den sibling (They/Them) Newest member of the project (6 years in) using what's been learned about from Herric's time. First member of the VaSuun family to undertake the Dunamis Silver procedure. Very proud, is coming along faster than Herric and isn't against showing off/bragging about it when Yanthas isn't around, but is still being trained over being sent on field work for experience.   Ilthalan VaSuun - Den sister (She/Her) Dunamis researcher, antisocial, every meeting is a formal meeting. Don't get your feelings near her research, they shouldn't touch on the plate.

Religious Views

Faith in the power and the safety the Luxon brings, incredibly distrustful of those who show zealous behaviour


Alwoit guvner

Damaged goods damaging goods

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
20th Thunsheer
Current Residence
Den VaSuun
Non-Binary, Masculine
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soot grey
5 ft 8 inches
260 lbs

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