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Zintris Silvergrove

Busker Zintris Silvergrove

Flashes of light, war, it all began to blend together. Visions that clouded the young Zintris' dreams, things she could lesser believe in her waking moments.   Pulling a bloodied weapon out of an enemies chest would shift to prying a piece of bread off a merchants cart.   Crying out for the fallen turned into cries on the street for alms.   Zentris often would find themselves on the street, not due to familial neglect, but the need to try and provide. Starting off she was a poor criminal, often the victim of a bigger or better thief. Eventually she learned a knack for making out with only a few minor scratches (to her families inconvenience).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim, with a physique that resembles a nimble fighter.

Identifying Characteristics

Long white hair that's kept tight in a braided bun.

Special abilities

Due to her relationship with the Luxon, she has a number of light based abilities.   Those that tie into her strength as a paladin are a recent development that are gained alongside her visions.

Apparel & Accessories

Rapier and bow at her back. She has a bright bag that stands out from her apparel which she received from her time at the circus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gilrie Silvergrove regrets taking Zintris to Felderwin Tillage while she was very young. Gilrie originally was going to Tillage to perform at a festival, and was encouraged to take Zintris, who even at a young age wasn't too fond of spending most of the day in a temple.   The trip was going well, until Gilrie had to cross the Eisfus River. A short while after crossing, Zintris grew deathly sick. It was only due to Marloth's interference that she was able to recover. Gilrie dislikes going over the specifics of the trip. Though it was after returning that Gilrie gave up her dreams of being a musician, and instead took up trying to feed the mouths of those less fortunate. Taking inspiration from the hearty lands of Tillage.   There's still a bit of guilt her mother holds, that often leads to her being overprotective, and doting of her daughter.   Her childhood was at least filled with excitement. Often getting bruised in her endeavor to provide through a number of failed scams and petty theft. Often she'd be found being patched up in the temple, quick to hop back into the fray. The other times she would quickly be found running loose in the streets.   Often times she'd be roped into a scheme created by her "friend" Ciao Bombardier, who she often refers to as "Bomba." A man that while born into a noble line, always enjoyed running a good con.

Gender Identity



While not backed by a formal education, Zintris tries to keep her language prim and proper. Though most of the language she uses was mainly gained from a mix of her companions/literature.


Turning down a job at the local temple for the Ravenqueen, Zintris prefers to make her own profit off theft from those that have plenty to lose. It was only recently that she tried her hand at smuggling while under the guise of being a busker selling tickets for a circus.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Zintris takes great pride in supporting her family through what some might seem undesirable means. To her, as long as her family gets taken care of, she's happy. Though this mindset often extends to her friends. Which often gets taken advantage of.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her visions as a child, which she sees as dreams, is something she's a little embarrassed about. For example, she idolized her early visions of Llenistra. Seeing her as the figure that saved her life. Of course this was only a dream, but her ideas of doing her best to help others stems from this.   There's was also the instance when Zintris tried donating something that was obviously stolen. Which resulted in a very stern talking to by her family.

Mental Trauma

Her visions are simply dreams. After all, her current life is just that to her, her life. Grasping the concept of being Alauzina makes her uncomfortable. Much preferring to see her as a role model.   She also tries her best to see the good in people. While not being completely gullible, she'll try to see past their lies and get to the heart of why they need help.

Intellectual Characteristics

Quick to regard someone as her "true" friend, she's quick to help others in a pinch. However she's not an idiot, she'll often plan a plan B for any occasion. Including while she helps those that ask something of her.

Morality & Philosophy

People have some kind of goodness in them. Others, it's just more hard to see. That doesn't mean everyone has your best interest in mind.


Stealing from someone that has little to offer is to condemn them.


Contacts & Relations

Gilrie Silvergrove (Mother) : Is a failed musician that now works to enlist volunteers at a soup kitchen. Umeric Silvergrove (Father) : A steadfast Acolyte of the Raven Queen, his apparent unwavering faith was a great source of comfort for Zintris.   Erric Silvergrove: Zintris' younger brother, who aspires to be like their father, but can't help but get in a pinch that requires his older sisters help.   Galan Silvergrove: Older brother who flew the coop and is currently trying his shot at being a musician. Much to their mothers annoyance.   Meriel Silvergrove: Older sister that is all the bubbly cheer in her family, combined with business acumen that has her help run an inn. Their father is very supportive of this, and will recommend new comers to stay at it.   Leena Silvergrove: The baby of the family, around the age of 10, she looks up to Zintris as a role model for what a hero should be. Zintris is obviously not a fan of this.   NON FAMILY   Ciao Bombardier; nicknamed "Bomba," is the son of a noble that loves to run a con on even his own family. Eventually one of his tricks upset the wrong bunch, and he was cut-off. At which point he turned to Zintris for help. She doesn't like reflecting on the details but they ended up doing a favor for Bomba's father to return him back into his grace. In terms of personality I think they'd act similar to Jaskier (bard from the witcher). Someone who acts like a doofus, but underneath is bound to get up to all sorts of trouble.

Wealth & Financial state

Grew up with empty pockets, but plenty of wealth in the heart. The problem is a full heart doesn't correlate to a full stomach.

This would-be Robin Hood hitched a ride with the carnival. Now back home their expected to run into the same old problems, this time with new solutions. Except new powers and solutions bode bigger problems.

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Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Busker of the Mystique Jubilee (could be the name of the circus)
Current Residence
Zadash (just came back)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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