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Leodan Wisteria

Leodan Wisteria

Leodan Wisteria is a man that while honest, prefers to not overshare. Born in Bysaes Tyl, his feelings on the empire are...complicated. Surely not as straightforward as his brother, who's views grew ever radical by the day.   Despite their difference in politics, they have a common intense love of history. Conall loved it since it reminds them of their father, Leodan instead is obsessed with it. In history lie complex truths to the world, and one of those truths possess the knowledge on the group who killed his father.   Though, now older the urge to dive into the fray isn't as strong. However he still has his moments, thanks to a sad upbringing and animalistic tendencies.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Average height, with a strong body. Life in Bysaes Tyl left him with an upbringing that had him constantly in motion. His features only enhanced thanks to his weretiger tendencies.

Body Features

His hair is dark, long, and wild looking.   He has a scar located on his right shoulder, a bite mark that still feels pain near a full moon.

Facial Features

Sharp elven face, with pointed ears. Besides that when embarking on a 'hunt' he proceeds to paint on elven runes onto his forehead. Though it's usually covered by his hair.

Identifying Characteristics

Can be easily identified thanks to his hair, and hard eyes. Though if you had trouble you could make him out in a crowd thanks to the three open eyes inscribed on the back of his coat.

Physical quirks

Smart and capable, but at times rough to talk to. He gets to the point in a conversation, and feels a deep sense of loyalty in those he makes friends with.   Whenever possible he will avoid lying.

Special abilities

Ability to shift into a weretiger. Something he usually avoids, though it comes with it's benefits even when not transformed. Keen sense of smell, and increased strength are the main benefits for potentially being outcaste.

Apparel & Accessories

Coat & holy symbol are the things that show his loyalty to Ioun. Another accessory would be his reading glasses, which are stylized into two small circles.   *He has a locket inscribed with an eye that contains the names of his remaining family members. *Another thing is an old pocket almanac that his father gave to him when he was young. It contained a list of holidays celebrated by other cultures. Something his father used to list off to him to pass the time, it even turned into a game where his dad would quiz him on what holiday was coming up.

Specialized Equipment

Primarily in History and Religion, inspired by his early interaction with a cult set on eliminating those they deem 'monstrous.'

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He spent his youth in Bysaes Tyl, where he only grew close to his mother, his brother Conall, and though he doesn't like to admit it, Amilya Olios. With his father serving as a role-model.   His father was an advisor to the the Ring of Three, his knowledge of other cultures proved invaluable for parts of their decision making. Aymon loved history, but he also loved people. Something that Conall tends to forget, but that Leodan still honors.   The smooth sailing of his youth was soon rocked by the appearance of Amilya Olios. Both Emilia and Leodan were in their 20's, very young, and their relationship at times was strained due to the differing expectations they had with each other.   Leodan was interested in learning more about the young Drow and her culture. For Amilya, she simply wanted a friend to impress in this new place. Leodan's 'cultural research' was cut short when in a last ditch effort to impress him, she shifted. Still young, she lost control in her weretiger form and bit the young elf.   The shifting process did not go over well, much less so with how Amilya reacted to the whole thing. Instead of remorse, she felt excitement at something they now finally had in common. A young weretiger trying to teach another weretiger was a recipe for disaster.   This lead to his Crownsguard brother investigating the appearance of large animals prowling at night. Amilya was a poor teacher of restraint, and emphasized feeling the thrill of the hunt. When Donall happened upon the two, Leodan lost his sense of self and attacked, egged on by his accomplice.   Fear filled him, and Leodan ran from the scene, choosing to keep quiet about the event. Emilia held up no better, and soon fled from the city altogether. However, Donall survived and was treated privately by the guard. When Donall made a notice about the events, it was put on record that there were two weretigers hunting in the vicinity. Which lead to a group of cultish inquisitors to hunt the monsters.   Non-elves aren't very welcome in Bysaes Tyl, and in secret the group investigated and soon found the true identity of Leodan. When they found his family they took no chance, and decided to burn the entire tree they resided in. His father and brother died in the blaze, and he barley managed to save his mother.   They never did find his brothers body.   The only thing he had to go on was the strange insignia the cult bared on their hoods.


