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Iacopo da Vigo

Iacopo da Vigo

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Iacopo has a very frail appearance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Iacopo da Vigo was born to a wealthy family in Tussoa, upriver from Port Damali on the Menagerie Coast. His father died when he was young and his mother, serious and withdrawn at the best of times, spent several years grieving before re-marrying Vespia Sylvani, an elven woman with three grown children of her own.   Iacopo grew closer to his more light-hearted stepmother, learning some of the magic of the fey from her and harnessing his natural talents for drawing attention and influencing the minds of others. With his brother Fabricio poised to helm the family business after their mother retired, Iacopo searched for a way to apply his talents that could bring profit to him and his family, but was less...boring than accounting and commerce.   After some secret misadventures on the Menagerie Coast, Iacopo struck out for the eastern edge of Wildemount, gaining a concussion, a pet moose, and some badly needed perspective from his brief exploration of the pit underneath Olc Skerry. He returned home in a slightly more sober frame of mind and spent two years studying before boarding a ship to return for the treasure and renown he was previously unable to find.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Significant Moment - Underdark Mount Underdark Moose – smaller than a normal moose, streamlined antlers, purple, mossy beard. • Elk stats + darkvision

Failures & Embarrassments

Terrible Secret When Iacopo was about 20, Da Vigo Commerce got into financial trouble when the confluence of a series of forest fires and missing ships led to a number of insurance payouts that would have bankrupted the company. Elena sent Iacopo to Port Damali to try to talk the banks there into opening new lines of credit for Da Vigo Commerce. While there, he made the acquaintance of a pirate named Zeno and agreed to fence stolen shipments under the Da Vigo name. At one of the transfers, they were stopped by a member of the Zhelezo. Iacopo put him to sleep and then, to his surprise, Zeno cut the guard’s throat. He has remained terrified anyone might find out ever since.


Contacts & Relations

Family Father – Enrico da Vigo (deceased) • Former head of Da Vigo Commerce, an insurance, financing, and logistics interest in Tussoa. • Died when Iacopo was 5. Mother – Elena da Vigo • Became very serious when Enrico died. • Spent most of her time running Da Vigo Commerce. • Iacopo always felt like he was disappointing her by not taking the business seriously. Stepmother – Vespia Sylvani • Elven woman with three children from a previous marriage. • Married Elena when Iacopo was 12. • Iacopo feels closer to her than to his own mother and learned some spells from her. • Alain of the Flowering Oak – knight in Tal’Dorei. He visited when Iacopo was a child and brought lots of presents. • Alessandra – Wife of a guild master in Port Damali. She always seems sad to Iacopo. • Ariella – Disappeared into the fey decades ago. Always had a reputation for “wildness.” Siblings • Beto da Vigo – Warrior who feels superior to, but is jealous of, Iacopo. He challenged Iacopo to a duel but was humiliated by a well-timed Sleep spell. He then left to adventure and has not returned home. • Carlotta da Vigo – Iacopo’s favorite sister, with whom he often collaborated on pranks. • Fabricio da Vigo – The sober, responsible brother who will likely run the family business when Elena retires. • Pippa da Vigo – The youngest sister, who is currently traveling down the Menagerie Coast, writing a manuscript about elven settlements to further her education.

Religious Views

Follower of Sehanine
Tussoa, near the Menagerie Coast

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