Rosohna Settlement in Teilia's Exandria | World Anvil
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  • Stuff


  • Tavern. Stuff
  • Bar. The Ruthless Goose, bartender Rikrysn (drow man)
  • Hotel. Moonlit Revelation. Love hotel. 1/2/5/10 gp/night.
  • Theatre. Everhneld Hall, big concert hall building
  • Theatre. Rosohna Amphitheatre
  • Bakery. Fresh-Baked. Owned by Feather in the Wind (Feather, Tabaxi woman, young middle-aged)
  • Restaurant. S
  • Restaurant. Club Penumbra. Sit-down restaurant that's relatively big.
  • Restaurant. Streetwise Pub. Smaller sit-down restaurant.
  • Restaurant. The Grove. Fancy restaurant but not exorbitant.
  • Bookstore. S
  • Blacksmith. S
  • Armorer. S
  • Tailor. S
  • Tailor. Chessa's Cloth. Owned by Chessaste Barriarn (older drow woman).
  • Clothing Store. Owned by Bermun Rockcrag (older duergar man).
  • Clothing Store. Big factory clothing store. Drow woman works night shift. Approx. pricing: 2 sp per item within an outfit, 4 cp for tailoring
  • Cobbler. S
  • Jeweler. Goldshaper Jewelry, owned by Darrak Goldshaper (older duergar man)
  • Hair Stylist/Barber. S
  • Spa. S
  • Leatherworker. s
  • Luxury Armorer. A Touch Above, run by Nemaia (purple-blue tiefling woman)
  • General Store. S
  • Knickknack Store. Hearth & Home. Featuring a domesticated moorbounder (Sparky). Run by Phoenix (fire genasi woman, on the younger side) (5 ft. strings of glowy light crystals, 8 gp each)
  • Toy & Game Store. Fairy Tail. Owned by Dreon Greattale (Leonin man).
  • Magical Stuff. Magical Miscellany. Owned by Ranaghar Dhalmass (Drow man): short, old, glasses that make him look big-eyed, tends to restate his name a bunch.
  • Brothel. S
  • Bookstore. (adult content)
  • Bliss Shop. Between the Sheets (adult content) Owned by Isteth Dalavar (Drow man). "Bliss shop" is a local euphemism referring to shops that stock adult wares.
Food Stalls
  • Food Stall. Coastal Catch, sells "fusaka wraps": bread + fusaka fish + pickled yuyandl + berry-pepper sauce wrapped in parchment (14 cp each), sides of cream-stuffed fried plantain (6 cp). Run by a drow woman named Erelavin Aleani.


  • Theatre. Marble Tomes Conservatory Theatre
  • Tailor. Stuff
  • Smith. Velkyn Icozrin (drow man, youngish).
  • Leatherworker. Nanel Tasithar (drow aasimar woman, older)
  • Bowyer. Stuff

Lucid Bastion

  • Stuff


  • Stuff

Dungeon of Penance

Characters in Location

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