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Petra Ashblade

Petra Ashblade

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Generally a swimmers build from years of working on a ship.

Apparel & Accessories

a silvery helm with wings a loose peasant shirt pants knee boots

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Petra Ashblade was born to a rather poor family in gwarden her mother worked endlessly to try and support herself and her two other sisters.   As a child, Petra had a passion for books and puzzle games she could get her hands on. Her older sisters Tamara and Saskia were always by her side. Tamara would always come to her rescue if other kids picked on her and Saskia would teach her little tricks and such to do.   Petra loved and cared for her sisters because together they were a unit together they could do anything with tamaras power Saskia tricks and Petras ideas.   When the Sisters were old enough Tamara suggested that the sisters should join the pirates and get themselves out of this poor life they lived, Petra agreed she wanted to stay with her sisters and grow with them she wanted a better life for all of them.   As petra grew up she and her sisters rose in the ranks of the pirates to get their own crew together to perform their own jobs.   Petra Can only describe this as the good times the peaceful times.   One day out on the town Petra and her sisters were staying on land for a while taking sometime to keep their heads low.   Petra met Jacquelyn a noblewoman of her town Jacquelyn was everything Petra was not and she fell in love with her like the romance novels she loves to read. Jacquelyn also loved books as much they bonded over a shared series of novels. Over time Jacquelyn and Petra spent more and more time together whenever Petra was on the land. During the months of their relationship, Petra felt completeness that she had only felt with her sisters she loved to by Jacquelyn side hearing her talk about her rather simple days. and then telling grand tales of her adventuring   uncourtly that caused tensions between her and her family, Tamara and Saskia gave her an ultimatum either to choose her noble girlfriend and be cut off from the family and the pirates for life. or Choose her sisters and set sail with them.   Petra knew what she had to do she couldn't lose Saskia and Tamara blood always has to come first her sisters were the ones who raised her and they need her. She broke off her relationship with Jacquelyn that evening running off in the middle of the night leaving a letter behind  
"Jac, As much as I love you as much as you brighten my days and feel like home. I cannot abandon my sisters i hope you find a noble prince instead of this terrible pirate,"   After rejoining her sisters it never felt the same, it never felt like a trio Tamara was much colder to her and Saskia gave the fake smiles she had seen her use when growing up.   During the time the trio had united Petra found out that her father was once a high-ranking member of the revelry Pirates. She wanted to tell her sisters right away but the right time never came up that had a mission and everything had to wait.   During the mission that Tamara planned refusing any of petras attempts to help. Saskia is nearly killed Petra saves Saskia.   After the mission is complete the fight that ends the trio starts.   Petra Challenges Tamara to a duel fueled by her anger and frustration that she has felt for all this time.   Petra somehow wins Tamara goes overboard Petra thinks she has killed her sister   Once they reach land Petra refuses to set foot on a ship she refuses to be touched. She killed her sister and the grief over takes her till a month later she finds out that tamara is alive and is out for her blood. Petra Runs she runs as far and as quickly as possible.   When running through the forest she is nearly barely surviving she comes across a beautiful horse she think maybe she can use this horse to get to a town she could barely move.
The horse wouldn't respond to anything she said. she tries to keep moving she had to get far far away from her home town.   She comes across a stranger she doesn't remember the details very well but they gave her a helm once the helm was on her head she felt slightly more hopeful getting turned around in the woods she re finds the horse with the helm she can understand the horses name on the reins. Once she said the horse's name it responded to her letting her get on anra and anra began to carry her to the nearest town where she was taken care of.   This is how she met her most trusted stead Anra

Gender Identity



Petra never found an interest in men the only person she's loved outside of her family was Jacquelyn.


Taught to read and write a few languages,


Revelry pirates as a strategist

Mental Trauma

The grief of killing her sister to only find she is alive.

Morality & Philosophy

Generally, she will do things for coins she knows money is necessary for life to be well.

Personality Characteristics


Petra wants to live as well as she can currently, she just wants to get as far away from her sister as possible to have a chance at life again.     SHORT TERM PROPHECY > She wants to find out the connection between the Helmet and the horse she has.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Black sand coffee books puzzle games swords has somewhat of a passion for them   Dislikes being touched by those who aren't her family. obviously when drunk that goes right out the window.


generally Petra tries to stay clean ish. But hygiene has been low on her list. She will hit a bathhouse if there is one in town but if not she doesn't worry.


Family Ties

The sisters dynamics Tamara and Petra do care for one another Petra always looked up to Tamara for her bold character and leadership. Tamara was a pillar in Patras life the older sister that would look after her chase away people who bugged her when she was just wanting to read. As the sisters grew older into their roles Tamara depended on Petra to step up and help with plans a more to become the strategist she wanted. While Petra depended still on Tamara to protect her. Tamara is the one who taught her Family is always first, anything else second. Tamara did not approve of Petra relationship with Jacquelyn as tamara saw Jacquelyn as a distraction for petra   Saskia and Petra Petra loved Saskia for her loving nature and attitude when they were children they were rather close as sakia was more willing to play games with Petra she would often lose unless it was a card game. Petra swears she cheated but could never catch her. As they grew up Saskia and petra remained fairly close   Added 11/7/2020   Saskia taught petra to rely on others to make a team one of her sayings were you are just one petal in a flower and with all the other petals are needed to make a flower truly beautiful

Religious Views

Doesn't have a care for the gods but will let people believe what they must.