Love for knowledge is so deep, that it's rare that he'll prefer to spend time with the opposite sex instead of reading.


Self-educated, he dove deep into the local library after his father died. He knew nothing about the cult that attacked his family, and that would soon change.   This study led to his first notice of Ioun, the deities symbol appearing often in the library. This eventually lead him to seeking more potential knowledge in private from the libraries in Rexxentrum.   His primary areas of focus included both history and the occult.   This lead to his first introduction with Archivist Mortimer Le'crux. An older dwarf who's specialty included the boundary between planes. By accident, Leodan happened upon the isolated site of one of his experiments, opening a portal to the Abyss.   Unfortunately what the dwarf didn't expect when he realized he had opened a connection to the Abyss, was for a young adult wood elf to stumble upon the scene.   This lead to Mortimer rushing the closure of the portal, and sealing their fate to be entwined. For after the event, they now had a telepathic bond to each other.   *Soon after was Leodan's 'recruitment' into the ranks of the Cobalt Soul. His aptitude for learning helped him here, but there was still a hard lesson for him to learn while he spent his time here, restraint.   *The old dwarf is one of the few people to know that Leodan is a weretiger, and made absolutely sure to work the young man to the bone. Many times he was thrown to the floor by a monk volunteering their aid in physical lessons. There were even times he had to try his best hide from them, no easy task. As a result he lost some of the edge to his temper.


Currently employed by the Cobalt Soul, a group he holds in high revere. Making sure he does his best as an archivist, and holding that standard to those around him.

Accomplishments & Achievements

So far his biggest accomplishment in hindsight was joining the Soul and becoming an Archivist. At first it was simply done as a matter of standard, since Mortimer couldn't simply let a stranger walk around with a telepathic bond to an Archivist.   At first something that he did only out of necessity and convenience, he holds his job with the Cobalt Soul with pride in his heart.   There's also a bit of pride he holds in restraining the bestial instincts of his weretiger form, considering it a great failure whenever it gets the better of him.

Failures & Embarrassments

The first being the fact that he lied to his brother about the attack. He had barley survived, only to perish in the fire that took their home. Something he blames himself for, he now tries his best to not lie to another living soul.   Something he feels embarrassed about, but won't openly say is the fact that he left his mother alone in pursuit of knowledge.

Mental Trauma

At times the howl of an animal will put him on edge. He has a strong hate for both the cultists, and those that run from their problems. Projecting his own failure slightly onto Amilya, who he does not think highly of.   Whenever a full moon is close, the scar on his shoulder aches. It is rare that he'll choose to fully shift in front of someone.

Intellectual Characteristics

Loves reading and making connections, though this can border on the obsessive. He also has a habit of keeping note of other holidays that he hears about.

Morality & Philosophy

Morals that are defined by the law, and fitted to suit the needs of the Cobalt Soul. He isn't a fan of breaking the law, but will only do so when he knows there's a greater need for it.


Do not shift in front of someone unless needed.   Do not destroy knowledge that can be of use.   Even small factoids, like holidays are precious.

Personality Characteristics


To pursue knowledge whenever possible, to protect and share it.   This is how far he's willing to go for not only knowledge, but the matron of it, Ioun.   He's also willing to show off for his mentor, Mortimor. Who is a tough son of a bitch, who isn't willing to take any complaints from the weretiger. It's mainly due to his teachings that Leodan has a better grasp on his bestial instincts.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good on instinct, and picking up a trail, managing to follow it into the wild and taking it into the archives. His ability to research is a potent weapon for the elf as much as his claws.   However, his weakness is reading the mood, and will often do poorly when it comes to social settings. In this case, instinct leads him poorly.

