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Sivrit Juyibe

Sivrit Juyibe (a.k.a. Architect)

Sivrit wandered to the Maw with a purpose and joined with the crew to help with an emergency, he seems to have his goals aligned with the party.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A defined, lean on a smaller half-elven frame build.

Body Features

Scar of the base of the skull, left by Mortimer.

Facial Features

War paint that hides a faded scar, reapplied when possible.   Slowly regrowing eyebrows, after losing them in a blaze of glory.

Special abilities

Brain Worm implanted by Mortimer. Wielder of Dawnbringer.

Apparel & Accessories

Batman's Utility Belt A number of alternate weapons, including: nets, poisoned darts, oil, holy water, and more.   A lantern with a revolving door that can be opened or closed.

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

The strange Half-Wood Elf by the name of Seigfried (Sivrit or Siv for short) Juyibe grew up in a city known as Bysaes Tyl with a small family of 10, an adopted mother (Jolryn Juyibe), adopted father (Jotur Juyibe), and a Grandmother (Josha Juyibe), they lived in squalor. The family was made of adopted young people from around the Empire, his older sister Ailee was the one to take care of him for the most part as he was adopted as one of the younger middle children. And his closest friend was his brother Aramil.   Aramil and him were two peas in a pod, and Ailee was desperate to give them training in basic weaponry growing up. But Siv was a curious soul, one hungry for knowledge. He found himself drawn to the libraries and history of his town and people, losing himself in the elven tales. As Ailee kept training them to defend themselves, Siv would often begrudge her, wishing for the end to come sooner, so that they may read and lose themselves in a book. As Siv grew up, he was expected to provide for the family, like his brother Aramil, who turned out to have sorcerous blood and his sister Ailee who became a Knight to Allusus Dawyne, one of the Ring of Three. So, Siv applied to work for a guild of historians known as the Suular that specialized in spell scrolls and ancient writings that got most of their work reviewing writings that passed through the city. But even with ample work, very few accepted his aid, citing his status as a common-born half-blooded elf in their denial. Siv then left, attempting to overcome a problem with a modest bounty on it near the city, a haunted graveyard a few days out. Ailee taught him the basics in using a warhammer, arming him before he left on his mission. The graveyard was empty and when Siv found no undead, it was too dark to turn back, and so he slept in the graveyard.   As morning broke and no curses were placed on him, he grabbed his supplies and left the graveyard. However, he found a woman outside the graveyard conducting some sort of ritual. She seemed to be a tiefling of some sort, stark black hair on red-tinged skin. As he began to approach, another figure revealed itself from the morning haze, a lumbering humanoid made of naught but bone. The woman, unaware of or unwilling to face the danger during her ritual, would be attacked unless he did something. Tense and unsure, Siv grasped his warhammer and rushed at the skeleton, smashing it's skull and fracturing several bits of bone. The head dropped off the skeleton's body and Siv took a step back, breathless, as he stared at the still standing decapitated cadaver. The skeleton's body lurched forward, tightening its grip before swinging outward and catching the right side of his face, attempting to gouge out the eye with its bony appendage. Stumbling backwards, Siv gripped the side of his face with a strangely detached fear, and swung the hammer once more, breaking the clavicle, gazing wearily at the shocked look on the noblewoman's face before he lost consciousness.   When he woke, the woman had seemingly repaired him in the interim. Introducing herself as Fray, a worshipper of a deity unknown to him that she felt uncomfortable to talk about further. Impressed with Siv’s courage, she requested to accompany him back to Bysaes Tyl, where she met his family in a rather drawn-out, embarrassing scene where his extremely elvish family questioned her relentlessly about her intentions with their son. But she took it in stride and continued with her day.   After parting with Fray, Sivrit continued his daily life, working as a scribe under the Suular. Going about his regular day to day, he was approached by his sister Ailee, and taken aside. Her boss, one of the Ring of Three, needed a trusted scribe to record some talks that would be going on at a routine event between the Empire and other prominent officials within Bysaes Tyl, and felt they could no longer trust their usual scribe. Sivrit readily agreed.   During the event, Sivrit was expected to stay in the background and out of mind, but yet he was apporach by a very imposing individual, Crown Marshal Hayden Damurag. Damurag was a controversial figure within Bysaes Tyl, as most elves were old enough to remember the acquisition, which was heralded by a previous Crown Marshal. Damurag opened with a simple a direct question, "Young one, where did you get that scar?" Sivrit retold the story as directed, omitting the name of Fray, just in case the could be trouble afoot. When the story was finished, the Crown Marshal followed up with a number of personal questions; how did he learn to fight; what was his position here; what did he think about the current state of affairs; and so on. Eventually, the talks were to begin, and Damurag left him to prepare.   A bit confused at the sudden interrogation and interest of one of the most important people in the room, Sivrit continued to the conference room, ready to record the events within. He couldn't help but note the Crown Marshal's withering gaze, as though he was sizing up every aspect of his being.   After the negotiations finished, the Crown Marshal approached Sivrit outside the event. They explained that they saw promise in a young person willing to put themselves on the line to solve problems no one else would. The Crown Marshal then offered Sivrit an apprenticeship, as there was an opening. Sivrit readily agreed and despite his family's opposition, left to study under Damurag, at the Rockguard Garrison.   