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Kerry Thornton

Kerry Thornton

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Average height, slender build, on the scrawny side and wears her hair in a simple updo.

Physical quirks

Head tilt and wry smile

Apparel & Accessories

Enjoys jewellery, will wear simple earrings and necklaces whenever possible.   Kerry carries a very unique bow with her, that she will usually keep wrapped in cloth.
She found the bow at age 19, on a trip to a famous library. About half way back to Rexxentrum, she discovered what seems like an abandoned cave, but something draws her in. There she discovers the bow, just laying there. Despite inspecting the cave for clues, she can’t find out much about the bow. All she knows is that it shines in the moonlight and that she feels at ease when holding it - but that just be because a bow is the only weapon she feels comfortable with. Later Kerry decided to show it to Magnolia (after trying to discover its secrets and failing) as one of the few things she knew for sure, was that it was Fey crafted. She asked Magnolia for details about it to quench her curiosity and hoped her friend would give her the go to keep it, and not ask it to be returned to the fey. So far they have not demanded it back

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up with four elder brothers, raised by her father and eldest brother, her mother passed away shortly after her birth. It's not a topic the family speaks about.   During childhood her curiosity would get the better of her, following anything that piqued her interest into potentially dangerous situations - there was almost always someone around to ensure she came out alright.   The first time she encountered a Fey, she had wandered into a forest, angry with her eldest sibling, where she stumbled upon a natural path and decided to follow it deeper into the wood - a city child through and through, she found herself utterly very lost very fast. Here she encountered a fey for the first time.   After this encounter she set out to learn as much as possible about her new found friend. Already a regular at most local libraries she set out to find a way to contact her new found friend, while still helping at the bakery. To her own surprise she succeeds, developing a regular contact with a Pixie and eventually meeting the Pixie Prince who introduces himself as Larry and accepts him as a patron in a bout of reckless curiosity.


Basic education through family, she had the tendency to spend some of her spare time in libraries. Befriending and playing assistant librarians, scholars and students to ensure access to personal collections and public institutions alike - just in case she ever wanted to look something up.


Worked at fathers bakery and would use opportunities to use her writing and language skills whenever possible.

Failures & Embarrassments

She tried to get close to her first crush, Keith an apprentice knight, by taking up archery - this failed publicly. Although Kerry did end up a decent shot, when Keith realised her interest for martial skills was based on his attendance, the older boy told her off in front of the group she was learning with. Not something she wants people to know about.

Morality & Philosophy

Most people can be reasoned with, if you learn their motivations, or their weakness. 'Selflessness' extends until it becomes an inconvenience, or there is nothing interesting left to discover in a situation.


Not a fan of excessive violence Kerry will avoid bloodshed as much as possible and only reach for a weapon or attack magic if absolutely necessary.

Personality Characteristics


There is always something new to discover: a new path, a new story, a new secret.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Memorizing is tedious and pointless, it's far better to understand the connections and know where to look up what you need.

Likes & Dislikes

Enjoys baking and the results of those efforts, deep conversations, solving puzzles, novels, the scent of books and knowing things others don't.     Dislikes being wrong, getting wet and being left in the dark - figuratively and literally speaking.

Virtues & Personality perks

An adventurous, curious spirit accompanied by a sense of dignity and a sometimes surprising sense of humour.

Vices & Personality flaws

Pride and overconfidence can get in the way of most things, but not when she wants something.

Personality Quirks

Will write things down that she wants to find more about at a later date, may want to inspect something at an inconvenient time and is used to getting what she wants - when denied you might want to ignore her mumbled complaints for a while.


