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Mortimer Pollock

Mortimer Pollock (a.k.a. Bishop)

A decree on bloodshed is war, and it's a soldiers duty to fulfill this conflict so the innocent stay innocent.   Mortimer Pollock was born into a family that had a hand in a bit of everything; Politics, Trade, and the Military. A dream of serving aboard a ship and putting law to the untamed seas turned into a reality that's now left the scarred soldier in need of an escape.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, lean, and favors his right side when standing.

Body Features

Darker red hair, that is broken up by grey streaks in his hair, despite being fairly young. Underneath his militarized outfit lie several large scars across his body, as if he was wounded in an explosion.

Facial Features

Sharp facial features that make him appear unkind, he also has slightly pointed ears.

Identifying Characteristics

His red hair, and outfit, armored with longsword and faint ornate designs on the blade.

Physical quirks

Prefers not to sleep on a bed, will tend to leave his hand rested on the hilt of his blade. Carries the broken blade of his former captain, and will often clean it along with the rest of his weapons when nervous.

Apparel & Accessories

Heavily armed and armoured, he also characters several components and kits that might be instead found on a wizard. Such as a spellbook.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mort grew up in a large family that had was a mixed bag of familial love. His eldest sibling, Eldrin was enlisted in the Zhelezo, and would often tell tale of the Shore Warden's to young Mortimer.   This grew into his goal, to make his family proud and do some good he recruited as soon as he was able. He often looks back to the period of enlisting, despite the training being grueling, he missed it. The naivety, the comradery, and the fellow fresh faces.   There were many small events that chipped away at his positive outlook, but the major one that left him scarred both ways was the entire destruction of his ship.   He remembers little. his memory and assumption is just that he fell asleep atop the crows nest. The thing that awoken him was an explosion, into an immediate wave of pain that knocked him out again.   The only reason Mort lived is what he was blown off the rigging, and left to drown in the water. He didn't know how long he was left floating, only that at a certain moment he thought he was saved by an angel.   Surprisingly he was left with the broken remains of his captains greatsword.


When recruited into the Shore Warden's he was trained in knowledge of the arcane by Ailduin Lorawarin. An ex dwendalian empire mage that didn't enjoy the prospect of joining the Cerberus Assembly, and instead chose to research in Port Zoon.   It was an examination of the recruits that drew Ailduin's attention to Mortimer, seeing that he had an aptitude for magic. Using Mort as a way to see what benefits could be had by mixing holy magic with the arcane.


Enlisted among the Shore Warden's for almost 10 years. He has seen his share of conflict, however the loss of his entire ship broke his spirit. As the sole survivor rumors spread that he abandoned his men to save his ship, though none say it to his face.

Accomplishments & Achievements

An adept healer among a ship, as well as dabbling in arcance research. His interests lie in getting results.   Takes pride in earning numerous titles amongst the Shore Wardens.   Something he doesn't take pride in, but accepts, is that he uncovered a ring of murders tied to a Zhelezo. Officers would ask this Zhelezo to take out political rivals, issue was that this turned out to be his brother Eldrin. (The man while imprisoned, still harbors some sort of revenge, and aided in the tarnishing of Mortimer's name)

Failures & Embarrassments

The loss of his ship. An entire crew gone, wiped out, and left as the sole survivor.

Mental Trauma

Mortimer still struggles with survivors guilt, and is left with a fear of open water. So much so that he's unable to rest easy on a ship.   Prone to nightmares of the disaster, the only thing he has to remember it is the broken blade of his former captain.

Intellectual Characteristics

Never trusts anything said at face value. He's quick to grow cynical of others, but even quicker to admonish himself. His own deity provides no comfort, Erathis is the Law Bearer, an impartial judge.

Morality & Philosophy

Dislikes other deities, since often they deal in the affairs on man too often for his liking. As a result he rarely reaches out to his own god, seeing his connection and magic as the arcane instead of a blessing.


Treat the dead as you would have in life.   God's should not be relied on instead of the strength of man.   Never leave yourself open.

Personality Characteristics


So stop moving is as good as laying down to die.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at general combat, and information regarding medicine, the arcane, and nautical jargon.   No longer as spry as he was in his youth, the injuries left him scarred and stiff. Though he tries his best not to show his injuries.

Likes & Dislikes

Hates people that talk too much about themselves.   Likes those that show loyalty, and cynicism.

Virtues & Personality perks

Outright disdain should rarely be showed. Things we don't know, we often tend to fear. Rationalize it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Too quick to resolve matters physically. Not that he's unable to get around in conversation, rather that he thinks it's simpler to go with the simplest approach.

Personality Quirks

Has scars that are hidden by his cloths, though they sometimes leave him leaning to one side more than the other. He's a bit stiff at times from the injury, but he does his best not to let that show.   Has a tendency to clean things when nervous. Leading to a habit of remaining tidy.