As he arrived at the Rockguard Garrison, Sivrit met Crown Marshal Damurag and began his apprenticeship. Hayden had a number of books on tactics available to study, but as he continued to train with Hayden, he realized just how outclassed he was, even in comparison to the average soldier. For the first year alone, he felt as though he was playing catch-up. After three years of study, he found himself proficient enough to make a decent living and not get killed, marking the end of his apprenticeship, and Hayden gifted him with a heavy crossbow to mark the occasion.     As Sivrit returned to Bysaes Tyl and planned his next move, the Suular had a job for the newly minted tactician. Act as a scribe and guard during an expedition into the Savalirwood. Looking to fill his pockets and expand his resume, he agreed. And as though brought together by fate once again, the client was none other than Fray, the tiefling who he met in the graveyard years ago. As the expedition progressed, they grew closer, becoming fast friends and inquiring about each other after last meeting three years prior. The trip and friendship was rocky, starting out, as the deadpan Sivrit was contrasted against the outspoken and outgoing Fray, but despite their differing personalities, they got along swimmingly due to their shared ideals. Finding themselves comfortable in the other's presence, eventually their friendship evolved into a relationship and presently, the two have been dating for two years. A few more years passed and after a near death experience when he accompanied his brother Aramil on a journey to get a better spell focus from a shady seller at the top of one of the Dunrock Mountains, Fray and Sivrit got two rather big reveals in the frame of a month. The first was Fray's summon by her deity, Xalicas, to the Barbed Fields, the second came in the form of a wax-sealed envelope. It’s contents detailed that his mother, an elf, was an noblewoman living in Rexxentrum and his father was a hobgoblin living in a far-flung city called Olc Skerry in Xhorhas. The letter summoned him to Rexxentrum at his next convenience, as he is the sole heir to the house of Liadon. A startling revelation, he decided that since Fray was going into Xhorhas anyways, he could confirm this story firsthand from his supposed father if he accompanied his beloved into Xhorhas. And so they departed, leaving each other in a crossroads at the Emerald Loop, and venturing upwards, into Olc Skerry.
Siv was headstrong and brash as a child, but always quickly put in line by his much more experienced, long-lived, and patient family. But his rebellious spirit somewhat resented the attitude of his mentors, like his sister Ailee. How could they know what his life could or should be? They have the benefits of hundreds of years, while he only has a fraction of that to achieve anything in his life. His sister spent over a decade drilling basic battle maneuvers into his head, while he strived and longed for the ability to read freely, to grow and learn, to find direction and purpose in his life through the pages and knowledge of those who came before. Siv accepted and understood their messages and teaching, grateful and loving to his family, but inside his soul, he wished to rebel against the path his family was pushing him towards. For years, he spent his time doing clerical jobs, learning and studying calligraphy so he could join the Suular, and find a way that he could decide for himself. But he was unable to find himself or his destiny in the books, and he began to take on other jobs, adventurous jobs. Like the one in the graveyard where he met Fray.   When a chance meeting propelled him into meeting Damurag, Sivrit finally knew this was his purpose, his hidden rebellious nature flared, and he jumped at the opportunity to find and decide his own fate once again. As he continued working with Damurag, he understood the harsh realities of the world, and the war that waged on around him, and the added historical context he learned surrounding his families’ history in Bysaes Tyl. In this intense training, he was refined and hammered, like worked steel, into a sharpened mind and tactician. But when offered a chance to work for the war effort, to become an agent of the Empire, he denied, unable to bring himself to fight for a force that went against his families’ livelihoods.   And as things seemed to be uncertain for Sivrit, fate caught him in it’s strings again, finding Fray once again, and putting his refined knowledge and prowess to the test for his siblings like Aramil. After getting into a relationship with Fray, Sivrit began to see problems that could arise with long-term interaction: if Fray ever wished to settle down, she could be questioned as to why she would choose Sivrit, as opposed to another noble. He had no wealth, station, or redeeming qualities in the eye of nobles, and he has refused a chance to earn one through the field of battle, something he’d be remiss to think they’d understand his reasoning for. And it ate at Siv, his lack of noble qualifications causing him to worry about the future of his present relationship.   And then, a letter from his biological mother, a noble, and a call to action from Fray’s patron. Sivrit immediately became uneasy, he knew nothing of this woman, except for what she had said in the paper. This could be the only opportunity he would get to become noble-acceptable within a timely manner, but he could not arrive unprepared, his biological mother’s letter left enough clues to where he could track down his biological father’s location, and perhaps come to understand more about the situation with his biological mother, before getting entangled with any noble political machinations. And so, he embarked on a journey to Olc Skerry.   Sidenote: Sivrit’s overall goal is to improve the world, himself, and the communities he visits. He’s seen how circumstances beyond a community's control can lead to their suffering, and resolves to change things for the better, systematically if possible, and on a smaller scale when he can. His personal goal is to keep his relationship with Fray in the long term, and make life easier for her in getting her family to accept the long-term relationship: to facilitate that, he’s taken every opportunity that could possibly lead to renown ex: Becoming Dawnbringer’s wielder. The Mind Tadpole (To possibly establish relations and connection with the Maw, improving the community of Olc Skerry and earning renown, and repeatedly diving into the Maw.) This is why the opportunity to inherit a noble position is enticing to him, and why he’s going out of his way to find out as much as possible from his biological father.

