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Kyphon Avisa

Kyphon Avisa

A small, porcelain doll with the spirit of a warrior.   Driven, serious, hardcore but cute, delicate, and prone to anger.   He is most certainly a man, and he won't let you forget it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

2'7, lithe, delicate curves.

Body Features

Porcelain everything. Smooth.

Facial Features

Soft and femanine, large painted on eyes, thick, painted on lips. All facial features are beautiful and doll-like. Head is sculpted into the proper shapes and the lips can part enough to ingest potions and the like.

Identifying Characteristics

Is a doll

Physical quirks

Doesn't need to breath or blink or do other stuffs, can stand perfectly still, imitating a doll.

Apparel & Accessories

Sea-themed clothing. Shells embroidered onto wave like clothing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kyphon was on his way to becoming Chieftain once Marloch passed, retired, or lost his steed. It was him or his friend and rival Torphan, who Kyphon considered his superior in some ways but in the ways of combat. Torphan was taller, more attractive, and constantly was sought out as a partner to mate with. But Kyphon knew he could outmatch Torphan in combat easily.   Rannas, Steedless, was Kyphon’s mentor. Rannas had been bonded with a Sea-Horse mount who passed in combat with a rival Tribe’s squid mount. That Sea-Horse’s offspring, Tempest, had bonded with Kyphon, and Rannas took the opportunity to teach Kyphon all he could about mounted combat on the creature. Sea-Horse’s were particularly rare mounts for Triton, as most were small and unmountable. Tempest and his father, however, were both giant sea-horses and those were prized among the Triton. They were fast, thin, and dexterous. Hard targets to hit. They could slip through cracks other mounts couldn’t and get out of sticky situations better than any. Perfect for charges, jousting, and infiltration. Rannas taught Kyphon all he knew about mounted combat, but, suddenly, disappeared. The only thing Rannas left was a note for Kyphon. It explained his departure was not Kyphon’s fault, but he had been called, finally, for some grand purpose.   Kyphon couldn’t accept the disappearance of his mentor and dragged Torphan along to seek the help of Leola, a Sea-Witch. But Orlianna refused her assistance, saying to both Tritons they should return and ask how to find their mentor once the two had found themselves. “For the two of you walk paths that your hearts dare not follow. Learn to walk with yourself and you shall find your friend”. Kyphon rejected the notion that he didn’t know himself. He was Kyphon, Warrior, Triton and demanded the Sea-Witch provide her aid lest she be the one forever lost. She laughed. “You aspire to be Chieftain, child, and you shall be, but not in your current form. You were forced by birth to walk your path, but don’t you wish for the right to choose? The right to change?” Kyphon drew his weapons, not knowing what the Sea-Witch was insinuating but something inside him told him she was right somehow, and that scared him. He was a warrior by birth and was damn good at it. If anything, every circumstance of his birth and life had led him to becoming the greatest warrior his tribe had seen in generations. What was this Sea-Witch implying?   “I can see you’re not open to yourself, Kyphon of Delphris and your silence speaks volumes, Torphan. I cannot help you find Rannas until you both open to your true selves. Begone.”   Kyphon lunges, plunging a rapier deep into the chest of the Sea-Witch. When the red leaves his eyes, he sees Torphan’s blade has joined his. She laughs and the water swirls around them quickly and Kyphon loses his center and spins quickly in the water. He whistles for Tempest, who bursts through the water. He grips the reigns, seeing Torphan mounting his steed, Carnac, a large lobster, before things went black.   “You are banished from the sea. You must find her, Kyphon. Only then will your curse be lifted.”   Kyphon awakes on a dock in Feolinn. Things seem… off. He is off the ground on a shelf, and everything is large. He looks down shocked to find no fins, no tail, no blue colored skin. Instead, shining, hard, white hands meet his gaze. He looks to his left and right, and two figures flank him. Both lifeless, made of the same hard material as his new body. Dolls, he realizes, from Land. Female dolls.   Wait.   He looks down. A shell dress on his body, shoeless. His feet were one piece, with painted on toes. His legs smooth. Green, sea-foam colored hair flows from his head and falls over his shoulders. He touches his face. There is no mouth, no eyes, only the vague shape of a humanoid head, his eyes, lips, and blush painted over his pale porcelain face. He realizes he is sat on a wooden sea-horse. It’s legs replaced with treads shaped like waves. He knew it was Tempest, and the creature’s head moved to register him as Kyphon.   A family approaches and Kyphon’s body goes stiff. He watches, helpless, as a young human girl lifts him and Tempest from the shelf, begging her father to purchase the toy. It was her 8th birthday, it seemed, and her father purchased the porcelain doll. He is brought to their house. Her name is Leanna. Her father is Corvis.   It didn’t take long for Leanna to realize Kyphon was more than just a doll. He regained his movement and his voice, and soon communicated with the daughter. She was not scared, instead finding Kyphon to be fun to speak with, even if he was a little insistent about being thrown back into the ocean. She brushed his hair, dressed him up, and introduced him to her father.   Corvis was a sailor, and Kyphon could respect that. He asked for Corvis to put him to work, and Corvis did. He allowed Kyphon to work on his ship, Tempest and Kyphon pulling ropes and learning the ways of the sea. Corvis ran a shipping business, and Kyphon was soon defending the ship against raiders, moving cargo, and loading/unloading shipments for merchants across the Menagerie Coast. He has spent the last 13 years doing this alongside Corvis.   A storm wracked the coast, waves breaking and crashing against the boat. Corvis fell into the sea, the ship split, and Kyphon blamed himself. If he was in his stronger body, if he could swim again, if he hadn’t messed with the sea witch, maybe he could have saved his friend.   He left Leanna in Feolinn, wrapped himself in robes, and headed off alone. He had to find this woman the sea-witch had mentioned. He wanted to find what had happened to Torphan. He wanted to pave his way to getting his life back. And he needed distance from Leanna to do that. He needed a boat.

