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Malux'thra Leiorne

Malux'thra Leiorne

Malux'thra is a short but cheery half-elf who endeavours to put a smile on the face of everyone she meets. She knows how to get around the world and can handle herself in combat with confidence. Though the sun proves to be a challenge for her sight, she is absolutely dedicated to the light of the Luxon - the deity of Xhorhas - and spends much of her time in direct sunlight. She hopes to prove herself a valuable companion.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite being half-duergar, Malux'thra resembles her elven mother, bearing more of a lithe and nimble physique. However, she inherited her father's (semi-literal) dwarfism, resulting in severely stunted growth. Because of this, she's often mistaken for a very young kid, to her chagrin.

Body Features

Malux'thra bears a light dusting of freckles across her skin from her time in the sun. She also has some scars from her time hunting in the Ghostlands. She has medium-length white hair inherited from her mother's side, which is usually kept up in ponytails. If she needs to attend a fancier event though, she prefers to wear her hair down with some elaborate braids woven in.

Facial Features

Her ears are pointed like an elf's, but her thicker nose stems from her dwarvish side. She has narrow light pink eyes, which are often very mirthful to reflect her general mood. Her face is also where her freckles are most apparently seen, since most of her body is covered by cloth and leather.

Identifying Characteristics

She's identifiable by her stature, but also by her lighter skin. Her colouration is much lighter than most Drow, so people who are looking for her can identify her by looking for a short, gray elf girl.

Physical quirks

Malux hums and sings to herself when she's either bored or really happy. Before getting into something, she hops around on her toes and stretches her back out. When sleeping, she curls up into a ball akin to a cat.

Special abilities

Though Malux can summon lights when she needs them, her abilities mostly lie in her dazzling smile and strong personality that she uses to convince people to see things her way. However, she also bears nimble reflexes that she uses to hunt. Malux also knows how to track people and spread resources to survive, as well as some athletic ability and religious knowledge.

Apparel & Accessories

Malux'thra wears a light blue padded skintight turtleneck underneath a studded leather vest. Her hands are adorned by fingerless orange leather gloves, which are topped by iron bracers. She wears orange leather pants with leather bands around her hips, right calf, and left thigh, and wears orange side skirts with yellow trim around the top pieces. She wears folded over leather boots with black straps, and a leather belt that hands on her shoulder and wraps around her chest. She also wears a yellow cape to distinguish herself further. Underneath her shirt and armour, she wears a heart-shaped pendant.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malux'thra was born of a star-crossed affair between a Drow guard (Malux'shae) and a Duergar rebel who lived under the surface. Though the two cared for each other deeply, they knew that the Duergar would never accept a half-Drow half-Duergar child and that the child would be killed if her existence was known about. To protect her, Malux'shae sold her home in the city and chose to live on the outskirts of Roshona with four other Drow: a gay couple, a widower, and a celibate. Malux lived here with the adults and their various children. Unfortunately, due to her combined heritage, she developed a massive allergy to light, to the point where she could barely play outside without becoming dizzy, faint, feverish, and bursting into rashes. The condition made her bed-ridden and frail, until she was visited by a mysterious stranger. She was about 7 when the woman came, an older Tiefling. What Malux remembered most was her stunning beauty, and her sad smile. The woman gave her a heart-shaped pendant made of black iron and bone, engraved with the words 'Alauzina + Marloth', then she disappeared.   After this, Malux not only was able to tolerate the sun, but actually enjoyed it. She spent as much time in the sun as she could, and made any excuse to frolic about outside. This was especially encouraged by her Uncle Dizz, who taught her games to play outside that would also teach her survival tactics and combat prowess, such as hide and go seek and play wrestling. Malux wasn't particularly strong or book-smart: in school, she was completely average. Though cheerful and good-natured, her grades didn't stand out in the standardized learning format, but the 'learn by doing' approach her uncle used helped her to actually grasp some of the concepts they talked about in school. This made her grow very attached to Uncle Dizz, and he encouraged her by learning alongside her and constantly challenging her. Malux'shae didn't mind this and thus, Uncle Dizz became Malux's main playmate.   Through these years, Malux had a lot of time to reflect about her severe illness, the strange visit, and how much she had changed from her recovery. She concluded, when she was about 15 or so, that this beautiful stranger who had saved her was a blessing from the Luxon. Malux had been saved from her sun sickness and a life of infirmity by the light, and Malux wanted to honour the mercy of the stranger by spreading the good will and kindness that had been passed on to her. She knew in her heart that this was the right thing to do, but wasn't entirely sure why. In her dreams, she saw this person and another woman: they were doting, sweet, and loving, and Malux felt an odd connection to both women. It was a different feeling for each one, but she couldn't conclude either way what it meant or why she felt this way. Malux thought this was another sign that she was connected to the Luxon. With these two ideas working in tandem, Malux decided she needed to train her body and mind in order to be able to spread kindness and the faith of the beacons. To do this, Malux needed to dedicate herself to the rulers of Roshona, the Kryn Dynasty. Of course, she wasn't yet old enough to be a knight or anything, but in the meantime, she could serve them in other ways.   Malux left the educational life, somewhat to the disappointment of her mother, who had hoped that Malux could live a more prestigious life than either of her parents. But Malux poured all she had into training, working on heightening her reflexes, becoming more aware of her surroundings, extending her stamina, and - of course - working together with other people. Uncle Dizz agreed to training her and giving her pointers, and for Malux, he was an idol that she needed to become better than. Her mother also served as an inspiration for Malux with her work as a guardsman, and she taught the girl fighting techniques that better suited a lithe and nimble body.   For now, in order to reach a more practical setting to hone her skills, Malux took up a job as a guide to help tourists, merchants, and anyone else who needed it. Basically, she would serve as an escort to these people, walk them through the shortest and safest routes to their destination, and try to protect them from any wayward threats. This would be able to serve as a go-between, and if she worked hard to build her reputation, she may even draw the eye of the Bright Queen.