Contacts & Relations

Lady Ophelle (Ally): The archery training Kerry receives started by accident at age 15. The twin sisters Erin Orson and Tiana Orson (a friend she made at the library). The Orson family is fairly well off. As their friendship blossomed Kerry would visit their home, while Tiana dreamt of being a scholar, Erins goal was the life of a knight, like their grandmother. Sometimes Tiana would pull Erin and Kerry to the training grounds where their shared crush Keith an apprentice knight and Orson family acquaintance trained regularly - one day they were caught spying by Lady Ophelle a warrior of renown, who was mostly amused by the girls swooning , offered to train the girls in archery to impress their crush - which they agreed to with great passion. Kerry and Erin stuck to it, neither got the boy, but they did became decent archers and can consider Lady Ophelle a mentor..
  • middle aged, tall, very blond, short haired half-elf
  • Knight
  • likes to teach, strict, dry sense of humour
  Iris Gomery (Rival): Kerry met the Druid Iris in the city in her mid-teens, she seemed lost. Initially Kerry didn’t offer any assistance, but when she found the young adult still wandering the area after almost a full day had passed, Kerry offered assistance, some fresh bread, and then helped Iris find the person she was seeking in the city. Now Iris is a bit of a nuisance whenever she visits Rexxentrum, always asking Kerry for directions and (free) food, a place to stay, instead of trying to figure things out on her own. This led to the awkward moment, when Kerry lost her patience with the woman and ended up snapping at her over a loaf of bread and telling her to get lost and never let her see her face again.
  • fire genasi, on the short side
  • forgetful, cheerful
Erin and Tiana Orson (acquaintances), fairly wealthy identical twins around the same age as Kerry.
  • dark eyes, black hair, both keep it long and open
  • Erin: enjoys physical activities,
  • Tiana: Ladylike, scholar and dreamer, very creative and romantic
  Keith Garett, an acquaintance of Kerry and her first crush.
  • fighter, human, male
  • very tall, very fit, blue eyes, short brown hair
  • earnest, acts like a tough guy, but is actually a bit of softie (hasn't learned to just be himself quite yet)

Family Ties

Robin (29)
  • human male
  • Tall, hazel hair that he wears in a manbun, brown eyes
  • Quiet, stern, tends to overthink and worry
is the eldest child of the Thorntons, he was taken in by Lori and Nicolas when he was five - together with his Aiden, who was three. Despite them not being his birth parents Robin always viewed himself as the oldest brother who needed to protect all of his younger siblings, Aiden most of all, due to a shared loss of their parents during an uprising. To this day there he harbours a deep rooted fear that their parentage could be discovered and that they could face consequences for their birth parents deeds. Despite originally being close to all of his siblings when Kerry discovered his and Aidens secret, he decided he needed ensure she wouldn't tell anyone, by discovering what she was trying to hide. This ultimately led to Robin and Kerry being distanced in their adults lives, even though they are not to harm the other. Currently Robin moved to Odessloe when he turned 18, where he opened a bakery. His siblings would occasionally visit for a few weeks to experience life outside of Rexxentrum and help him set up his new life.   Aiden (27)
  • dark hair, brown eyes
  • dreamer, romantic, absentminded
lost his parents when he was three, unlike Robin, he doesn't remember his birth parents and probably wouldn't be aware that he wasn't related to his siblings by blood, if Robin hadn't mentioned it occasionally when they were growing up. He is known to be a dreamer, always off in his own world while working. Still he didn't decide to pursue any kind of creative life, he is content with the life of a baker. Although he shares Robins worry about Kerry knowing their secret, he does not believe there is much risk involved, as he doesn't think Kerry would ever reveal their secret. Kerry and Aiden are known to spend time together huddled over a book. They also share a passion for the “The lives of the Jirustans” novels.   Other brothers: Kai (25), Rylie (23)   Parents: Nicolas Thornton,
  • blond, blue eyes, round
  • cheerful, dedicated to family
a baker who married his teenage sweetheart Lori, they adopted two boys and went on to have three children after they moved from the countryside to Rexxentrum. Lori passed away a few short years after the birth of their youngest child (Kerry) and Nicolas did his best to raise all five children in a warm home, never remarrying. All children helped / worked around the shop and were taught basic writing, reading and math to ensure they could take over the business. His speciality are luxurious mini cakes and sweets that are very popular with nobles and for celebrations, but at his shop he mainly sells the basics. Kerrys father, baker


Kerry doesn’t beat around the bush, she will generally not act condescending or mean, but may come across that way. When she suspects someone isn't telling the full truth, or is intrigued she will do a sceptical head tilt & wry smile that can easily mistaken as arrogant.

Hobbies & Pets

Reading novels, gossip, archery,

Recklessly curious Kerry toys with things she doesn't understand (yet). She believed adventure is something that happens to other people - the notion she may be wrong hasn't quite sunk in.

View Character Profile
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
159 cm
48 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Adventures happen to other people. They don't happen to baker's daughters."   "I don't know ... yet. Ask me again tomorrow."   "Shortcuts are only dangerous, if you don't know where you're going."
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Zemnian
  • Dwarvish
  • Sylvan

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