Gender Identity


Definitely Male.

100% Male.


Contacts & Relations

Corvis: (m. human, 46) Bought Kyphon for his daughter and gave him a job working on his shipping vessels. Great friend for 13 years before an accident at sea cost him his life (maybe). Kyphon blames himself for the loss of his friend of 13 years.

Leanna: (f. human, 21) Kyphon was gifted to her at the age of 8. She is driven, like her father, but not interested in the sea. She has since moved out and works at a tavern in Feolinn.

Torphan (m. Triton, 31): Friend and Rival of Kyphon's. Is missing somewhere in the world in a similar situation to Kyphon though searching for something different. Is probably a stuffed animal of some sort doing stuffed animal things. Maybe.

Rannas: (nb. Triton, 67): Mentor of Kyphon's. Left to somewhere else to do culty things.

Leola: (f. Hag, ???): Sea-hag. Cursed Kyphon with his current form and sold him to Corvis and Leanna.

Strong, tough, masculine, warrior. All these words could have be used to describe Kyphon, a Triton warrior from the deep. But after messing with a sea hag a horrible curse was placed on him. His body transformed into a small, porcelain doll.

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Seafoam Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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A Doll's Tale

It was about two months later that Kyphon gained the ability to speak. Sat on the windowsill, he cried to the sea of people below. “Help!” He’d below, but muffled behind the glass of the girl’s second story bedroom, his voice went unheard. It was waifish, airy, and feminine; the sort of voice that would NOT carry over the throngs of the moving crowds of Feolinn. When the girl came home he’d remain silent, not wanting to scare the 8 year old. He had not heart to pound in his chest, no heat spread to his limbs, but his mind was exploding. He had not been to the surface world before. He had never been unable to move. He felt like a prisoner, and his tribe never took prisoners. He would rather be dead and fertilizing the fields of his enemy than in the state he was in. But as the days progressed, and his voice was ignored, he grew desperate. “Hello?” He said delicately to the girl. “Nelly?”, the girl was shocked. She had talked to the doll before but never had the doll spoken back. “I KNEW YOU COULD TALK!” She was excited. Her doll Nelly had been her companion ever since her mommy left, and now it was REALLY talking! Not pretend talking! She ran over and picked up Nelly, spinning around and jumping up and down. Kyphon couldn’t help but feel for the girl. Her mother had passed only a few months ago, and in a lot of ways she was using Kyphon as a proxy for the missing motherly connection. Kyphon wasn’t THRILLED by that, but the girl needed… someone. And it wasnt like Kyphon could just up and leave. Not yet, at least. As the year drew on, Kyphon found himself providing comfort and acting as a voice of reason to the young girl. He learned her name, Leanna, knew of her friends in the city, gave advice when her and her friends met with disagreements, and spent every night at first cuddled by the girl, and then thrown off the bed at some point in the night. Eventually, he found himself completely at the mercy of the child, being forced to explore the streets of Feolinn with her, meet her friends, and even attend tutoring classes. While Kyphon despised this, he had developed a connection to the girl and was willing to go through it for her. He had tried correcting her, telling her his name was Kyphon, but the girl continued to call her Nelly or Nell, which… if anyone else had called him that he would have protested, but her…. One winters night, Kyphon, having been thinking about his predicament and deciding it was… acceptable for the time being… found himself able to move. It started with a finger, than his hand, and suddenly his legs came to life. His arm, his face. The ability to move after such a long time was… Kyphon waited after this discovery, and at night, moved to make his way out of the girls room. He opened the window, eyeing the building’s awning, and climbs half out the window, hoping the awning will catch his fall. “Where are you going, Nell?” The girls voice pierced against Kyphon’s ear. “Are you going where mommy went?” She was tired, rubbing her eyes and sitting up in her bed. The question was like an arrow shot into Kyphon’s heart. “No, Leanna. I was… just going out to enjoy the moonlight.” The two of them walked across the beach, the water from the waves cold against Leanna’s feet though Kyphon couldn’t feel it. Corvis, her father, watched on, having heard his daughters tales of the moving, speaking doll. He smiled, watching the two of them wander across the beach. They did not know he was there, watching, but… if this doll, whoever she was, could bring a smile to his daughter’s face, they couldn’t be that bad. The years passed, Kyphon and Corvis began working together, sailing merchant goods across the Menagerie Coast. Leanna grew, sharing stories of heartbreak, crushes, friendship, betrayal, what have you with Kyphon. And Kyphon grew to love the family he was now, unwillingly, a part of. Leanna never stopped calling him Nelly and… Kyphon couldn’t care less. This was his new place, and nothing could change that.


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