Likes & Dislikes

Greatly dislikes liars.   However he does like people that respect tradition and knowledge. In this regard he even holds bards highly.   *This is due to the fact that bards are well known to share stories, they may be diminished as simple tall-tales but even the likes of a fable can inspire a person and has cultural significance. In fact one of of his hobbies is consulting story tellers on their craft, making sure their information is somewhat accurate.

Virtues & Personality perks

*Bring those that hide in secrecy into the light, and unveil them.   *Can accept practices and teach the value in things that he doesn't himself do, such as meditation. The mind is a weapon, and one should strive to sharpen the mind of others.   *Failure is a hard lesson, and guilt should be felt, but soon you move on to what you can learn from it.

Vices & Personality flaws

*Still regrets the fact that he never told his brother the truth, and if touched upon, it stings. Since he's trying to make up for that with his current virtues.   *If made to lie, will do so horribly.   *Emilia is a bad influence on him, whenever she's brought up or in the vicinity he'll act a bit rash. Her initial teaching as a weretiger still hold some weight, and he still resents her for that.

Personality Quirks

*Scratches at the scar on his shoulder when nervous.


While his hair may be wild and rough looking, he isn't dirty. Though he isn't afraid to get down in the dirt either.


Contacts & Relations

He has multiple contacts within the Cobalt Soul, though the primary one is his mentor.

Family Ties

*Family Tree
  • Chamylla Wisteria (Mother)
  • Aymon Wisteria (Father) Former advisor to the Ring of Three
  • Conall WIsteria (Older Brother) Crownsguard and presumed dead
  • Rolim Wisteria (Older Brother)
  • Sumina Wisteria (Older Sister)
  • Phyrra Wisteria (Older Sister)
*All siblings besides Conall either weren't present much during Leodan's adolescence or are currently not living in Bysaes Tyl.   *His mother is someone that's rather strong emotionally. Though after the loss of her husband, and son, it wore on her. Instead of calling all her children home and hoarding them, she make fit to make sure that they all keep in contact whenever possible. When her children are present she makes sure to watch over them, her absolute worst fear being the loss of another child.

Religious Views

Ioun is a deity who knows the true value in knowledge. Due to that, Leodan chooses to follow her and protect her along with the Cobalt Soul.   Leodan's relationship with knowledge borders on the obsessive, in that regard it shows in his devotion to Ioun. His opinions may differ from the deity, but it is expressed in his regards to the protection of sharing of knowledge. Things like libraries are sanctuaries and burning books is a loathesome crime comparable to murder.

Social Aptitude

To be frank, not the best.   While he could live the life of a hermit, he knows that when it comes to learning, you can get quite a lot from people. The only problem is that he picks on the body language of individuals and doesn't react well to threats.   *He also has a deep-seated respect for the elderly. For example his mentor Mortimor is someone he greatly respects. Besides the title of Archivist he might respond to him with 'Yes sir.' To all others he'll stick to their titles, the only people he gives nicknames are his family.


Quiet, with a preference of leading the pack.   Big on body language, when someone is being scrutinized, he might step in the way, but say nothing. When someone is being surrounded, you get them into a defendable position.

Hobbies & Pets

Reading, and collecting the knowledge of other cultures holidays. When acceptable he loves to take part in a cultures festivities, and if a holiday is coming up that he's aware of it's hard not to respect the practice and celebrate it.


Keeps it short and to the point. While he may horde many polysyllabic words in his head, he knows that to many, keeping it simple is best.   After all the hallmark of being an expert, is being able to condense that topic into an understandable format.

A self-educated man that is accumulated a worth of knowledge under the tutelage of a monastery. The only thing that sets him back is his upfront rough attitude.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Scholar of the Cobalt Soul.
Bysaes Tyl
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly Tanned
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Goblin, Zemnian, Infernal, Undercommon, Celestial, Abyssal.   Open to learning more.

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