Gender Identity

Cisgender, identifies as female


Pansexual demi-romantic


Malux received a standard education in Roshona until 16 years old, when she decided to begin hunting and acting as a guide for people entering and leaving the city.


Malux works with her family group to serve as guides for tourists, travellers, businesses, and others who need it. They escort people to and from the city of Roshona in the safest manner possible.

Morality & Philosophy

Malux is Lawful Good, and an optimist. She believes in seeing the good and kindness in people first, and thus is more inclined to reach for a handshake than to reach for her blade. This can make her seem a little naïve, and she might be, but she refuses to budge on this.

Personality Characteristics


Immediate Goal: Get noticed by the Kryn Dynasty Long Term Goal: Become an elite warrior under the direct service of the Bright Queen, figure out her dreams Campaign End Goal: Be renowned as the 'first Paladin of Luxon' and spread the word of Luxon to more nations, aid the efforts in regaining the Luxon beacons from the Dwendalian Empire

Likes & Dislikes

Yunfaalyu—a fragrant plum liquor served at frigid temperatures and garnished with currants (favourite food)


Malux isn't too fussed about getting dirty, but she does her best to bathe and look decent every morning when able to have access to basic facilities. No one likes to talk to a stinky, smelly, dirty person, after all! However, she keeps her weapons and her shield with the emblem of the Luxon as pristine as possible at every opportunity.


Family Ties

5 parents and 6 siblings Parents: Rashala, female Drow, guide   Kristhoth, male Drow, outlander   Majin'ra, male Drow, inventor   Uncle Dizz (Dizzdaeron), male Drow (friendly rival), berserker   Malux'shae, female Drow (Malux's birth mother), city guard   Siblings: Tempra'dal, female Drow (parent: Dizz)   Kalidathrax, female goblin (parents: Kristhoth and Majin'ra)   Jajanga, male Drow (parent: Dizz)   Carind'la, female Drow (parent: Dizz)   Kekalaran, male Drow (parents: Kristhoth and Majin'ra)   Malux'thra and Uncle Dizz have a friendly rivalry, and are constantly trying to best each other in an activity, craft, or other pursuit. You visit occasionally to test each other’s skills. You gain one rival. (Rival Berserker)

Religious Views

Dedicated to the light of the Luxon and the Bright Queen, believes in reincarnation and aims to one day get to the self-awareness level that she can go through achess.


Very chipper, casual (drops off 'g' in 'ing'), and bright

Wealth & Financial state

10 gp

Malux'thra is a half-Drow half-Duergar girl born in and raised around Roshonna. With a cheery smile and plucky step, she wields her weapons and shield in the name of the Kryn Dynasty and to spread the light of Luxon.

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Lawful Good
Roshona (Ghor Dranas), Xhorhas
Current Residence
Roshona (Ghor Dranas), Xhorhas
Light Pink
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ash Grey
87 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I'll be goin' easy on ya!" "May the Luxon light your path!" "Good things come in small packages!"
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin

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