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Ronolar Rostel

Ronolar Rostel (a.k.a. "The Golden Hawk")

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ronolar, just like his siblings was born into a family that follows the will of the Volstrucker cause. Ardent Imperialists who swore themselves to the crown generations past, each generation must send it's sons to be a part of the organization. Being the firstborn son of his family, this was Ronolar's privilege. His upbringing was not easy. A warriors childhood, at best, but he was taught it was a good thing. He found he was very good at the training, but made his father quite frustrated by solving things not the way he wanted, brutal and straightforward, instead of quick and cunning. The rivalry he had with his father softened somewhat once his younger brother was born and a consequence of that, he wasn't the favorite child anymore. His father doted on Ronolar's brother and Ronolar wanted to prove himself better, and did so quite handily. But ever time, his father glared at him, the unspoken hatred now quite obvious.   When he was finally old enough to start apprenticing for the organization, He was just glad to be gone from his father and brother, of whom had started to make home life quite miserable. Thankfully, none knew him here and he could be whoever he wanted, and the Volstruckers seemed to appreciate that. Stealth missions would be his forte, and infiltration his delightful talent. His training continued making a close friend and confidant in a tabaxi named Robin, short for Robin's Egg.   It was years into his training that he finally saw his brother again, now old enough to join, and harboring a grudge years in the molding, by father no doubt. He still didn't have the skill to match his drive, a trait which Ronolar complained about constantly to the only friend he had outside of the Volstrucker, a halfling knight around his own age named Petren.   Finally, after all his years of training and simple scout, recon and standing outside keeping watch mission, it was time for his first solo mission. He was to infiltrate a fortress in the Brokenveil Marsh. Our intelligence has found that they posses a sealed document found that if opened could create a major international incident. Whatever was in that document, Ronolar couldn't say, but he was ordered to retrieve it. He made his way there, snuck in a disguised himself as a guard, so far so good. But magic was better at detection than any quick change of clothes could help. On his way out with the document he was apprehended by a cruel and powerful elven wizard named Rydel. He wasn't satisfied with torture and having the document back, but killing was too messy. He used some kind of powerful magic and turned Ronolar into a bear and let him out to wander, probably hoping some hunter would get him. Horrible!   So he wandered, for what felt like a lifetime, so much that he almost forgotten he was never a human at all. He ended up in a sacred grove, in which it seemed all nearby animals felt safe, for none ran from his large mass. Right there held aloft by twin tree branches was a beautiful sword. Rololar went to it sniffing all the while, and then it spoke to him. "Terrible pain, you have suffered. If you would agree to help me, I will help you" He agreed, and the magic sword formed it's pact, transforming him back and granting him new powers. With his body restored he made his way back to Rexxentrum, thankfully not far. But perhaps before reporting in... let's get cleaned up.

Gender Identity

Also TBD. Kinda just happy to be here.




Taught exclusively by his father, and then by the mentors at the Volstrucker organization. No formal education to speak of and only taught what he "needs to know"


Contacts & Relations

Petren Trill- Drinking buddy, halfling knight, young adult who recently married talking constantly how he'll one day try out being a paladin. Jokes often about his own size He keeps his head shaved, giving him a lovely oval looking head with otherwise uninteresting features. He is good natured and generally makes friends easily but takes his job very seriously. Sometimes his jokes on becoming a paladin someday seem more serious than he lets on, but swears he would never leave his wife even for that.   Robin- short for Robin's Egg, a tabaxi who was Ronolar's close friend during training at Volstrucker HQ. Free spirited and lover of mischief making   Caitha Whitehawk- Ronolar's teacher and mentor in the Volstrucker organization. She is a purple tiefling with ram like horns and a stern but pretty face, with a crass and sarcastic personality, loving to fool people with her skill at acting, which she imparted onto Ronolar, though she is still much better.

Family Ties

Father- Englebert Rostel Mother- Arielle Rostel Older sister- Nirne Rostel (eldest child) Older sister- Redri Rostel (second child) Younger brother- Karsen Rostel (fourth child, rival)   Karsen acts very bitter against Ronolar, drilled into him by their father. He is below average height with very uninteresting features, falling into the background mostly. Growing up in this environment lead to him acting like he has something to prove to everyone he meets.

Flamboyant young adult working as a Volstrucker agent for the Dwendalian Empire. He takes great pride in his work as he was brought up in a family that has the tradition of joining.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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