Clean, trim and proper. He isn't a snob by any means, but he simply has a habit of keeping clean.


Contacts & Relations

Mother: Tyrael Pollock. A merchant that runs one of the finest arm store in Port Zoon. So much so that the ironsmith and leader of Port Zoon relies on her shop to sell his goods. Mortimer picked up his tendencies to keep things in order from her.   Father: Garrik Pollock is quite the opposite of his partner. It's quite known to his family that Garrick is a slob, but he manages to keep up appearances enough to masquerade as a bard to many of the taverns in Port Zoon. A former charmer that has problems turning down the charm when performing. (not unfaithful, just gets a lot of attention)   Partner: Calry, an adult gold dragon that saved Mortimor's life.   Siblings
  • Myrin Pollock : Middle sibling that looked out for Mortimer. He split off from their mother's business, and now runs an alchemical shop. He also has a hard time spouting off factoids on the things he's selling.
  • Kali Pollock: Second oldest sibling that would often but heads with Eldrin. On the day of Mortimer's recruitment into the Shore Warden's she wished him the best and promised to return home hoping to see him in charge of his own ship. She hasn't come back since, and has heard rumors she became a Pirate Captain.
  • Eldrin Pollock: Oldest sibling and all around popular figure in the household, and port zoon. The charismatic Zhelezo could do no wrong, until he was uncovered as a contract killer by his youngest brother.
  • Aimon Pollock: Other middle child that generally keeps to themselves. Works in the local library where they spend most of their time.
  • Alena Pollock: second to youngest sibling only to Mortimer, she's often confused to be twins with Mort. They used to have much in common, until Mortimer joined the Shore Wardens. Alena often worries over Mortimer's wellbeing. Wether that be him getting hurt even more than he already has, or turning criminal like their eldest brother.
  • Ascal Pollock: Middle of the pack, Ascal tries to stick out from his family by being loud. In both his candor, and appearance. He'll make jokes, and try to draw attention to himself, their father is the only one who indulges him.

Family Ties

His partner is a female adult gold dragon, Calry. She's the one that found him floating on the open ocean, near death, burned, part of his captain blade buried in his shoulder. She managed to snatch up the Shore Warden and recover him enough so he could assist in patching himself up.   She's very much all the things Mortimer tends to not show, brash, temperamental, and easily intrigued by many topics. She took an interest in Mortimer due to witnessing him at his lowest point. Rarely had she seen a human so broken that managed to piece themselves together so quickly. Though she's sure that the patch job will rip itself apart at some point, and when it does, she'll be there.   partly due to her draconic blood, she's rarely in one place for too long.

Religious Views

While a cleric, he doesn't make an effort to show his faith. The only indication of it being a humble holy sybol to Erathis

Social Aptitude

Able to read the room to tell who's in charge. Will avoid doing something that gets them chewed out.

Despite the Clovis Concord's plea for neutrality in a time of war, conflict ensues and blood is shed. Mortimer is no stranger to either. War-torn and cynical, there's no place that feels quite right for him since he ended his service early.

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Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Shore Warden
Port Zoon
Current Residence
Olc Skerry
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarven.

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Bless this mess
Day one of travelling to Rosohna

Part of me misses the Maw. When Ori mentioned I would see Calry again, I didn't think they meant NOW. Seeing her was nice. She's usually quick to leave as suddenly as she appears. Nothing against that, in fact the reason I came out here in the first place was due to taking a page out of her book. Home didn't feel like home. Even something that I should be used to, like riding a boat, doesn't feel the same.   At first I just tried keeping busy, my mind even got back into the swing of things, but I could feel the scars start to ache. When I went below deck I found Calry feeling cooped up and anxious. You would think I'd be the one that was comfortable enough to be on a boat to give advice, to help. Turns out once again, we're both troubled.   It's difficult to say how much of her showing up is her checking up on me, or her trying to seek company. Might be both. Ok, yeah we might need help.   Sivrit confronted me about it. Well, about Calry being a dragon. I think it says a lot when I didn't consider it a big enough deal to bring it up. She's probably the best thing from back home. I feel guilty about not telling the others anyway. I decided I'll let them all know once we start travelling and make camp.   Well that didn't work out.   Calry, brash as usual ended up transforming into her actual form to stretch out. Probably freaked everyone else out, I thought it was neat. Though I'm worried about her. She may not seem like it at first, but she's pretty sensitive about some things. It's got me thinking.   I didn't appreciate some of their questions though, they were a bit too pointed. I know there's a lot wrong with me, but I think I'm trying my best. Doesn't feel like I'm doing a good job though. Do any of them feel like that? I feel like that, but there's a lot. There are moments where I wish she didn't pull me out of the drink. Left me to be picked at by gulls.   Still haven't seen worse yet, and I doubt Rosohna has it either.


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