Gender Identity





Trained Under Crown Marshal Damurag.


Scribe of the Suula.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Destroyed surface colony of Brain Worms.

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost Eyebrows.

Mental Trauma

Dawnbringer's loneliness.

Personality Characteristics


Sivrit has been described as an "unrelenting force for good." by Heidan. An analytic, straightforward strategist who has goals on the surface that require delving into the Maw to achieve, or so he thinks.


Contacts & Relations

Ailee Juyibe: This family member loves you, but you were never that close. They’ll do anything to help you—as long as they won’t be at risk of injury. A Knight. Aramil Juyibe: This family member owes you a debt, and they don’t like it. They’ll help you out when you need it, but only to clear the slate. You gain one ally. A Mage.   Fray: This person fell in love with you. They always stand at your side. Higher up in a cult or minority religion.

Family Ties

Ailee Juyibe (High Elf): This family member loves you, but you were never that close. They’ll do anything to help you—as long as they won’t be at risk of injury. A Knight. Aramil Juyibe (Half-Elf, Pallid): This family member owes you a debt, and they don’t like it. They’ll help you out when you need it, but only to clear the slate. You gain one ally. A Mage.

Religious Views

Respects the deities present.

Social Aptitude

Decent in social situations, but tends to be offputting to some. (Lots of nat 1's)

Hobbies & Pets

Working on his toolkit for the next adventure.



Wealth & Financial state

Barely enough money.

A wanderer who found his way into Olc Skerry.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Scribe of the Suular.   Lord of ???
Bysaes Tyl, Zemni Fields in Western Wynandir (Dwendalian Empire)
Current Residence
Olc Skerry
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Goblin

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The Barbed Fields, on the way to Rosohna.

After an unexpected turn of events, we met with my partner, Fray. After escaping the danger with a carrion eater, which Cheerful managed to placate, we set up camp and began introductions. People seemed to take to her easily enough, but her speaking in Infernal seemed a bit off-putting to Jeanne.   After requesting the party come with her to attempt to purify a section of the Barbed Fields, a number of people seemed impressed by her ability, including Thazz, which was strange for him. However he said it was for Naviask, his patron, I'll look into it if I have time with Cheerful in Rosana: we have plans to visit a library.   Something else of note, Heidan has been unusually perceptive as of late, he seems to be humming and hawing to himself more often nowadays. It's served him well so far, hopefully that continues.   Regardless, the post combat report:       Our foes' leaders: two Quells, one eliminated, another escaped into the Ethereal Plane. The Quells are incorporeal creatures that are able to hover and fly without complication, completely immune to all nonmagical attacks, resistant to attacks from magical weapons, and cruelly intelligent: able to tame and deploy carrion eaters. They have a hatred for the divine, and can disrupt those with a divine connection through an ability referred to as 'intercession'. They also have a relatively large radius of at least 30 feet where their mere presence can disrupt attempts at casting a spell.   However, they are not infallible: they were prone to our illusions, and completely unable to see through it, though that did not seem to prevent their attempts at intercession.   The pack of carrion eaters they used like hound dogs, sniffing out their prey, and giving commands somehow, however, none were given during combat. The carrion eaters, though dangerous in numbers, were able to be easily neutralized by Heidan's Sleep spell.   The combat went relatively smoothly, with use getting the high ground, delaying the oncoming pack, and disguising ourselves successfully with the Silent Image Jeanne erected. One Carrion Eater captured, One Quell escaped, all other foes dispatched.   We will be going to the source of these creatures with Fray, and attempting to permanently cleanse the site that these creatures spawned from.   However Fray said something troubling:   "Those (Quell) were the small ones."

Maw Codenames

Sivrit: Architect Heidan: Pierrot Thazz: Stout Iacopo: Sterling Mortimer: Bishop Jeanne: Chimera


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