Petra will attempt to be formal with people. calling them miss or sir then their name.

Hobbies & Pets

ANRA THE BEST HORSE Petras most trusted ally

Petra Ashblade the youngest sister of the ashblade trio.

View Character Profile
Chatic nut
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hazel green
Bleach blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 2in

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Petra journal entry 3

Well our journey started out well Anra has been good and so far the book is getting more interesting I do wonder if I could find an icy land like that. Zora Mentioned on the journey how she wants to go to the coast. See I’m not that opposed to going back I wish I could go back safely one day, back to gwarden, drink some good coffee and just read for hours on end. I need to try and find out where on the coast Cassandra then wanted to go to some ruins which then lead to this creepy door. I do wonder about this group sometimes but their safer to be around than on my own with just Anra Once we got into this weird grove we had to fight a bunch of common thieves! bastards want my hard-earned money they can lick my boots. During this battle was the weirdest moment of my life. The dagger that I took off of that harpy bitch well it’s a dagger I can say that. It’s lead me to see the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life, She has such pretty hair and oh she is tall as a mast and I need to climb her. She has redder lips than a ruby and I saw her when I was trying to stab that one fucker and It hit. And it felt good i got kissed by a siren. The dagger makes me feel more powerful but it seems to got a dark side of it. I used it and I felt I needed to stab the first thing I could for blood I needed blood this weapon needed more. Those things we were fighting knocked me out when I woke up I felt better, I’m not fully sure what happened with it.   when I came to some weird spirit person was talking all I wanted to do was get back to anra I’m not trusting what some random person says. Apparently, the three decide to train with her while Minerva Chaymilla and I were told to stay out those two immediately walked away doing something I’m staying by where I hitched Anra till holy FUCK SHE’S APPARENTLY NOT JUST AN ILLUSION. The woman named Vesh decided to visit me. SHE CALLED ME BELOVED. I HAVENT BEEN CALLED THAT SINCE JACS I completely messed up our first talking kind of meeting geh, Saskia was always better at talking I never could say what I want to. Luckily my Lady Vesh is three steps ahead of me and gave me a break this time and just kissed and let me snuggle her. It was nice to just relax, and rest on her I will admit those breasts of hers are far softer than I could imagine. I do ask her about the helm but nothing she could really tell me unfournatly but the next city I hit I’ll find whatever books I can about it. After such, we travelled Cassandra wanted all of us to open up more. I was in a good mood letting them know I have siblings should get everyone talking about their siblings can’t imagine all of them being single children. Then we ran into a farm and picked a fight with the undead vile but manageable Then some nice people we rescued got us food which is nice for compensation. And now we’re going to some dwarven area,

Petra journal entry two

  HOW THE FUCK DID WE SURVIVE I’ve been through hellish waters before but that! THAT! What the fuck is going on? This is why fuck the gods fuck anything like the gods. So After getting out from the water Goldie, tall-Zora really should try to call her that. Angelface, chaymilla and Cassandra we all go back to shore and save a fish woman. A fucking fish woman i’ve never seen someone like that in my life, honestly I wish she could have given us some of those scales to sell. Zora gave me a smack for that.   Anyway, we almost went into a raging mob! Because Cassandra keeps trying to keep the peace fucking soldiers let the town burn down if it must change. We went back to the inn for a short bit and fucking javelin woman stared at me when i was trying to dry my clothes.   We got chewed out by some guy with a stick so far up his own ass i can see it in his eye, Then we went off to the docks because fuck this guy we’re going to solve this and find that guy the others seem to know well. Luckily I saved zora’s ass because i know how to work around a port town and talk the lingo when needed. I think Saskia would be proud, well hopefully.   THEN WE FOUGHT A BIRD WITH ARMS I swear to fuck I Hate singing now. The first bard that tries to sing around me I’m going to punch in the face. No even better smack them with my sword I gotta remember to thank goldie for all her help and tell Lilith thanks for missing me with that shot at least. Zora got a good grapple on her and chaymilla landed that great final blow.   On the way back the group is letting me keep the cool dagger. After the fight I SPENT A NIGHT IN HOLDING I HAD TO SLEEP ON A COLD FLOOR. Cold ass floor I mean it’s great for my back but come on. After that too many people thanking the group far too many I was able to slip away and sit with Anra luckily, she’s doing okay so far. And it was much nicer with her than it would have been inside with all those people. I can handle that group mostly, just not all those strangers. Then when some food got brought out to me so i could eat with anra Zora came by and was nice.. She explained the shorty thing. It makes sense and i cooled my head. I tried to explain a little more of why i am having such outbursts. She reminds me of Tamara but I can’t say that she reminds me of Tamara. Well all the good of her. I’m still so sorry Tamara and Saskia. But I decided I would trust her with my last name as a show of good faith. Then we finally left town after a bit more rest and shopping. I hope the next town will have a book shop I need to find answers about this helm and anra.


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