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Irene Lund

Irene Lund

Physical Description

Facial Features

Fine features and a clean face, implying a comfortable city lifestyle.

Identifying Characteristics

Heterochromatic eyes, green in the right and orange in the left. A white streak in her otherwise dark hair, starting above the left eye.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as the fourth child of eight in a family of Feolinn craftspeople. As the unloved middle child, she spent much of her youth away from the family, eventually falling in with the Myriad.   Around age 15, Irene started doing odd jobs for the Myriad, nothing overt at first (delivering a message or package to a specific person or location, and the like). A few years later, as she gained trust and experience, she developed a knack for lockpicking and defeating magical security, and began to accompany heists into better-protected sites.   Around age 19, one such heist on a seemingly-abandoned warehouse went terribly wrong. The warehouse was not abandoned: instead, it was home to a cult of Tharizdun conducting some dark ritual, helmed by Irene's second-eldest sibling Nicolaj. As the ritual was interrupted and going out of control, Nicolaj somehow managed to redirect and refocus it into Irene, whom he blamed for this; after the smoke and dust cleared, she found herself transformed into the horribly aberrant form of a star spawn.   Aghast, she fled to the ocean, using her newfound powers to hide in and scuttle through dark corners and even slipping through space itself; she was uncertain just what drove her there, and thought at first that she was intending to drown herself there. When she entered the water, however, she understood that her new form had yearned for the sea, and it was this desire that had driven her there.   She adapted to life in the water, seldom returning to land over the next seven years; her aberrant form allowed her to easily hunt and devour fish and other sea life, as well as avoid the attention of fishermen and more magically-equipped seafarers.   Eventually, though, the call of her memories of life on land as a human became too strong, and she sought out the nearest shore. This turned out to be a small island near Brokenbank, where an archmage (whose name or affiliation she never learned) was building a personal fortress/tower/base/remote home. The mage was wary at her approach, but due to a stroke of luck, understood Deep Speech - the only language she could speak in this form. After she explained her plight, the mage managed to undo her transformation, and even gifted her with a near-forgotten sign of his former office: a ring that allowed its bearer to swim like a fish, so that Irene might safely reach the larger island of Brokenbank.   After an arduous day of swimming and several arduous days traversing the jungle, Irene arrived at the port of Brokenbank, where she connected with the local Myriad presence and spent a year simply getting comfortable in human(oid) civilization again while doing odd jobs around town to build up funds.   Eventually, she deemed herself ready, and booked passage to Port Damali. There, she introduced herself to her aunt-many-times-removed, Alice Juhl, who was a wealthy merchant specializing in maps and exotic curios. Alice took Irene under her wing, and taught her cartography as well as expanding on her knowledge of woodworking and the curios she dealt in, focusing especially on those with true magical properties.   A mere few months after her arrival, Irene was approached by the Myriad and half convinced, half coerced to work with them: acting as a fence for stolen goods, and lending her expertise with the workings of magical items (including security systems as well as stolen items). Thus began a double life, working as a respectable merchant/magic item expert by day, and a fence/forger by night.   This life continued for a good six years, before the two parallel halves inevitably collided. With time passing, Irene had gotten sloppy, and Alice had begun to suspect that Irene was not as upstanding a citizen as she prenteded to be; one night, Alice caught Irene meeting with the Myriad. The Myriad operatives present descended upon Alice, leaving her grievously wounded as they and Irene fled the scene. Hiding in a Myriad safehouse, after a week, Irene learned that Alice had survived and had engaged a mage to track Irene down and bring answers.   The Myriad did not want to expend the resources it would take to protect Irene from such scrutiny, especially not if Alice sent more agents of the law after her. As such, they presented Irene with an ultimatum: she could turn herself in, absolving the Myriad of any wrongdoing; or she could go far, far away, where she could serve the Myriad's goals and her own. Naturally, she chose the latter option, traveling to Olc Skerry in order to establish a Myriad presence and investigate the hole underneath.


Age 12-19: Miscellaneous trades and crafts.   Age 15-19: Thievery and burglary with the Myriad in Feolinn.   Age 19-26: How To Be A Horrible Sea Monster   Age 27-29: cartography, trade in exotic curios.   Age 27-33: the workings of magic items, including some experiments in their creation.


Age 15-19: Errand girl for the Feolinn Myriad.   Age 17-19: Burglar, lock-picker and safe-cracker for the Feolinn Myriad.   Age 19-26: Self-emplyed as a horrible sea monster.   Age 26-27: Various odd jobs in and around Brokenbank.   Age 27-33: Cartographer, trader in exotic curios, magic item expert, and fence for the Myriad in Port Damali.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Age 26: stopped being a horrible sea monster.   Age 27+: returned to civilization, established herself as a respectable merchant in Port Damali.

Failures & Embarrassments

Age 19: interrupted a dread ritual and got turned into a horrible sea monster.   Age 33: Led her distant-relative-cum-employer to discover her dealings with the Myriad, leading to said relative being grievously injured and sending bounty hunters after her.

Mental Trauma

Age 19-26: Spent seven years transformed into the inhuman, aberrant form of a star spawn.   Age 33: indirectly caused her well-loved relative to be grievously injured and lost her comfortable life in Port Damali.

Intellectual Characteristics

Inquisitive and curious.   Thanks to her life experience, wavers between approaching problems very straightforwardly or from very weird, screwy angles.

33 years old, established Myriad operative, twice fled her home in the wake of a personal tragedy. Now hoping to establish herself in Olc Skerry.

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Chaotic Neutral
33 years
Current Residence
Port Damali
Green (right) / Orange (left)
dark brown with white streak starting above left eye
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
133 lb.
Known Languages
Common, Elvish

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